tencent cloud


Python SDK

Last updated: 2024-09-09 21:25:33


    This task uses the Python client as an example to guide you on how to use the elastic Topic of TDMQ for CKafka and send and receive messages.



    Step 1: Preparing the Environment

    Run the following command to install the Python dependency database.
    pip install kafka-python

    Step 2: Creating a Topic and Subscription Relationship

    1. On the Elastic Topic list page of the console, create a Topic.
    2. Click the ID of the Topic to enter the Basic Information page and obtain the username, password, and address information.
    3. In the Subscription Relationships tab, create a subscription relationship (consumption group).

    Step 3: Producing Messages

    1. Modify the configuration parameters in the message production program producer.py.
    producer = KafkaProducer(
    bootstrap_servers = ['xx.xx.xx.xx:port'],$address
    api_version = (1, 1),
    security_protocol = "SASL_PLAINTEXT",
    sasl_mechanism = "PLAIN",
    sasl_plain_username = "username",# username
    sasl_plain_password = "password",# password
    message = "Hello World! Hello Ckafka!"
    msg = json.dumps(message).encode()
    producer.send('topic_name', value = msg)#Topic name
    print("produce message " + message + " success.")
    The connection address. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The username. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The user password. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The topic name. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    2. Compile and run producer.py.
    3. View the execution result.

    Step 4: Consuming Messages

    1. Modify the configuration parameters in the message consumption program consumer.py.
    consumer = KafkaConsumer(
    'topic_name',#topic name
    group_id = "group_id",#Consumption group
    bootstrap_servers = ['xx.xx.xx.xx:port'],# address
    api_version = (1,1),
    security_protocol = "SASL_PLAINTEXT",
    sasl_mechanism = 'PLAIN',
    sasl_plain_username = "username",# username
    sasl_plain_password = "password",# password
    for message in consumer:
    print ("Topic:[%s] Partition:[%d] Offset:[%d] Value:[%s]" %
    (message.topic, message.partition, message.offset, message.value))
    The connection address. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The username. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The user password. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The topic name. It can be obtained from the basic information page of an elastic Topic in the console.
    The consumption group name. It can be obtained from the subscription relationship list of an elastic Topic in the console.
    2. Compile and run consumer.py.
    3. View the execution result.
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