tencent cloud


Data Types

마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-11-16 14:56:49


    Configuration information of the created input.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow.

    Name Type Required Description
    InputName String Yes Input name, which can contain 1 to 32 letters, digits, and underscores.
    Protocol String Yes Input protocol. Valid values: SRT, RTP, RTMP
    Description String No Input description. Length: [0, 255].
    AllowIpList Array of String No Allowlist of input IPs in CIDR format.
    SRTSettings CreateInputSRTSettings No SRT configuration information of input.
    RTPSettings CreateInputRTPSettings No RTP configuration information of input.
    FailOver String No Input failover. Valid values: OPEN, CLOSE (default)
    RTMPPullSettings CreateInputRTMPPullSettings No
    RTSPPullSettings CreateInputRTSPPullSettings No
    HLSPullSettings CreateInputHLSPullSettings No
    ResilientStream ResilientStreamConf No
    SecurityGroupIds Array of String No The bound security group IDs.


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceAddresses Array of HLSPullSourceAddress Yes


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceAddresses Array of RTMPPullSourceAddress Yes


    RTP configuration information of the created input.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    FEC String No Default value: none. Valid values: ['none'].
    IdleTimeout Integer No Idle timeout period in ms. Default value: 5000. Value range: [1000, 10000].


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceAddresses Array of RTSPPullSourceAddress Yes


    SRT configuration information of the created input.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    Mode String No The SRT mode. Valid values: LISTENER (default), CALLER.
    StreamId String No Stream ID, which can contain 0 to 512 letters, digits, and special characters (.#!:&,=_-).
    Latency Integer No Latency in ms. Default value: 0. Value range: [0, 3000].
    RecvLatency Integer No Receive latency in ms. Default value: 120. Value range: [0, 3000].
    PeerLatency Integer No Peer latency in ms. Default value: 0. Value range: [0, 3000].
    PeerIdleTimeout Integer No Peer timeout period in ms. Default value: 5000. Value range: [1000, 10000].
    Passphrase String No Decryption key, which is empty by default, indicating not to encrypt. Only ASCII codes can be filled. Length: [10, 79].
    PbKeyLen Integer No Key length. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0, 16, 24, 32.
    SourceAddresses Array of SRTSourceAddressReq No The SRT peer address, which is required if Mode is CALLER. Only one address is allowed.


    The information of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    OutputName String Yes The output name.
    Description String Yes Description of the output.
    Protocol String Yes The output protocol. Valid values: SRT, RTP, RTMP, RTMP_PULL.
    OutputRegion String Yes The output region.
    SRTSettings CreateOutputSrtSettings No The SRT configuration.
    RTMPSettings CreateOutputRTMPSettings No The RTMP configuration.
    RTPSettings CreateOutputInfoRTPSettings No The RTP configuration.
    AllowIpList Array of String No The IP allowlist. The address must be in CIDR format, such as
    This parameter is valid if Protocol is set to RTMP_PULL. If it is left empty, there is no restriction on clients’ IP addresses.
    MaxConcurrent Integer No
    SecurityGroupIds Array of String No The bound security group IDs.


    The RTP configuration of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Destinations Array of CreateOutputRTPSettingsDestinations Yes The relay destination addresses. One or two addresses are allowed.
    FEC String Yes This parameter must be set to none.
    IdleTimeout Integer Yes The timeout period (ms).


    The RTMP configuration of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Destinations Array of CreateOutputRtmpSettingsDestinations Yes The relay destination addresses. One or two addresses are allowed.
    ChunkSize Integer No The RTMP chunk size. Value range: [4096, 40960].


    The RTP destination address of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes The relay destination IP.
    Port Integer Yes The relay destination port.


    The RTMP destination address of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Url String Yes The relay URL. Format: rtmp://domain/live.
    StreamKey String Yes The StreamKey for relay. Format: stream?key=value.


