tencent cloud



마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-04-25 10:53:26

    API Description

    This API is used to query the health check parameters for CLB instances.

    Domain name for API calls: lb.api.qcloud.com

    Request Parameters

    The list below contains only the API request parameters. Common parameters should be added when you call the API. For more information, see Common Request Parameters. The Action field for this API is DescribeLBHealthStatus.

    Parameter Required Type Description
    loadBalancerId Yes String CLB instance ID, which can be queried via the DescribeLoadBalancers API.
    listenerId No String CLB listener ID, which can be queried via the DescribeLoadBalancerListeners API.

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code Int Common error code. 0: success; other values: failure. For more information, see Common Error Codes.
    message String API-related module error message description.
    codeDesc String Error code. For a successful operation, "Success" is returned. For a failed operation, a message describing the failure is returned.
    data Array Returned array.

    Data structure of the data array:

    Parameter Type Description
    ip String Private IP of the CVM.
    protocol String Protocol.
    port Int Port of the CVM.
    vport Int Listening port of the CLB instance.
    healthStatus Int Health check result. 1: healthy; 0: unhealthy.


    Sample request

    &<Common request parameters>

    Sample response

      "message" : "",
      "codeDesc": "Success",