tencent cloud


Error Codes for SMS Sending and Receipt Status

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-12-15 11:42:32

    Feature Description

    If an API call fails, you can check the error information based on the error code list.

    Error Code List

    Error codes of SMS message sending

    Error Code Description Solution
    1001 `sig` verification failed. Check the `sig` against the format requirements in the API.
    1002 The SMS message contains sensitive words. Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    1003 The request body has no `sig` field or the `sig` field is empty. Follow the API specification.
    1004 Failed to parse the request packet. Usually, this is because that the API specification was not followed. For more information, see What should I do if error 1004 is returned?.
    1006 The request has no permissions. Check the error message for solution. If the problem persists, contact SMS Helper and provide the failed mobile number for assistance.
    1007 Other errors. Check the error message for solution. If the problem persists, contact SMS Helper and provide the failed mobile number for assistance.
    1008 The request to send an SMS message timed out. The probability of this error is very low. You can retry to solve it.
    1009 The request IP is not on the allowlist. You have configured the verification of request source IP, but the current requesting IP is not on the configured allowlist. If necessary, contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    1011 This RESTful API does not exist. See the RESTful API description.
    1012 The signature is in incorrect format or has not been approved. The signature can contain only 2–12 letters and digits. If its format is correct, check whether it has been approved.
    1013 The SMS sending hits the sending frequency limit policy. You can adjust the policy in the console. If you have other requirements, contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    1014 The template content has not been approved or does not match the content of the approved template. For more information, see What should I do if error 1014 is returned?.
    1015 The mobile number is on the blocklist. Usually, this is because that the user unsubscribed or the carrier's blocklist was hit. Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    1016 The format of the mobile number is incorrect. For more information, see What should I do if error 1016 is returned?.
    1017 The content of the requested SMS message is too long. For message length calculation rule, see SMS Length Calculation Rule.
    1019 The `sdkappid` does not exist. -
    1020 The `sdkappid` has been disabled. This `sdkappid` is forbidden to provide services. If necessary, contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    1021 The request was initiated at an exceptional time. Usually, this is because that the time difference between your server and Tencent Cloud server exceeds 10 minutes. Check whether the server time and the time field in the API are correct.
    1022 The number of SMS messages sent on the current day exceeds the set upper limit. You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1023 The number of SMS messages sent to a single mobile number within 30 seconds exceeds the set upper limit. You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1024 The number of SMS messages sent to a single mobile number within 1 hour exceeds the set upper limit. You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1025 The number of SMS messages sent to a single mobile number on the current day exceeds the set upper limit. You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1026 The number of identical SMS messages sent to a single mobile number exceeds the set upper limit. You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1029 The marketing SMS sending time is incorrect. Marketing SMS messages can only be sent between 8:00 and 22:00 in order not to disturb recipients.
    1030 The request is not supported. -
    1031 The package balance is insufficient. Purchase an SMS package.
    1032 Individual users do not have permission to send marketing SMS messages. See Differences in rights.
    1033 The service has been suspended due to overdue payments. You can log in to Tencent Cloud to make the payments.
    1034 The group SMS request contains both Chinese mainland and global mobile numbers. Send SMS messages to Chinese mainland and global mobile numbers separately.
    1036 There are more than 12 characters in a single template variable. There is no upper limit of variable characters for enterprise users. You can change your account identity type to enterprise as instructed in Identity Verification Change Guide. The limit change will take effect in about one hour.
    1038 For a verification code template, only 0–6 digits can be passed in as the template variable. -
    1045 SMS sending to this region is not supported. -
    1046 There are more than 200 mobile numbers submitted in a single call of the bulk SMS sending API. Follow the API specification.
    1047 The number of global SMS messages that can be sent per day is limited. To adjust the limit, contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    1048 URLs are not allowed in template variables. -
    1049 The number of Chinese mainland SMS messages sent on the current day exceeds the set upper limit. You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1050 The number of global SMS messages sent on the current day exceeds the set upper limit You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    1051 The SMS sending target country/region is on the blocklist. You can adjust the SMS sending limit policy in the console.
    1052 The number of SMS messages sent to the recipient's country/region on the current day exceeds the set upper limit You can adjust the SMS sending frequency limit policy in the console.
    60008 Request processing timed out. For more information, see What should I do if error 60008 is returned?.

