tencent cloud


Running Kafka Client (Optional)

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-09 14:45:02


    This document explains how to start using Kafka APIs after you purchase the CKafka service. You can download and decompress the Kafka installation file and perform simple testing on Kafka APIs.


    Step 1. Install a JDK.

    1. Check Java installation.

    Open a terminal window and run this command:
    java -version
    If the output of the command is a Java version number, then Java is already installed in your system. If you have not installed Java yet, download and install a Java Development Kit (JDK).

    2. Set up the Java environment.

    Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and point it to the Java installation directory on your machine.
    For example, if you use Java JDK 1.8.0_20, the outputs on different operating systems are as follows:
    Supported Operating Systems
    Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to
    C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdkjdk1.8.0_20
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java-current
    Mac OSX
    export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
    Add the Java compiler path to the system path:
    Supported Operating Systems
    Add C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_20\\bin to the end of the system variable Path
    export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin/
    Mac OSX
    not required
    Use the java -version command to check your Java installation.

    Step 2. Download the Kafka installation file.

    Download and decompress the Kafka installation file.

    Step 3. Test Kafka APIs.

    1. Configure an ACL policy locally
    1.1 In the ./config directory of the installation file, add the following content at the end of producer.properties and consumer.properties.
    1.2 Create a file named ckafka_client_jaas.conf, and add the following content.
    KafkaClient {
    org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required
    Set username to a value in the format of instance ID + # + configured username, and password to a configured password.
    1.3 In the ./bin directory of the installation file, add the statement of the full path of the JAAS file at the beginning of kafka-console-producer.sh and kafka-console-consumer.sh.
    export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=****/config/ckafka_client_jaas.conf"
    2. Go to the ./bin directory, and produce and consume a message via CLI commands.
    2.1 Open a terminal window to start a consumer.
    bash kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server XXXX:port --topic XXXX --consumer.config ../config/consumer.properties
    broker-list: replace XXXX:port with the domain name and port for public network access, which can be obtained in the Access Mode section on the Instance Details page in the console.
    topic: replace XXXX with the topic name, which can be obtained on the Topic Management page in the console.
    2.2 Open another terminal window to start a producer.
    bash kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list XXXX:port --topic XXXX --producer.config ../config/producer.properties
    broker-list: replace XXXX:port with the domain name and port for public network access, which can be obtained in the Access Mode section on the Instance Details page in the console.
    topic: replace XXXX with the topic name, which can be obtained on the Topic Management page in the console.
    Enter the content of the message and press Enter.
    Producing a message:
    Consuming a message:
    3. In the message querying page of the CKafka console, query the message sent.
    The details of the message are as follows:

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