tencent cloud


Setting Alarm Trigger Conditions by Time Period

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-20 17:28:40


    For business nature reasons, different alarm trigger conditions need to be set for different time periods. For example, an alarm should be triggered when the number of logs containing errors exceeds 100 during work hours (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM) or when this number exceeds 10 during off hours (7:00 PM to 8:00 AM).

    Configuration method

    When configuring an alarm policy, enter the following query statements and trigger conditions:
    Query statement 1:
    error | select count(*) as error_count
    Count logs containing errors
    Query statement 2:
    * | select hour(now()) as hour limit 1
    Use date and time functions to get the alarm hour, i.e., at which hour the alarm is triggered.
    Trigger conditions:
    ($1.error_count>100 && $2.hour>=9 && $2.hour<=18 ) || ($1.error_count>10 && ($2.hour<9 || $2.hour>18))
    Use the trigger condition expression to specify a trigger condition and threshold. Here, $1.error_count>100 && $2.hour>=9 && $2.hour<=18 indicates to trigger an alarm when error_count exceeds 100 between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, while $1.error_count>10 && ($2.hour<9 || $2.hour>18) indicates to trigger an alarm when error_count exceeds 10 between 7:00 PM and 8:00 AM.

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