    The SRT configuration of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Destinations Array of CreateOutputSrtSettingsDestinations Yes The relay destination address, which is required if Mode is CALLER. Only one address is allowed.
    StreamId String No The stream ID for relay, which can contain 0 to 512 letters, digits, and special characters (.#!:&,=_-).
    Latency Integer No The total latency (ms) of SRT relay. Value range: [0, 3000]. Default: 0.
    RecvLatency Integer No The receive latency (ms) of SRT relay. Value range: [0, 3000]. Default: 120.
    PeerLatency Integer No The peer-to-peer latency (ms) of SRT relay. Value range: [0, 3000]. Default: 0.
    PeerIdleTimeout Integer No The timeout period (ms) for the SRT relay peer. Value range: [1000, 10000]. Default: 5000.
    Passphrase String No The encryption key for SRT relay, which is empty by default, indicating not to encrypt. Only ASCII codes are allowed. Length: [10, 79].
    PbKeyLen Integer No The key length for SRT relay. Valid values: 0 (default), 16, 24, 32.
    Mode String No The SRT mode. Valid values: LISTENER, CALLER (default).


    The SRT destination address of the output to create.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes The output IP.
    Port Integer Yes The output port.


    Configuration information of the queried flow.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, DescribeStreamLinkFlow, DescribeStreamLinkFlows.

    Name Type Description
    FlowId String Flow ID.
    FlowName String Flow name.
    State String Flow status. Valid values: IDLE, RUNNING
    MaxBandwidth Integer Maximum bandwidth value.
    InputGroup Array of DescribeInput Input group.
    OutputGroup Array of DescribeOutput Output group.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    Url String


    Configuration information of the queried input.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, DescribeStreamLinkFlow, DescribeStreamLinkFlows, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    InputId String Input ID.
    InputName String Input name.
    Description String Input description.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Protocol String Input protocol.
    InputAddressList Array of InputAddress Input address list.
    AllowIpList Array of String Input IP allowlist.
    SRTSettings DescribeInputSRTSettings SRT configuration information of input.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RTPSettings DescribeInputRTPSettings RTP configuration information of input.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    InputRegion String Input region.
    RTMPSettings DescribeInputRTMPSettings RTMP configuration information of an input
    FailOver String Input failover
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    RTMPPullSettings DescribeInputRTMPPullSettings
    RTSPPullSettings DescribeInputRTSPPullSettings
    HLSPullSettings DescribeInputHLSPullSettings
    ResilientStream ResilientStreamConf
    SecurityGroupIds Array of String The bound security group ID.


    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    SourceAddresses Array of DescribeHLSPullSourceAddress


    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    SourceAddresses Array of DescribeRTMPPullSourceAddress


    RTMP configuration information of the queried input

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    AppName String Path for RTMP stream pushing
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    StreamKey String StreamKey for RTMP stream pushing
    Format of an RTMP stream pushing URL: rtmp://IP address:1935/AppName/StreamKey


    RTP configuration information of the queried input.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    FEC String Whether it is FEC.
    IdleTimeout Integer Idle timeout period.


    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    SourceAddresses Array of DescribeRTSPPullSourceAddress


    SRT configuration information of the queried input.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    Mode String The SRT mode.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    StreamId String Stream ID.
    Latency Integer Latency.
    RecvLatency Integer Receive latency.
    PeerLatency Integer Peer latency.
    PeerIdleTimeout Integer Peer idle timeout period.
    Passphrase String Decryption key.
    PbKeyLen Integer Key length.
    SourceAddresses Array of SRTSourceAddressResp The SRT peer address.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Configuration information of the queried output.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, DescribeStreamLinkFlow, DescribeStreamLinkFlows, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    OutputId String Output ID.
    OutputName String Output name.
    OutputType String Output type.
    Description String Output description.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Protocol String Output protocol.
    OutputAddressList Array of OutputAddress Output destination address information list.
    OutputRegion String Output region.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SRTSettings DescribeOutputSRTSettings SRT configuration information of output.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RTPSettings DescribeOutputRTPSettings RTP configuration information of output.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RTMPSettings DescribeOutputRTMPSettings RTMP configuration information of output.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RTMPPullSettings DescribeOutputRTMPPullSettings RTMP pull configuration of the output
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    AllowIpList Array of String CIDR allowlist
    This parameter is valid if Protocol is set to RTMP_PULL. If this parameter is left empty, there is no restriction on clients’ IP addresses.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    RTSPPullSettings DescribeOutputRTSPPullSettings
    HLSPullSettings DescribeOutputHLSPullSettings
    MaxConcurrent Integer
    SecurityGroupIds Array of String The bound security group IDs.


