in the downloaded demo to the Linux server, log in to the server, and enter the pythonkafkademo
directory.pip install kafka-python
.#coding:utf8from kafka import KafkaProducerimport jsonproducer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers = ['$domainName:$port'],api_version = (0,10,0))message = "Hello World! Hello Ckafka!"msg = json.dumps(message).encode()producer.send('topic_name',value = msg)print("produce message " + message + " success.")producer.close()
Parameter | Description |
bootstrap_servers | Accessed network, which can be copied in the Network column in the Access Mode section on the instance details page in the console. |
topic_name | Topic name, which can be copied from the Topic Management page in the console. |
.#coding:utf8from kafka import KafkaConsumerconsumer = KafkaConsumer('$topic_name',group_id = "$group_id",bootstrap_servers = ['$domainName:$port'],api_version = (0,10,0))for message in consumer:print ("Topic:[%s] Partition:[%d] Offset:[%d] Value:[%s]" % (message.topic, message.partition, message.offset, message.value))
Parameter | Description |
bootstrap_servers | Accessed network, which can be copied in the Network column in the Access Mode section on the instance details page in the console. |
group_id | Consumer group ID, which can be customized according to the business needs |
topic_name | Topic name, which can be copied from the Topic Management page in the console. |
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