If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:
"Response": {
"Error": {
"Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
"Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
"RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"
Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.
Error Code | Description |
ActionOffline | This API has been deprecated. |
AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization | Authorization in the request header is invalid. |
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId | Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type). |
AuthFailure.MFAFailure | MFA failed. |
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound | Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key. |
AuthFailure.SignatureExpire | Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time. |
AuthFailure.SignatureFailure | Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation. |
AuthFailure.TokenFailure | Token error. |
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation | The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation. |
DryRunOperation | DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used. |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InvalidAction | The API does not exist. |
InvalidParameter | Incorrect parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue | Invalid parameter value. |
InvalidRequest | The multipart format of the request body is incorrect. |
IpInBlacklist | Your IP is in uin IP blacklist. |
IpNotInWhitelist | Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist. |
LimitExceeded | Quota limit exceeded. |
MissingParameter | A parameter is missing. |
NoSuchProduct | The product does not exist. |
NoSuchVersion | The API version does not exist. |
RequestLimitExceeded | The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded | Uin exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded | The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded | The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestSizeLimitExceeded | The request size exceeds the upper limit. |
ResourceInUse | Resource is in use. |
ResourceInsufficient | Insufficient resource. |
ResourceNotFound | The resource does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable | Resource is unavailable. |
ResponseSizeLimitExceeded | The response size exceeds the upper limit. |
ServiceUnavailable | Service is unavailable now. |
UnauthorizedOperation | Unauthorized operation. |
UnknownParameter | Unknown parameter. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
UnsupportedProtocol | HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported. |
UnsupportedRegion | API does not support the requested region. |
Error Code | Description |
AccountQualificationRestrictions | The requesting account failed to pass the qualification review. |
CallCvmError | CVM API call failed. |
FailedOperation.NoActivityToGenerate | No scaling activity is generated. |
InternalError.CallCmqError | The CMQ API call failed. |
InternalError.CallError | The internal API call failed. |
InternalError.CallLbError | CLB API call failed. |
InternalError.CallMonitorError | Monitor API call failed. |
InternalError.CallNotificationError | The notification service API call failed. |
InternalError.CallStsError | The STS API call failed. |
InternalError.CallTATError | Failed to call the Tencent Automation Tools (TAT) API. |
InternalError.CallTagError | The tag API call failed. |
InternalError.CallTvpcError | The TVPC API call failed. |
InternalError.CallVpcError | VPC API call failed. |
InternalError.CalleeError | Exceptions occurred while invoking other services. |
InternalError.RequestError | An internal request error occurred. |
InvalidImageId.NotFound | The image cannot be found. |
InvalidLaunchConfiguration | Invalid launch configuration. |
InvalidLaunchConfigurationId | The launch configuration ID is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.ActionNotFound | Invalid Action request. |
InvalidParameter.Conflict | Multiple parameters specified conflict and cannot co-exist. |
InvalidParameter.HostNameUnavailable | The hostname parameter is unavailable to this image. |
InvalidParameter.InScenario | The parameter is invalid in a specific scenario. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCombination | Invalid parameter combination. |
InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerNotInAutoScalingGroup | The specified CLB does not exist in the current scaling group. |
InvalidParameter.MustOneParameter | A parameter is missing. One of the two parameters must be specified. |
InvalidParameter.ParameterDeprecated | This parameter has been disused. |
InvalidParameter.ParameterMustBeDeleted | Some parameters cannot coexist and should be deleted. |
InvalidParameterConflict | The two parameters specified conflict and cannot co-exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.AccountNotSupportBandwidthPackageId | The bandwidth package ID is not supported in this account. |
InvalidParameterValue.AssertDesiredCapacityFailed | The declared original expected instance number does not match the actual original expected instance number. |
InvalidParameterValue.BaseCapacityTooLarge | The specified base capacity cannot exceed the max capacity. |
InvalidParameterValue.BatchNumberTooLarge | The batch count cannot exceed the total number of instances pending refresh. |
InvalidParameterValue.ClassicLb | A classic CLB should be specified. |
InvalidParameterValue.ConflictNotificationTarget | Conflicting notification receiver type. |
InvalidParameterValue.CronExpressionIllegal | The cron expression specified for the scheduled task is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.CvmConfigurationError | Exception with CVM parameter validation. |
InvalidParameterValue.CvmError | Exception with CVM parameter validation. |
InvalidParameterValue.DuplicatedForwardLb | Duplicate CLB instances |
InvalidParameterValue.DuplicatedSubnet | Duplicated subnet. |
InvalidParameterValue.EndTimeBeforeStartTime | The end time of the scheduled task is before the start time. |
InvalidParameterValue.Filter | Invalid filter. |
InvalidParameterValue.ForwardLb | A CLB should be specified. |
InvalidParameterValue.GroupNameDuplicated | The auto scaling group name already exists. |
InvalidParameterValue.HostNameIllegal | Invalid hostname |