    Error codes of receipt status

    If the following errors occur, we recommend you contact the carrier for processing first. If you cannot find the details of an error code in the table below, contact SMS Helper for assistance. The table contains the following abbreviations/acronyms: CMCC (China Mobile), UNICOM (China Unicom), TELECOM (China Telecom), and MTU (China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom).

    Error Code Category Description
    -106 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    002 MTU The recipient's phone is powered off, out of service, unreachable, or out of area.
    004 MTU The recipient's mobile number is out of service, invalid, or suspended.
    BD:LSTO MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    BST-209 MTU The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BST-210 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    BWLIST _006 MTU The recipient is on the gateway's blocklist.
    DB:0108 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:13 MTU The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    DB00141 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DELIVRD MTU The message is successfully delivered to the recipient.
    DISTURB MTU Too many messages have been sent to the recipient.
    ER:101 MTU The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    ERR:111 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ERR-209 MTU The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    ERR-210 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    IB:0182 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IC-0054 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    LN:9999 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1013 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    MX:0003 MTU The number of messages sent to one single mobile number on the current day exceeds the upper limit.
    MX:0012 MTU The recipient's mobile number is on the unsubscription blocklist.
    OVERDUE MTU The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    REJECTD MTU The message is rejected for some reason.
    SC:0001 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    SME13 MTU The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    TD:0001 MTU The recipient is on the gateway's blocklist.
    TD:0004 MTU The message is suspiciously phishing and should be checked.
    TD:18 MTU The recipient's mobile number's carrier is unknown.
    TD:19 MTU The recipient's mobile number is on the blocklist.
    TE:0002 MTU Message submission to the gateway fails.
    TE:0003 MTU The number of messages sent to one single mobile number on the current day exceeds the upper limit.
    TE:0014 MTU Human review fails.
    TSBLACK MTU The recipient is on the compliant blocklist.
    TX:2000 MTU Signature subcode acquisition fails.
    TX:2001 MTU Signature subcode acquisition times out.
    TX:2002 MTU Signature subcode acquisition fails.
    TX:2003 MTU Signature parsing fails.
    TX:3000 MTU Sending submission fails.
    TX:3001 MTU Sending times out.
    TX:4099 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    TX:4100 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    TX:4151 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    WX-FAIL MTU The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    UNDELIVRD MTU The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    XZ:0000 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    YX:9006 MTU Message sending fails as the message contains multiple signatures.
    YY:0206 MTU The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    XA:0001 MTU The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    XA:0100 MTU The frequency limit is reached.
    XA:0139 MTU The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9990 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    -9410 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9409 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9246 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9236 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    -9235 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    -9234 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    -9233 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    -9231 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    -9224 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -9223 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -9222 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -9220 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9217 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -9212 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9211 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -9203 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    -9014 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9013 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9012 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9009 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -9000 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    -1050 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -1033 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    -1023 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    -1021 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -1017 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    -1016 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    -1012 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -1005 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -1000 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -127 CMCC The sent message contains garbled characters.
    -108 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    -104 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -100 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    -96 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -94 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    -14 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -13 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    001 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    00202 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    03 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    7 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    76 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    115 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    144 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    145 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    188 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    904 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    1077 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    1243 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    431025 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    431037 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    431082 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    9992 CMCC The recipient's phone has a storage exception. The recipient is recommended to clear the inbox.
    9994 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    9997 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    9998 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    9999 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    ADTFAIL CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    AICHECK CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    AUDIT:F CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    BADSIGN CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    BEYONDN CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    BD:0000 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    BD:0001 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    BD:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    BD:0003 CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    BLACK0 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    BLKLIST CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BST--1 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BST-204 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BWLIST CMCC The recipient is on the gateway's blocklist.
    C100100 CMCC The message hits a keyword.
    C100106 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    CA:0051 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CA:0052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CA:0054 CMCC An internal CMCC error occurs.
    CA:0111 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CA:8008 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    CA:8027 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    CA:9005 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    CA:9023 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    CB:0001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    CB:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CB:0005 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CB:0007 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CB:0010 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    CB:0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    CB:0015 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    CB:0016 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CB:0018 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CB:0022 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CB:0047 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    CB:0053 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    CB:0054 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CE:0211 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    CE:0301 CMCC The recipient's phone has a storage exception.
    CE:0501 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    CHECK CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    CL:105 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    CL:116 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    CJ:007 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    CJ:0006 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    CJ:0007 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    CJ:0008 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    CM:8003 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    CMPP20ERR: CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    CMPP30ERR: CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    CONTENT CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DA:0051 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DA:0052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DA:0053 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DA:0054 CMCC Response times out.
    DA:0084 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0000 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0001 CMCC The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    DB:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0003 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0004 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0006 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0007 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0008 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0009 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0010 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    DB:0100 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0101 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0102 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0103 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0104 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:0105 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0106 CMCC The service code is incorrect.
