tencent cloud


Consuming Messages

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-04-09 20:00:29


    This is a legacy API which has been hidden and will no longer be updated. We recommend using the new CMQ API 3.0 which is standardized and faster.

    API Description

    This API is used to consume a message in the queue.
    Calling the ReceiveMessage API will turn the status of the obtained message to inactive, and the period of being inactive is specified by the visibilityTimeout queue attribute (for more information, please see CreateQueue API). After successful consumption within the period of visibilityTimeout, you are recommended to call the (batch) DeleteMessage API to delete the message; otherwise, it will return to the active status and may be consumed again. This ensures that the message is consumed at least once, but cannot guarantee the idempotency. Therefore, deduplication logic is required at the business side.

    • API public domain name: https://cmq-queue-{$region}.api.qcloud.com
    • API private domain name: http://cmq-queue-{$region}.api.tencentyun.com

    In the above domain names, {$region} needs to be replaced with a specific region: gz (Guangzhou), sh (Shanghai), bj (Beijing), hk (Hong Kong (China)), cd (Chengdu), ca (North America), usw (West US), or sg (Singapore). The value of region in the common parameters should be the same as that of region in the domain name; otherwise, the latter will prevail, i.e., requests will be sent to the region as specified by region in the domain name.


    Whenever downstream traffic is generated from using the public domain name, traffic fees will be charged (even during the beta test period). Therefore, you are strongly recommended to use the private domain name as traffic fees will not be incurred there.

    Input Parameters

    The list below contains only the API request parameters. Other parameters can be found in Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    queueName Yes String Queue name, which is unique under the same account in an individual region. It is a string of up to 64 characters, which must begin with a letter and can contain letters, digits, and dashes (-).
    pollingWaitSeconds No Int Long polling wait time in seconds. Value range: 0–30. If this parameter is not set, the value of pollingWaitSeconds in queue attributes will be used by default.

    Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    code Int 0: success; others: error. For more information on errors, please see Common Error Codes.
    message String Error message.
    requestId String Request ID generated by the server, which can be submitted to the backend for troubleshooting when an internal server error occurs.
    msgBody String Body of the consumed message.
    msgId String Unique ID of the consumed message.
    receiptHandle String Unique message handler returned from each consumption, which is used to delete the message. Only a message handler generated from the last consumption can be used to delete the message. After successful consumption within the period of visibilityTimeout, you can use the handler to call the (batch) DeleteMessage API to delete the message. If visibilityTimeout has elapsed, the handler will become invalid.
    enqueueTime Int Time when consumption is created and enters the queue. A Unix timestamp will be returned which is accurate down to the second.
    nextVisibleTime Int Time when a message is visible next time (i.e., consumable again). A Unix timestamp will be returned which is accurate down to the second.
    dequeueCount Int Reserved field.
    firstDequeueTime Int Reserved field.

    Error Codes

    Please see Common Error Codes.



     &<Common Request Parameters>


    "code" : 0,
    "message" : "",
    "receiptHandle": "283748239349283",
    "enqueueTime": 1462351990,
    "firstDequeueTime": 1462352990,
    "nextVisibleTime": 1462352999,
    "dequeueCount": 2