InvalidParameterValue.HostNameWithSuffixTooLong | HostNames with suffixes are too long and exceed the specified upper limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.IPv6InternetChargeType | The specified IPv6 public network bandwidth billing mode is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.ImageNotFound | The specified image does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNameIllegal | Invalid instance name |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNameWithSuffixTooLong | Instance names with suffixes are too long and exceed the specified upper limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceTypeNotSupported | The instance type is not supported. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidActivityId | Invalid scaling activity ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAutoScalingGroupId | Invalid scaling group ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAutoScalingNotificationId | Invalid notification ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAutoScalingPolicyId | Invalid alarm-triggered policy ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidClbRegion | The regions specified for CLB is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDisasterRecoverGroupId | The format of the placement group ID is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidFilter | Invalid filter condition. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidHpcClusterId | The HPC ID is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidImageId | Invalid image ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceId | Invalid instance ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceType | Invalid instance type. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidLaunchConfiguration | Invalid launch configuration |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidLaunchConfigurationId | Invalid launch configuration ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidLifecycleHookId | Invalid lifecycle hook ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidNotificationUserGroupId | The notification group ID should be a numeric string. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidScheduledActionId | Invalid scheduled action ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidScheduledActionNameIncludeIllegalChar | The scheduled task name contains invalid characters. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidSecurityGroupId | Invalid security group ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidSnapshotId | Invalid snapshot ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidSubnetId | Invalid subnet ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.LaunchConfigurationNameDuplicated | The launch configuration name already exists. |
InvalidParameterValue.LaunchConfigurationNotFound | The specified launch configuration was not found. |
InvalidParameterValue.LbProjectInconsistent | The load balancer is in a different project. |
InvalidParameterValue.LifecycleHookNameDuplicated | The lifecycle hook name already exists. |
InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded | The value exceeds the limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.ListenerTargetTypeNotSupported | Target group listeners are not supported. |
InvalidParameterValue.MaxSurgeTooLarge | The maximum additional quantity is too large. |
InvalidParameterValue.MissingBandwidthPackageId | The bandwidth package ID is required. |
InvalidParameterValue.NoResourcePermission | No resource permission. |
InvalidParameterValue.NotStringTypeFloat | The value should be a floating point string. |
InvalidParameterValue.OnlyVpc | The account only supports VPCs. |
InvalidParameterValue.ProjectIdNotFound | The project ID does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.Range | The value is outside the specified range. |
InvalidParameterValue.ScalingPolicyNameDuplicate | The alarm policy name already exists. |
InvalidParameterValue.ScheduledActionNameDuplicate | The scheduled task name already exists. |
InvalidParameterValue.Size | The value of maximum, minimum, or desired number of instances in the auto scaling group is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.StartTimeBeforeCurrentTime | The start time of the scheduled task is before the current time. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetIds | The subnet information is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.TargetPortDuplicated | The backend port of the CLB layer-4 listener already exists. |
InvalidParameterValue.TargetTrackingScalingPolicy | Executing a target tracking policy is not supported. |
InvalidParameterValue.ThresholdOutOfRange | The specified threshold must be within the valid range. |
InvalidParameterValue.TimeFormat | Wrong time format. |
InvalidParameterValue.TooLong | Too many values. |
InvalidParameterValue.TooShort | The value of input parameter is too short. |
InvalidParameterValue.UserDataFormatError | Incorrect UserData format. |
InvalidParameterValue.UserDataSizeExceeded | The UserData is too long. |
InvalidParameterValue.UserGroupIdNotFound | The user group does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.ZoneMismatchRegion | The specified availability zone is not in the region. |
InvalidPermission | The account does not support this operation. |
LimitExceeded.AfterAttachLbLimitExceeded | Binding with the specified CLBs will make the total number of bound CLBs exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.AutoScalingGroupLimitExceeded | The number of auto scaling groups exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.DesiredCapacityLimitExceeded | The desired number of instances exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.FilterValuesTooLong | Too many values for the specified filter |
LimitExceeded.LaunchConfigurationQuotaNotEnough | You are short of the launch configuration quota. |
LimitExceeded.MaxSizeLimitExceeded | The maximum number of instances exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.MinSizeLimitExceeded | The minimum number of instances is below the limit. |
LimitExceeded.QuotaNotEnough | You are short of the quota. |
LimitExceeded.ScheduledActionLimitExceeded | The number of scheduled tasks exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.TargetTrackingScalingPolicy | Only one target tracking policy can be created for a scaling group. |
MissingParameter.InScenario | A parameter is missing in a specific scenario. |
MissingParameter.InstanceMarketOptions | The InstanceMarketOptions parameter of the spot instance is missing. |