    DB:0107 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    DB:0109 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0110 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0111 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0112 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0113 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0114 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0115 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    DB:0116 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    DB:0117 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    DB:0118 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    DB:0119 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    DB:0120 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0121 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0122 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0123 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0124 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0125 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0126 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    DB:0127 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    DB:0128 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    DB:0129 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    DB:0130 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0131 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0132 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0133 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0134 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0135 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0136 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0137 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0138 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0139 CMCC The sending time period is non-compliant.
    DB:0140 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:0140 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0141 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist of China Mobile or MIIT due to repeated complaints.
    DB:0142 CMCC The daily maximum number of sent MTs is exceeded.
    DB:0143 CMCC The daily maximum number of sent MTs is exceeded.
    DB:0144 CMCC The recipient is on the global blocklist.
    DB:00144 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:0145 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    DB:0146 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    DB:0147 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    DB:0150 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0151 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0152 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0153 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0154 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0155 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0156 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0164 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:0171 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0182 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    DB:0309 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DB:0318 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    DB:0500 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0501 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0502 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0503 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0504 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    DB:0505 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    DB:0506 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:1150 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:9001 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:9006 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:9005 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:9007 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DB:BACK CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:BLACK CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB00143 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    DB00144 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is blocked by the global blocklist.
    DBBLACK CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DG:0001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DG:0141 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DG:0142 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    DI:0008 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:0029 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:0145 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:9402 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DI:9403 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DI:9413 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:9414 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DI:9415 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9416 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9422 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9423 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9427 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9428 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9429 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9430 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DI:9431 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DI:9432 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:9433 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:9434 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    DI:9501 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    DI:9909 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    E200020 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword (an unsubscription method must be added in marketing SMS messages).
    E200038 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    E:BLACK CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    E:CF CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    E:CHAN CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    E:OCDDL CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    E:OCDWL CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    E:ODDL CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    E:ODML CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    E:RPTSD CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    ERR:13 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ERR-204 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    ERR_NUM CMCC The recipient's mobile number is incorrect or restricted.
    ERR_NUM_00 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ERR_NUM_006 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is incorrect or restricted.
    ERRTIME CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    ETOS:402 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    EXPIRED CMCC The message has expired.
    EWTD CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    F123 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    F1110 CMCC The recipient's mobile number range does not exist.
    F1122 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    F1123 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    F11300 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    F100007 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    F1214B1 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    F1214HN CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    F1214JR CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    F132200 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    FAILD CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    FAIL_RE CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    GB:0003 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    GB:0004 CMCC The signature is non-compliant.
    GB:0007 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    GB:0008 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    GB:0010 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    GB:0011 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    GB:0012 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    GB:0013 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    GB:0016 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword (an unsubscription method must be added in marketing SMS messages).
    GB:0024 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    GB:0025 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    GB:0026 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    GB:0028 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    GG:1000 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    GL:0000 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    HAVBEEN CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    HD:0001 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    HD:19 CMCC The recipient is on the gateway's blocklist.
    HD:29 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    HIGRISK CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    HTTPERROR CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    HTTPEXCEPT CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IA00054 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IA:0051 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IA:0052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IA:0053 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    IA:0054 CMCC Response times out.
    IA:0057 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IA:0073 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IB:0001 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0003 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0004 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0005 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0006 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0007 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0008 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IB:0009 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IB:0010 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0011 CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    IB:0012 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    IB:0013 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IB:0064 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    IB:0070 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0079 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0100 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0113 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0168 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    IB:0169 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    IB:0194 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    IB:0225 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    IB:0255 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IB-0013 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    IB-0099 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    IC:0001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    IC:0015 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IC:0055 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    IC:0062 CMCC The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    IC:0151 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    IC:0154 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0000 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0001 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0003 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0004 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0005 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0006 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0007 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0008 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0009 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0010 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0011 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0012 CMCC The billable address is incorrect.