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Url String


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    ServerUrls Array of DescribeOutputHLSPullServerUrl


    RTMP pull URL of the output

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    TcUrl String tcUrl of the RTMP pull URL
    StreamKey String Stream key of the RTMP pull URL


    RTMP pull configuration of the output

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    ServerUrls Array of DescribeOutputRTMPPullServerUrl List of pull URLs
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    RTMP configuration information of the queried output.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    IdleTimeout Integer Idle timeout period.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ChunkSize Integer Chunk size.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Destinations Array of RTMPAddressDestination Destination address information list of RTMP push.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    RTP configuration information of the queried output.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Destinations Array of RTPAddressDestination Destination address information list of RTP push.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FEC String Whether it is FEC.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IdleTimeout Integer Idle timeout period.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Url String


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    ServerUrls Array of DescribeOutputRTSPPullServerUrl


    SRT configuration information of the queried output.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Destinations Array of SRTAddressDestination A list of the destination addresses for relay. This parameter is valid if Mode is CALLER.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    StreamId String Stream ID.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Latency Integer Latency.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RecvLatency Integer Receive latency.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PeerLatency Integer Peer latency.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PeerIdleTimeout Integer Peer idle timeout period.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Passphrase String Encryption key.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PbKeyLen Integer Encryption key length.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Mode String The SRT mode.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    SourceAddresses Array of OutputSRTSourceAddressResp The server’s listen address, which is valid if Mode is LISTENER.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    TcUrl String
    StreamKey String


    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    Url String


    The audio data of the flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Fps Integer The frame rate.
    Rate Integer The bitrate (bps).
    Pid Integer The audio PID.


    The logs of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowLogs.

    Name Type Description
    Timestamp Integer The timestamp (seconds).
    Type String Whether it is an input or output.
    InputOutputId String The input or output ID.
    Protocol String The protocol.
    EventCode String The event code.
    EventMessage String The event information.
    RemoteIp String The peer IP.
    RemotePort String The peer port.
    Pipeline String Whether it is a primary or backup pipeline. Valid values: 0 (primary), 1 (backup).
    InputOutputName String The input or output name.


    The audio data of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowMediaStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Fps Integer The frame rate.
    Rate Integer The bitrate (bps).
    Pid Integer The audio PID.
    SessionId String The ID of a push session.


    The media data of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowMediaStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Timestamp Integer The timestamp (seconds).
    Network Integer The total bandwidth.
    Video Array of FlowMediaVideo The video data of the flow.
    Audio Array of FlowMediaAudio The audio data of the flow.
    SessionId String The ID of a push session.
    ClientIp String The client IP.


    The video data of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowMediaStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Fps Integer The frame rate.
    Rate Integer The bitrate (bps).
    Pid Integer The video PID.
    SessionId String The ID of a push session.


    The common real-time status information of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowRealtimeStatus.

    Name Type Description
    State String The connection status. Valid values: Connected, Waiting, Idle.
    Mode String The connection mode. Valid values: Listener, Caller.
    ConnectedTime Integer The connected time.
    Bitrate Integer The real-time bitrate (bps).
    Reconnections Integer The number of retries.


    The real-time status information of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowRealtimeStatus.

    Name Type Description
    Type String Whether it is an input or output. Valid values: Input, Output.
    InputId String The input ID, which is not empty if Type is Input.
    OutputId String The output ID, which is not empty if Type is Output.
    FlowId String The flow ID.
    Protocol String The protocol used. Valid values: SRT, RTP, RTMP.
    CommonStatus FlowRealtimeStatusCommon The common status information.
    SRTStatus FlowRealtimeStatusSRT This parameter is returned if Protocol is SRT.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    RTMPStatus FlowRealtimeStatusRTMP This parameter is returned if Protocol is RTMP.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ConnectServerIP String The server IP.
    RTPStatus FlowRealtimeStatusRTP This parameter is returned if the RTP protocol is used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    The real-time RTMP streaming information of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowRealtimeStatus.

    Name Type Description
    VideoFPS Integer The video frame rate.
    AudioFPS Integer The audio frame rate.


    The real-time RTP streaming information of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowRealtimeStatus.

    Name Type Description
    Packets Integer The number of packets transmitted.


    The real-time SRT streaming information of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowRealtimeStatus.

