and, by default, will be output to the console.Field | Description |
__SOURCE__ | Source IP |
__FILENAME__ | File name |
level | Log level |
location | Code location of the log print statement |
message | Log content |
throwable | Log exception information (This field exists only when exception information is logged.) |
thread | Thread name |
time | Log print time (You can print the format and time zone via timeFormat and timeZone respectively.) |
log | Custom log format |
#loghubAppenderlog4j.appender.loghubAppender=com.tencentcloudapi.cls.LoghubAppender# CLS HTTP address. User ID. Required.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.accessKeyId=log4j.appender.loghubAppender.accessKeySecret=# `log` field format. Required.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.loghubAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n# Log topic. Required.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.topicID =# Log source. Optional.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.source =# Maximum size of logs cached by a single Producer instance. The default value is 100 MB.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.totalSizeInBytes=104857600# Maximum time for blocking a caller from using the `send` method if the Producer has insufficient free space. The default value is 60 seconds. It is strongly recommended that this value be set to 0 in order not to block the log print thread.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.maxBlockMs=0# Size of the thread pool for executing log sending tasks. The default value is the number of available processors.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.sendThreadCount=8# When the size of logs cached in ProducerBatch is greater than or equal to `batchSizeThresholdInBytes`, the batch will be sent. The default value is 512 KB, and the maximum value can be set to 5 MB.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.batchSizeThresholdInBytes=524288# When the number of logs cached in ProducerBatch is greater than or equal to `batchCountThreshold`, the batch will be sent. The default value is 4096, and the maximum value allowed is 40960.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.batchCountThreshold=4096# Linger time of a ProducerBatch from creation to sending. The default value is 2 seconds, and the minimum value allowed is 100 milliseconds.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.lingerMs=2000# Number of retries that a ProducerBatch can be retries if it fails to be sent for the first time. The default value is 10 retries.# If `retries` is less than or equal to 0, the ProducerBatch directly enters the failure queue when it fails to be sent for the first time.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.retries=10# A larger parameter value allows you to trace more information, but it also consumes more memory.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.maxReservedAttempts=11# Backoff time for the first retry. The default value is 100 milliseconds.# The Producer adopts an exponential backoff algorithm. The scheduled wait time for the Nth retry is baseRetryBackoffMs * 2^(N-1).log4j.appender.loghubAppender.baseRetryBackoffMs=100# Maximum backoff time for retries. The default value is 50 seconds.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.maxRetryBackoffMs=50000# Time format. Optional.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.timeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ# Set the time zone to the UTC+08:00 time zone. Optional.log4j.appender.loghubAppender.timeZone=Asia/Shanghai# Output DEBUG and higher level messageslog4j.appender.loghubAppender.Threshold=DEBUG
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