tencent cloud


Search Analysis Error

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-20 17:11:57
Common error messages, causes and solutions are as follows:
Error Message
QueryError [illegal_argument_exception.Cannot search on field [xxx] since it is not indexed.]
Key-value index is not enabled for the query field `xxx`
Enable key-value index for this field. For details, please see Key-Value Index.
QueryError [illegal_argument_exception.Cannot search on Full-Text since it is not indexed.]
Full-text index is not enabled
Enable full-text index for this field. For details, please see Full-Text Index.
QueryError [illegal_argument_exception.syntax error on field [and|or|not], or full text search is closed]
The search condition does not support lowercase logical operators, which will be regarded as normal fields for full-text search
Use the uppercase logical operators AND|OR|NOT. If you do not need to use logical operators but to search for and/or/not, please enable full-text index.
QueryError [number_format_exception.For input string: ">"]
Syntax error of numerical comparison statement
Check whether there are special symbols such as spaces around the numerical comparison symbols. An example of the correct format: status:>400
QueryError [circuit_breaking_exception. Analysis data is too large,please reduce the scope of data query]
The query data volume is too large
Reduce the query time range appropriately and specify more precise query conditions. If the error persists, contact technical support.
QueryError [parse_exception.parse_exception: Cannot parse 'xxx': '*' or '?' not allowed as first character in WildcardQuery
Fuzzy query by prefix is not allowed, e.g. content:*examplecontent:*example
We recommend using separators to split a field into multiple ones. For details, please see Configuring Index
QueryError [sql_illegal_argument_exception.cannot cast [13/Jul/2021:17:04:34] to [datetime]: failed to parse date field [13/Jul/2021:17:04:34] with format [date_optional_time]]
`cast` cannot convert dates in 13/Jul/2021:17:04:34 format. Only ISO standard format and millisecond-level UNIX timestamp are supported, e.g. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ or yyyy-MM-dd.
Modify the format of the time field or use the __TIMESTAMP__ built-in field
QueryError [verification_exception.Cannot order by non-grouped column [xxx], expected [xxx] or an aggregate function
The statistics feature is not enabled for the field `xxx` and thus it cannot be used for sorting
Enable statistics for this field. For details, please see Log Analysis Overview
QueryError [verification_exception.Cannot use non-grouped column [xxx], expected [xxx]]
The statistics feature is not enabled for the query field `xxx`
Enable statistics for this field. For details, please see Log Analysis Overview
QueryError [verification_exception.Field [xxx] of data type [text] cannot be used for grouping]
The statistics feature is not enabled for the field `xxx` and thus it cannot be used for grouping
Enable statistics for this field. For details, please see Log Analysis Overview
QueryError [verification_exception.Unknown column [xxx]]
The query field `xxx` does not exist
Check whether the field name is correct
QueryError [verification_exception.Unknown function [xxxxxx]]
The function xxxxxx does not exist.
Check whether the function name is correct. In addition, this error also occurs if some functions are used together with Histogram functions. In that case, use a Time Completion Function to replace the Histogram function.
QueryError [verification_exception.argument of [FUNCNAME(xxx)] must be [numeric], found value [xxx] type [text]]
The type of the input parameter of the `FUNCNAME` function is incorrect. For example, if the `level` field of the `SUM(level)` function is of the text type, an error will be reported
Check whether the field type meets the function requirements
QueryError [parse_exception.Failed to parse query [xxx]]
Syntax error of query statement
Check the error position specified in the error information
QueryError [line X:X: XXX]
Syntax error of query statement
Check the error position and cause specified in the error information
Internal error. Please try again later RequestId:[7be994d4-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-9c38xxxx65de]
CLS internal error
Contact technical support and provide the `RequestId` in the error information.
There is a syntax error in part of the SQL statement
Please see the detailed tips in the error message to fix the syntax error, where line x,column x does not contain the search condition part (i.e. "|" and the part before it)
The query timed out
Reduce the scope of data query and SQL complexity as appropriate, or try again later.
The search concurrency exceeds the limit
Reduce the query frequency (including API call frequency) and try again later. If the current query frequency is not high, and the error persists, contact technical support.


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