tencent cloud


API Request Parameters

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-03-31 17:48:28


    This is a legacy API which has been hidden and will no longer be updated. We recommend using the new CMQ API 3.0 which is standardized and faster.

    A complete Tencent Cloud API request requires two types of request parameters: common request parameters and API request parameters. This article will introduce the API request parameters that Tencent Cloud needs to use for API requests. For more information on common request parameters, please see Common Request Parameters Chapter.
    API request parameters vary with different APIs. The initial letter of each API request parameter is in lowercase so that it can be differentiated from a common request parameter.


    The parameters in this article take Tencent Cloud CVM as an example. The actual parameters of each Tencent Cloud product should be explained according to the API parameters of the actual product.

    The following parameter list is based on Tencent Cloud CVM Querying the List of Instances Take the API (DescribeInstances) as an example. The API request parameters supported by the API are as follows:

    Parameter name Description Type Required
    InstanceIds.n The ID array of CVM instances to be queried, with the array subscript starting at 0. You can use either instanceId or unInstanceId. The unified resource ID unInstanceId is recommended. String No
    LanIps.n The Private IP array of Cloud Virtual Machine to be queried. String No
    SearchWord The host alias set by the user. String No
    Offset Offset, default is 0. Int No
    Limit The maximum number of servers that can be queried at a time, the default is 20, and the maximum is 100. Int No
    Status The status of the host to be queried. Int No
    Simplify Get non-real-time data, and get non-real-time data when passing parameters to add simplify=1. Int No
    ZoneId If ID, is not passed in the availability zone, all CVM instances in the availability zone will be queried. To specify an availability zone, you can call the Query availability zone This API ((DescribeAvailabilityZones)) is used to query. Int No

    The elements of each parameter are described as follows:

    Parameter name: The name of the request parameter supported by the interface, which users can use as the interface request parameter when using this interface. If the parameter name is “.n” At the end, it indicates that this parameter is an array, and you need to pass in the array parameters in turn when using it.
    Required: Indicates whether this parameter is required. If it is "Yes", it must be passed in to call the interface; if it is "No", it can not be passed in.
    Type: The data type of this interface parameter.
    Description: Briefly describes the contents of the request parameters for this API.

    Usage Examples

    The following example shows how API request parameters look in an API request link for a Tencent Cloud product. If, for example, you want to query the list of scaling groups for a Tencent Cloud CVM, the request link should look like this:

    Https://cvm.api.qcloud.com/v2/index.php?&& instanceIds.0=ins-0hm4gvho&instanceIds.1=ins-8oby8q00&offset=0&limit=20&status=2&zoneId=100003