Operation Type | Supported SQL Operations |
{"schema": {...},"payload": {...}}
Item | Field Name | Description |
1 | schema | The schema field describes the structure of the payload field of the key, i.e., it describes the structure of the primary key of the modified table. If the table does not have a primary key, it describes the structure of its unique key. |
2 | payload | The structure of the payload field is the same as that described in the first schema and includes the key values of the modified row. |
Item | Field Name | Description |
1 | schema | The schema field describes the structure of the payload field of the value, i.e., it describes the structure of the modified row's fields. This field is usually a nested structure. |
2 | payload | The structure of the payload field is the same as that described in the second schema and it includes the actual data of the modified row. |
{"schema": {"type": "struct","name": "mysql-server-1.inventory.customers.Key","optional": false,"fields": [{"field": "id","type": "int32","optional": false}]},"payload": {"id": 1001}}
Item | Field Name | Description |
1 | schema | The schema describes the structure in the payload. |
2 | mysql-server-1.inventory.customers.Key | The naming format of the schema is connector-name.database-name.table-name.Key. In this example: The mysql-server-1 is the name of the connector generating the event; the inventory is the name of the corresponding database; the customers is the name of the table. |
3 | optional | It indicates whether the field is optional. |
4 | fields | It lists all the fields and their structure contained in the payload, including the field name, field type, and whether it is optional. |
5 | payload | It contains the primary key of the modified row. In the example, it includes only one primary key value with the field name id: 1001. |
{"schema": {"type": "struct","fields": [{"type": "struct","fields": [{"type": "int32","optional": false,"field": "id"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "first_name"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "last_name"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "email"}],"optional": true,"name": "mysql-server-1.inventory.customers.Value","field": "before"},{"type": "struct","fields": [{"type": "int32","optional": false,"field": "id"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "first_name"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "last_name"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "email"}],"optional": true,"name": "mysql-server-1.inventory.customers.Value","field": "after"},{"type": "struct","fields": [{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "version"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "connector"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "name"},{"type": "int64","optional": false,"field": "ts_ms"},{"type": "boolean","optional": true,"default": false,"field": "snapshot"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "db"},{"type": "string","optional": true,"field": "table"},{"type": "int64","optional": false,"field": "server_id"},{"type": "string","optional": true,"field": "gtid"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "file"},{"type": "int64","optional": false,"field": "pos"},{"type": "int32","optional": false,"field": "row"},{"type": "int64","optional": true,"field": "thread"},{"type": "string","optional": true,"field": "query"}],"optional": false,"name": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.Source","field": "source"},{"type": "string","optional": false,"field": "op"},{"type": "int64","optional": true,"field": "ts_ms"}],"optional": false,"name": "mysql-server-1.inventory.customers.Envelope"},"payload": {"op": "c","ts_ms": 1465491411815,"before": null,"after": {"id": 1004,"first_name": "Anne","last_name": "Kretchmar","email": "annek@noanswer.org"},"source": {"version": "1.9.3.Final","connector": "mysql","name": "mysql-server-1","ts_ms": 0,"snapshot": false,"db": "inventory","table": "customers","server_id": 0,"gtid": null,"file": "mysql-bin.000003","pos": 154,"row": 0,"thread": 7,"query": "INSERT INTO customers (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES ('Anne', 'Kretchmar', 'annek@noanswer.org')"}}}
Item | Field Name | Description |
1 | schema | The schema describes the structure in the payload. The field in the schema is an array that represents multiple fields are contained in the payload. Each element in the array is a description of the respective field structure within the payload. |
