tencent cloud



마지막 업데이트 시간:2020-08-04 14:36:48

    API Description

    This API is used to obtain the list of CLB instances and output satisfactory CLB instances based on the specified parameters.

    Domain name for API calls: lb.api.qcloud.com

    Request Parameters

    The list below contains only the API request parameters. Common parameters should be added when you call the API. For more information, see Common Request Parameters. The Action field for this API is DescribeLoadBalancers.

    Parameter Required Type Description
    loadBalancerIds.n No String CLB instance ID.
    loadBalancerType No Int Network type of the CLB instance.
    2: public network; 3: private network.
    forward No Int CLB instance type. 1: CLB; 0: classic CLB, -1: all.
    loadBalancerName No String CLB instance name.
    domain No String Domain name assigned to a public network classic CLB instance by Tencent Cloud. This field is inapplicable to other types of CLB instances.
    loadBalancerVips.n No String VIP address of the CLB instance. You can enter several VIP addresses.
    backendWanIps.n No String Public IP of the real server bound to a CLB instance.
    backendLanIps.n No String Private IP of the real server bound to a CLB instance.
    offset No Int Data offset. Default value: 0.
    limit No Int Number of returned CLB instances. Default value: 20.
    orderBy No String Sort by field. Valid values: loadBalancerName, createTime, domain, loadBalancerType.
    orderTyp No Int 1: reverse; 0: sequential. The createTime in reverse chronological order will be used by default.
    searchKey No String Search field which fuzzy matches name, domain name, or VIP.
    projectId No Int ID of the project to which a CLB instance belongs, which can be obtained via the DescribeProject API.
    withRs No Int Whether the CLB instance you want to query is bound to a real server. 0: no; 1: yes; 2: query all.

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code Int Common error code. 0: success; other values: failure. For more information, see Common Error Codes.
    message String API-related module error message description.
    codeDesc String Error code. For a successful operation, "Success" is returned. For a failed operation, a message describing the failure is returned.
    totalCount Int Total number of CLB instances that meet the filter criteria.
    loadBalancerSet Array Array of returned CLB instances.
    • loadBalancerSet structure
    Parameter Type Description
    loadBalancerId String CLB instance ID.
    unLoadBalancerId String CLB instance ID.
    loadBalancerName String CLB instance name.
    loadBalancerType Int Network type of the CLB instance.
    2: public network; 3: private network.
    forward Int CLB type identifier. 1: CLB; 0: classic CLB.
    domain String Domain name assigned to a public network classic CLB instance by Tencent Cloud. This field is inapplicable to other types of CLB instances.
    loadBalancerVips Array VIP list of the CLB instance.
    status Int Status of the CLB instance.
    0: creating; 1: running.
    createTime String Creation time of the CLB instance.
    statusTime String Last time when the status of the CLB instance changes.
    projectId Int ID of the project to which the CLB instance belongs. 0: default project.
    vpcId Int Numerical digits of the VPC ID. 0: classic network.
    subnetId Int Numerical digits of the VPC subnet ID. 0: default subnet.
    openBgp Int Identifier of a high defense LB. 1: high defense CLB; 0: non-high defense CLB.
    snat Bool "snat" is enabled for all private network classic CLB instances created before December 2016.
    isolation Int Isolation status of the CLB instance due to account arrears. 0: not isolated; 1: isolated.
    log String Log information. Only the public network CLB instances that have HTTP or HTTPS listener can generate logs.


    Querying the CLB instance list using default parameters

    &<Common request parameters>


        "code": 0,
        "message": "",
        "codeDesc": "Success",
        "loadBalancerSet": [
                "loadBalancerId": "lb-hc1vni0f",
                "unLoadBalancerId": "lb-hc1vni0f",
                "loadBalancerName": "cls-qbesvs66_ng1",
                "loadBalancerType": 2,
                "domain": "cls-qbesvs66-ng1.gz.1251707795.clb.myqcloud.com",
                "loadBalancerVips": [
                "status": 1,
                "createTime": "2017-11-30 14:28:45",
                "statusTime": "2017-11-30 14:29:11",
                "vpcId": 2968,
                "uniqVpcId": "vpc-b2h3xykt",
                "subnetId": 1,
                "projectId": 0,
                "forward": 0,
                "snat": false,
                "openBgp": 0,
                "isolation": 0,
                "log": ""
        "totalCount": 1