tencent cloud


Data Distribution to TDW

Last updated: 2024-07-12 11:46:48


    DataHub offers data distribution capabilities. You can distribute CKafka data to TDW for data storage, query, and analysis.


    Currently, this feature relies on the TDW service, which should be activated first.


    Creating task

    1. Log in to the CKafka console.
    2. Click Data Distribution on the left sidebar, select the region, and click Create Task.
    3. Select Tencent Distributed Data Warehouse (TDW) as the Target Type and click Next.
    Task Name: It can only contain letters, digits, underscores, or symbols ("-" and ".").
    CKafka Instance: Select the source CKafka instance.
    Source Topic: Select the source topic.
    Source Data: The source data can be pulled.
    Starting Position: Select the topic offset of historical messages when dumping.
    TDW BID: Enter the TDW BID.
    TDW TID: Enter the TDW TID.
    4. Click Submit.

    Viewing monitoring data

    1. Log in to the CKafka console.
    2. Click Data Distribution on the left sidebar and click the ID of the target task to enter its basic information page.
    3. At the top of the task details page, click Monitoring, select the resource to be viewed, and set the time range to view the corresponding monitoring data.

    Changing data source and data target

    1. Log in to the CKafka console.
    2. Click Data Distribution on the left sidebar and click the ID of the target task to enter its basic information page.
    3. Click Change Data Source in the top-right corner of the Data Source module to modify the data source information.
    4. Click Change Data Target in the top-right corner of the Data Target module to modify the data target information.
    The consumer group offset will not be reset after the data target is changed.
    The data source and target cannot be modified if the task is paused.

    Restrictions and Billing

    The dump speed is subject to the limit of the peak bandwidth of the CKafka instance. If the consumption is too slow, check the peak bandwidth settings or increase the number of CKafka partitions.
    The dump speed is subject to the size of a single CKafka file. A file exceeding 500 MB in size will be automatically split for multipart upload.
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