    ID:0013 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    ID:0014 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0020 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0021 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0043 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    ID:0044 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0045 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0046 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0047 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0048 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0049 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0051 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0053 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0054 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:0055 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:0056 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:0061 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0062 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0063 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0064 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0065 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0066 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0067 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0068 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:0069 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    ID:0070 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    ID:0071 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0072 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0073 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:0074 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0075 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0076 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    ID:0077 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0078 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0079 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0080 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0081 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0082 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0083 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0084 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0085 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0086 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0087 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0077 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0078 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0079 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0080 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0081 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0082 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0088 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0089 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    ID:0096 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    ID:0097 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    ID:0100 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:0101 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:0102 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:0103 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:0104 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ID:0105 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0106 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0107 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0108 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0109 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0110 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0111 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0112 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0113 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0114 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0115 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0116 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0117 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0118 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0119 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0120 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0121 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    ID:0122 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0123 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0124 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0125 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0126 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    ID:0127 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ID:0128 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ID:0129 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    ID:0131 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ID:0132 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ID:0133 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ID:0134 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ID:0135 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ID:0136 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0137 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0138 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0139 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0140 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    ID:0141 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    ID:0142 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    ID:0143 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    ID:0199 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    ID:0310 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0311 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    ID:0312 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0313 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0314 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0315 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0317 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:0318 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    ID:1240 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1241 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1242 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1243 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1244 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:1245 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:1246 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:1247 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    ID:1248 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1249 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1250 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:1251 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:6150 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ID:6151 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:6152 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ID:6153 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    INCOMPL CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    INVALID CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword (an unsubscription method must be added in marketing SMS messages).
    JL:0013 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    JL:0014 CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    JL:0017 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    JL:0026 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    JL:0028 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    KEY:FIL CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    KEYWORD CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    LIMIT CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    LK:9414 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    LT:0036 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    LU:0002 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LU:0003 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    M2:0043 CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    M2:0045 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MA:0001 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MA:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0003 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0004 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0005 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0006 CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    MA:0009 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0010 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0011 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0012 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0013 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0014 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0021 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MA:0022 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MA:0023 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MA:0026 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MA:0036 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    MA:0039 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MA:0051 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MA:0052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0053 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MA:0054 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MA:0054? CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MA:0072 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0073 CMCC -
    MA:0191 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MA:0194 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0000 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MB:0001 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:0002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0003 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0004 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0005 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0006 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0007 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:0008 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:0010 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0011 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0012 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0013 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0014 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0015 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0017 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0018 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0019 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MB:0020 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0022 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    MB:0027 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:0031 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:0032 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:0034 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:0051 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0069 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:0064 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0065 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0066 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0067 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0068 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0070 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0072 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0073 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0077 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0080 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0081 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0083 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0084 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0085 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0088 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MB:0097 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0098 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0099 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0100 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0101 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0102 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0103 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0145 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0147 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0192 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0193 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0194 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0195 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0196 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0241 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0244 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0250 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:0254 CMCC The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    MB:0255 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1016 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1024 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1025 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1026 CMCC SMC operating parameters (such as MO speed, MT speed, number of messages, and number of message entities) reach the maximum limit of the license.