2 | field | Each element in the fields includes a field, which indicates the name of the corresponding field in the payload. In the example, it includes before, after, source, etc. |
3 | type | It indicates the type of field, such as Integer (int) and String (string). |
4 | mysql-server-1.inventory.customers.Value | It indicates that this field is part of the value information for the customers table in the inventory database generated by the mysql-server-1 connector. |
| io.debezium.connector.mysql.Source | This name is bound to a specific connector, and the events generated by the connector all share the same name. |
6 | payload | It includes the specific modified data in the change event, including the data before (before field) and after (after field) the modification, as well as some metadata information of the connector (source field). |
7 | op | It indicates the type of modification operation that generates the event. In the example, c indicates an operation that creates a new row. c = create; u = update; d = delete; r = read (only snapshots). |
8 | source | The source field is a field that describes event metadata. It includes some fields that can be used to compare with other events, such as the order in which events are generated, and whether they belong to the same transaction. This field includes the following metadata information: Debezium version Connector name binlog name where the event was recorded binlog position Row within the event If the event was part of a snapshot Name of the database and table that contain the new row ID of the MySQL thread that created the event (non-snapshot only) MySQL server ID (if available) Timestamp for when the change was made in the database. |
9 | query | The original SQL statement of the modification operation. |
{"schema": { ... },"payload": {"before": {"id": 1004,"first_name": "Anne","last_name": "Kretchmar","email": "annek@noanswer.org"},"after": {"id": 1004,"first_name": "Anne Marie","last_name": "Kretchmar","email": "annek@noanswer.org"},"source": {"version": "1.9.3.Final","name": "mysql-server-1","connector": "mysql","name": "mysql-server-1","ts_ms": 1465581029100,"snapshot": false,"db": "inventory","table": "customers","server_id": 223344,"gtid": null,"file": "mysql-bin.000003","pos": 484,"row": 0,"thread": 7,"query": "UPDATE customers SET first_name='Anne Marie' WHERE id=1004"},"op": "u","ts_ms": 1465581029523}}
{"schema": { ... },"payload": {"before": {"id": 1004,"first_name": "Anne Marie","last_name": "Kretchmar","email": "annek@noanswer.org"},"after": null,"source": {"version": "1.9.3.Final","connector": "mysql","name": "mysql-server-1","ts_ms": 1465581902300,"snapshot": false,"db": "inventory","table": "customers","server_id": 223344,"gtid": null,"file": "mysql-bin.000003","pos": 805,"row": 0,"thread": 7,"query": "DELETE FROM customers WHERE id=1004"},"op": "d","ts_ms": 1465581902461}}
event record has __debezium.newkey
as a message header. The value of this header is the new primary key for the updated row.CREATE
event record has __debezium.oldkey
as a message header. The value of this header is the previous (old) primary key that the updated row had.{"source" : {"server" : "dip_source"},"position" : {"ts_sec" : 1655812326,"file" : "mysql-bin.000006","pos" : 26063,"gtids" : "b24176f2-5409-11ec-80d4-b8599fe5c6ea:1-78","snapshot" : true},"databaseName" : "dip_test","ddl" : "CREATE DATABASE `dip_test` CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci","tableChanges" : [ ]}
{"source" : {"server" : "dip_source"},"position" : {"ts_sec" : 1655812326,"file" : "mysql-bin.000006","pos" : 26063,"gtids" : "b24176f2-5409-11ec-80d4-b8599fe5c6ea:1-78","snapshot" : true},"databaseName" : "dip_test","ddl" : "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `dip_test`","tableChanges" : [ ]}
