tencent cloud


Basic Auth Authentication

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-17 14:24:51
    This document describes the Basic Auth authentication methods of Tencent Push Notification Service.
    For Basic Auth authentication with AccessId and SecretKey, the key is easy to be compromised and the security is not high. You are recommended to use signature authentication.

    Obtaining a Key

    1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console, and select Configuration Management > Basic Configuration in the left sidebar.
    2. Get Access ID and SECRET KEY from the Application Information column.

    Generating a Signature

    1. Generate a Request String This step generates a request string. The generation algorithm is: base64(Access ID:SECRETKEY), which adds a colon after Access ID followed by SECRETKEY to form a string and then perform base64 encoding on the string. Sample:
    2. Perform Basic Auth verification and authentication Basic authentication is used, i.e., adding a field (key-value pair) to the HTTP Header:
    Authorization: Basic base64_auth_string
    Authorization:Basic base64(150000****:cf43dac624820*****c1fe5fc993)