ResourceInUse.ActivityInProgress | The auto scaling group is performing a scaling activity. |
ResourceInUse.AutoScalingGroupNotActive | The scaling group is disabled. |
ResourceInUse.InstanceInGroup | There are still normal instances in the auto scaling group. |
ResourceInUse.LaunchConfigurationIdInUse | The specified launch configuration is still used in the scaling group. |
ResourceInsufficient.AutoScalingGroupAboveMaxSize | The maximum number of instances in the auto scaling group is exceeded. |
ResourceInsufficient.AutoScalingGroupBelowMinSize | The number of instances in the auto scaling group is below the minimum value. |
ResourceInsufficient.InServiceInstanceAboveMaxSize | The number of instances in a scaling group is more than the maximum capacity. |
ResourceInsufficient.InServiceInstanceBelowMinSize | The number of instances in a scaling group is less than the minimum capacity. |
ResourceNotFound.AutoScalingGroupIdNotFound | The scaling group does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.AutoScalingGroupNotFound | The scaling group does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.AutoScalingNotificationNotFound | The notification does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.BandwidthPackageIdNotFound | The specified bandwidth package ID is not found. |
ResourceNotFound.CmqQueueNotFound | The specified CMQ queue does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.CommandNotFound | The command does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.DisasterRecoverGroupNotFound | The specified placement group ID does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.InstancesNotFound | The specified instance does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.InstancesNotInAutoScalingGroup | The target instance is not in the auto scaling group. |
ResourceNotFound.LaunchConfigurationIdNotFound | The specified launch configuration does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.LifecycleHookInstanceNotFound | The instance corresponding to the lifecycle hook does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.LifecycleHookNotFound | The specified lifecycle hook was not found. |
ResourceNotFound.LifecycleHookTokenNotFound | The specified lifecycle hook token does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.ListenerNotFound | The specified listener does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.LoadBalancerNotFound | The specified load balancer was not found. |
ResourceNotFound.LoadBalancerNotInAutoScalingGroup | The specified CLB does not exist in the current scaling group. |
ResourceNotFound.LocationNotFound | The specified location does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.RefreshActivityNotFound | The specified instance refresh activity does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.ScalingPolicyNotFound | The alarm policy does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.ScheduledActionNotFound | The specified scheduled task does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.TDMQCMQQueueNotFound | The TDMQ-CMQ queue doesn't exist. |
ResourceNotFound.TDMQCMQTopicNotFound | The TDMQ-CMQ topic doesn't exist. |
ResourceUnavailable.AutoScalingGroupAbnormalStatus | The auto scaling group is exceptional. |
ResourceUnavailable.AutoScalingGroupDisabled | The auto scaling group is disabled. |
ResourceUnavailable.AutoScalingGroupInActivity | The auto scaling group is active. |
ResourceUnavailable.AutoScalingGroupInRefreshActivity | The scaling group is already involved in another instance refresh activity. |
ResourceUnavailable.CmqTopicHasNoSubscriber | There are no subscribers for the specified CMQ topic. |
ResourceUnavailable.CvmVpcInconsistent | The instance and the auto scaling group are in different VPCs. |
ResourceUnavailable.ForbiddenModifyVpc | You cannot modify the VPC of a scaling group bound with a load balancer. |
ResourceUnavailable.InquiryPriceResetInstanceFailed | The instance reinstallation quotation failed, because the new image conflicts with other parameters of the instance or the new image does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable.InstanceCannotAttach | Unable to add the instance to the scaling group. |
ResourceUnavailable.InstanceInOperation | The specified instance is active. |
ResourceUnavailable.InstanceNotSupportStopCharging | The instance does not support No Charges When Shut Down. |
ResourceUnavailable.InstancesAlreadyInAutoScalingGroup | The instance already exists in the auto scaling group. |
ResourceUnavailable.LaunchConfigurationStatusAbnormal | The launch configuration is exceptional. |
ResourceUnavailable.LbBackendRegionInconsistent | The backend region of the CLB is not the same as the one for AS service. |
ResourceUnavailable.LbProjectInconsistent | The CLBs are not in the same project. |
ResourceUnavailable.LbVpcInconsistent | The CLB and scaling group should reside in the same VPC. |
ResourceUnavailable.LifecycleActionResultHasSet | The lifecycle action has already been set. |
ResourceUnavailable.LoadBalancerInOperation | CLB is active in the scaling group. |
ResourceUnavailable.NoInstanceCanRefresh | There are no instances in running status within the scaling group, making it impossible to perform an instance refresh. |
ResourceUnavailable.NoInstanceCanRollback | There are no instances eligible for rollback in the scaling group. |
ResourceUnavailable.ProjectInconsistent | Project inconsistency. |
ResourceUnavailable.RefreshActivityCanNotRollback | The current refresh activity is in a successful status and not the most recent execution, so it cannot be rolled back. |
ResourceUnavailable.RefreshActivityStatusConflictWithOperation | The instance refresh activity status conflicts with the current operation. |
ResourceUnavailable.RollbackTypeActivityCanNotRollbackAgain | Rollback type instance refresh activity cannot be rolled back again. |
ResourceUnavailable.StoppedInstanceNotAllowAttach | Unable to add instances to the scaling group when they are shut down. |
ResourceUnavailable.TDMQCMQTopicHasNoSubscriber | The TDMQ-CMQ topic is not subscribed. |
ResourceUnavailable.ZoneUnavailable | The specified availability zone is unavailable. |
UnauthorizedOperation.AutoScalingRoleUnauthorized | You have not assigned the CAM role AS-QCSRole to Auto Scaling. Please go to the AS console to complete authorization first. |
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