{"source" : {"server" : "dip_source"},"position" : {"ts_sec" : 1655812326,"file" : "mysql-bin.000006","pos" : 26063,"gtids" : "b24176f2-5409-11ec-80d4-b8599fe5c6ea:1-78","snapshot" : true},"databaseName" : "dip_test","ddl" : "CREATE TABLE `customers` (\\n `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\\n `first_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\\n `last_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\\n `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\\n UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),\\n KEY `ix_id` (`id`)\\n) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1041 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8","tableChanges" : [ {"type" : "CREATE","id" : "\\"dip_test\\".\\"customers\\"","table" : {"defaultCharsetName" : "utf8","primaryKeyColumnNames" : [ "id" ],"columns" : [ {"name" : "id","jdbcType" : 4,"typeName" : "INT","typeExpression" : "INT","charsetName" : null,"position" : 1,"optional" : false,"autoIncremented" : true,"generated" : true,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : false,"enumValues" : [ ]}, {"name" : "first_name","jdbcType" : 12,"typeName" : "VARCHAR","typeExpression" : "VARCHAR","charsetName" : "utf8","length" : 255,"position" : 2,"optional" : false,"autoIncremented" : false,"generated" : false,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : false,"enumValues" : [ ]}, {"name" : "last_name","jdbcType" : 12,"typeName" : "VARCHAR","typeExpression" : "VARCHAR","charsetName" : "utf8","length" : 255,"position" : 3,"optional" : false,"autoIncremented" : false,"generated" : false,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : false,"enumValues" : [ ]}, {"name" : "email","jdbcType" : 12,"typeName" : "VARCHAR","typeExpression" : "VARCHAR","charsetName" : "utf8","length" : 255,"position" : 4,"optional" : false,"autoIncremented" : false,"generated" : false,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : false,"enumValues" : [ ]} ]},"comment" : null} ]}
{"source" : {"server" : "1307446078-a123"},"position" : {"transaction_id" : null,"ts_sec" : 1655782153,"file" : "mysql-bin.000005","pos" : 1218,"gtids" : "ddf040ad-7509-11ec-968b-0c42a1eda2e9:1-8","server_id" : 183277},"databaseName" : "test","ddl" : "ALTER TABLE `user` ADD COLUMN `createtime` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP","tableChanges" : [ {"type" : "ALTER","id" : "\\"test\\".\\"user\\"","table" : {"defaultCharsetName" : "utf8","primaryKeyColumnNames" : [ ],"columns" : [ {"name" : "name","jdbcType" : 1,"typeName" : "CHAR","typeExpression" : "CHAR","charsetName" : "utf8","length" : 20,"position" : 1,"optional" : true,"autoIncremented" : false,"generated" : false,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : true,"defaultValueExpression" : "","enumValues" : [ ]}, {"name" : "age","jdbcType" : 4,"typeName" : "INT","typeExpression" : "INT","charsetName" : null,"position" : 2,"optional" : true,"autoIncremented" : false,"generated" : false,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : true,"enumValues" : [ ]}, {"name" : "createtime","jdbcType" : 93,"typeName" : "DATETIME","typeExpression" : "DATETIME","charsetName" : null,"position" : 3,"optional" : true,"autoIncremented" : false,"generated" : false,"comment" : null,"hasDefaultValue" : true,"defaultValueExpression" : "1970-01-01 00:00:00","enumValues" : [ ]} ]},"comment" : null} ]}
{"source" : {"server" : "dip_source"},"position" : {"ts_sec" : 1655812326,"file" : "mysql-bin.000006","pos" : 26063,"gtids" : "b24176f2-5409-11ec-80d4-b8599fe5c6ea:1-78","snapshot" : true},"databaseName" : "dip_test","ddl" : "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `dip_test`.`customers`","tableChanges" : [ ]}
{"schema": {"type": "struct","fields": ···,"optional": false,"name": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.SchemaChangeValue"},"payload": {"source": {"version": "1.9.0.Final","connector": "mysql","name": "task-lzpx4pdo","ts_ms": 1656300979748,"snapshot": "false","db": "testDB","sequence": null,"table": "t_test","server_id": 170993,"gtid": "b24176f2-5409-11ec-80d4-b8599fe5c6ea:80","file": "mysql-bin.000006","pos": 26411,"row": 0,"thread": null,"query": null},"databaseName": "testDB","schemaName": null,"ddl": "rename table test to t_test","tableChanges": [{"type": "ALTER","id": "\\"testDB\\".\\"t_test\\"","table": {"defaultCharsetName": "utf8","primaryKeyColumnNames": ["id"],"columns": [{"name": "id","jdbcType": -5,"nativeType": null,"typeName": "BIGINT","typeExpression": "BIGINT","charsetName": null,"length": 20,"scale": null,"position": 1,"optional": false,"autoIncremented": true,"generated": true,"comment": null}, {"name": "name","jdbcType": 12,"nativeType": null,"typeName": "VARCHAR","typeExpression": "VARCHAR","charsetName": "utf8","length": 20,"scale": null,"position": 2,"optional": true,"autoIncremented": false,"generated": false,"comment": null}],"comment": null}}]}}
문제 해결에 도움이 되었나요?