    Name Type Description
    Latency Integer The latency (ms).
    RTT Integer RTT (ms).
    Packets Integer The number of packets sent or received.
    PacketLossRate Float The packet loss rate.
    RetransmitRate Float The retransmission rate.
    DroppedPackets Integer The number of packets dropped.
    Encryption String Whether to encrypt the stream. Valid values: On, Off.


    The SRT streaming performance data.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowSRTStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Timestamp Integer The timestamp (seconds).
    SendPacketLossRate Integer The packet loss rate for sending.
    SendRetransmissionRate Integer The retry rate for sending.
    RecvPacketLossRate Integer The packet loss rate for receiving.
    RecvRetransmissionRate Integer The retry rate for receiving.
    RTT Integer The peer RTT.
    SessionId String The ID of a push session.
    SendPacketDropNumber Integer The number of dropped packets for sending.
    RecvPacketDropNumber Integer The number of dropped packets for receiving.


    The flow statistics.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    SessionId String The session ID.
    ClientIp String The peer IP.
    Network Integer The total bandwidth.
    Video Array of FlowVideo The video data.
    Audio Array of FlowAudio The audio data.


    A list of the flow statistics.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Timestamp Integer The timestamp.
    FlowStatistics Array of FlowStatistics The statistics of all the sessions.


    The video data of a flow.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkFlowStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Fps Integer The frame rate.
    Rate Integer The bitrate (bps).
    Pid Integer The audio PID.


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    Url String Yes


    Input address information.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Description
    Ip String Input address IP.
    Port Integer Input address port.


    The new input configuration.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    InputId String Yes The input ID.
    InputName String Yes The input name.
    Description String Yes The description of the input.
    AllowIpList Array of String Yes The IP addresses (CIDR) allowed to push streams.
    SRTSettings CreateInputSRTSettings Yes The SRT configuration information.
    RTPSettings CreateInputRTPSettings Yes The RTP configuration information.
    Protocol String No The input protocol. Valid values: SRT, RTP, RTMP.
    If there is an RTP input, the output must be RTP.
    If there is an RTMP input, the output must be SRT or RTMP.
    If there is an SRT input, the output must be SRT.
    FailOver String No Whether to enable input failover. Valid values: OPEN, CLOSE.
    RTMPPullSettings CreateInputRTMPPullSettings No
    RTSPPullSettings CreateInputRTSPPullSettings No
    HLSPullSettings CreateInputHLSPullSettings No
    ResilientStream ResilientStreamConf No
    SecurityGroupIds Array of String No The bound security group IDs.


    The new output configuration.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    OutputId String Yes The ID of the output to modify.
    OutputName String Yes The output name.
    Description String Yes The description of the output.
    Protocol String Yes The output protocol. Valid values: SRT, RTP, RTMP.
    SRTSettings CreateOutputSrtSettings No The SRT relay configuration.
    RTPSettings CreateOutputInfoRTPSettings No The RTP relay configuration.
    RTMPSettings CreateOutputRTMPSettings No The RTMP relay configuration.
    AllowIpList Array of String No The IP allowlist. The address must be in CIDR format, such as
    This parameter is valid if Protocol is set to RTMP_PULL. If it is left empty, there is no restriction on clients’ IP addresses.
    MaxConcurrent Integer No
    SecurityGroupIds Array of String No The bound security group IDs.


    Output destination address.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Ip String Output destination IP.


    The listen address for an SRT output.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes The listen IP.
    Port Integer Yes The listen port.


    Destination address information of RTMP push.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Url String Destination URL of RTMP push in the format of 'rtmp://domain/live'.
    StreamKey String Destination StreamKey of RTMP push in the format of 'streamid?key=value'.


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    TcUrl String Yes
    StreamKey String Yes


    Destination address information of RTP push.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Ip String Push destination address IP.
    Port Integer Push destination address port.


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    Url String Yes


    Region information

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkRegions.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Region name


    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    Enable Boolean No
    BufferTime Integer No


    Push destination address information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkOutputInfo, ModifyStreamLinkOutputInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Ip String Destination address IP.
    Port Integer Destination address port.


    The SRT input address.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamLinkFlow, ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes The peer IP.
    Port Integer Yes The peer port.


    The SRT input address.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamLinkInput.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes The peer IP.
    Port Integer Yes The peer port.


    StreamLink region information

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamLinkRegions.

    Name Type Description
    Regions Array of RegionInfo List of StreamLink regions