Error Message | Cause | Solution |
QueryError [illegal_argument_exception.Cannot search on field [xxx] since it is not indexed.] | Key-value index is not enabled for the query field `xxx` | |
QueryError [illegal_argument_exception.Cannot search on Full-Text since it is not indexed.] | Full-text index is not enabled | |
QueryError [illegal_argument_exception.syntax error on field [and|or|not], or full text search is closed] | The search condition does not support lowercase logical operators, which will be regarded as normal fields for full-text search | Use the uppercase logical operators AND|OR|NOT. If you do not need to use logical operators but to search for and/or/not, please enable full-text index. |
QueryError [number_format_exception.For input string: ">"] | Syntax error of numerical comparison statement | Check whether there are special symbols such as spaces around the numerical comparison symbols. An example of the correct format: status:>400 |
QueryError [circuit_breaking_exception. Analysis data is too large,please reduce the scope of data query] | The query data volume is too large | Reduce the query time range appropriately and specify more precise query conditions. If the error persists, contact technical support. |
QueryError [parse_exception.parse_exception: Cannot parse 'xxx': '*' or '?' not allowed as first character in WildcardQuery | Fuzzy query by prefix is not allowed, e.g. content:*examplecontent:*example | We recommend using separators to split a field into multiple ones. For details, please see Configuring Index |
QueryError [sql_illegal_argument_exception.cannot cast [13/Jul/2021:17:04:34] to [datetime]: failed to parse date field [13/Jul/2021:17:04:34] with format [date_optional_time]] | `cast` cannot convert dates in 13/Jul/2021:17:04:34 format. Only ISO standard format and millisecond-level UNIX timestamp are supported, e.g. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ or yyyy-MM-dd. | Modify the format of the time field or use the __TIMESTAMP__ built-in field |
QueryError [verification_exception.Cannot order by non-grouped column [xxx], expected [xxx] or an aggregate function | The statistics feature is not enabled for the field `xxx` and thus it cannot be used for sorting | Enable statistics for this field. For details, please see Log Analysis Overview |
QueryError [verification_exception.Cannot use non-grouped column [xxx], expected [xxx]] | The statistics feature is not enabled for the query field `xxx` | Enable statistics for this field. For details, please see Log Analysis Overview |
QueryError [verification_exception.Field [xxx] of data type [text] cannot be used for grouping] | The statistics feature is not enabled for the field `xxx` and thus it cannot be used for grouping | Enable statistics for this field. For details, please see Log Analysis Overview |
QueryError [verification_exception.Unknown column [xxx]] | The query field `xxx` does not exist | Check whether the field name is correct |
QueryError [verification_exception.Unknown function [xxxxxx]] | The function xxxxxx does not exist. | Check whether the function name is correct. In addition, this error also occurs if some functions are used together with Histogram functions. In that case, use a Time Completion Function to replace the Histogram function. |
QueryError [verification_exception.argument of [FUNCNAME(xxx)] must be [numeric], found value [xxx] type [text]] | The type of the input parameter of the `FUNCNAME` function is incorrect. For example, if the `level` field of the `SUM(level)` function is of the text type, an error will be reported | Check whether the field type meets the function requirements |
QueryError [parse_exception.Failed to parse query [xxx]] | Syntax error of query statement | Check the error position specified in the error information |
QueryError [line X:X: XXX] | Syntax error of query statement | Check the error position and cause specified in the error information |
Internal error. Please try again later RequestId:[7be994d4-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-9c38xxxx65de] | CLS internal error | |
SyntaxError[xxx] | There is a syntax error in part of the SQL statement | Please see the detailed tips in the error message to fix the syntax error, where line x,column x does not contain the search condition part (i.e. "|" and the part before it) |
SearchTimeout | The query timed out | Reduce the scope of data query and SQL complexity as appropriate, or try again later. |
LimitExceeded.LogSearch | The search concurrency exceeds the limit | Reduce the query frequency (including API call frequency) and try again later. If the current query frequency is not high, and the error persists, contact technical support. |
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