    MB:1031 CMCC The SMS center returns a "maximum number of sent messages exceeded" error. The reason may be that the storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    MB:1034 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1035 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1036 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MB:1037 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1038 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    MB:1039 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1040 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MB:1041 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    MB:1042 CMCC The number of messages cached in the SMC memory to be sent to the recipient exceeds the maximum number of messages deliverable to the recipient.
    MB:1043 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:1044 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1045 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1046 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1047 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1048 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1049 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1050 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1051 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MB:1052 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1056 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1057 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1058 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1060 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1061 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1062 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1063 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1064 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1065 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MB:1069 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1070 CMCC The sending limit is exceeded.
    MB:1072 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1073 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1074 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1075 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1076 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    MB:1077 CMCC The recipient has a record of malicious complaints against China Mobile and thus is on the blocklist.
    MB:1078 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MB:1079 CMCC The message is rejected due to fraud.
    MB:1080 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1081 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1082 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1083 CMCC The message is rejected due to fraud.
    MB:1086 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:1279 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MB:8000 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MC:0001 CMCC An unknown error occurs.
    MC:0055 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is out of area or the storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    MC:0055_000 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is out of area or the storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    MC:0055_006 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is out of area or the storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    MC:0062 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MC:0151 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MC00151 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MC_T:55 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    ME:-7 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    MH:0004 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MH:0007 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MH:0008 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MH:18 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MH:19 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    MH:20 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MH:999 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MI:XXXX CMCC China Mobile error codes start with M, which are mostly caused by problems with the recipient's mobile phone/number; for example, the mobile number is out of service, out of area, or invalid, or the phone is powered off or has poor reception.
    MI:0000 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0001 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0002 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0004 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0005 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0008 CMCC An internal CMCC gateway error occurs.
    MI:0009 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0010 CMCC The recipient's mobile number has expired.
    MI:0011 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0012 CMCC The recipient's phone is invalid.
    MI:0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0015 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0017 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0020 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0022 CMCC An internal CMCC gateway error occurs.
    MI:0023 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0024 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0029 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0030 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0036 CMCC An internal CMCC gateway error occurs.
    MI:0038 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0041 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0044 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0043 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0045 CMCC An internal CMCC gateway error occurs.
    MI:0048 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0050 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0051 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MI:0052 CMCC Roaming is restricted.
    MI:0053 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0054 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0055 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0056 CMCC Response times out.
    MI:0057 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0059 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0063 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0064 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0075 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MI:0080 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0081 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0083 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0084 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MI:0089 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0090 CMCC VMSC returns a "remote address unreachable" error.
    MI:0098 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI:0099 CMCC VMSC returns an "unexpected response received" error.
    MI:0660 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MI:0999 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MI00000 CMCC The message has expired in the SMS center.
    MI00020 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MI00022 CMCC The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    MI00029 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MI00036 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MI0020 CMCC Message sending fails: ErrorinMS.
    MILIMIT CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MK00001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MK00011 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MK00013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MK:0000 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MK:0001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is not found in HLR, and the SMS center returns a status of "unable to identify the number", which means that the number is incorrect.
    MK:0002 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:0003 CMCC The recipient is invalid. Recipient authentication fails during this message sending. The reason may be that MSC believes that the authentication password of the recipient's mobile number is invalid. The error code in MSC is 3, which is defined as 9 in the ETSI GSM 0902 protocol.
    MK:0004 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0005 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service or suspended.
    MK:0006 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0007 CMCC The recipient's phone is invalid.
    MK:0008 CMCC The recipient's region has poor reception, so the message cannot be received.
    MK:0009 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of area: MWDSET
    MK:0010 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is temporarily unreachable.
    MK:0011 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0012 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MK:0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MK:0015 CMCC The recipient's phone experiences a software issue when receiving the sent message; for example, after the phone is restarted, some software programs for processing messages have not been initialized, so messages cannot be processed normally at this time.
    MK:0016 CMCC The recipient's phone is invalid.
    MK:0017 CMCC The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    MK:0018 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0019 CMCC MS does not support the SMS termination service.
    MK:0020 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0021 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0022 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0023 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0024 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's phone is powered off when the message is sent.
    MK:0025 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0029 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is temporarily unreachable.
    MK:0030 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0031 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0032 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0033 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0034 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0035 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0036 CMCC An unknown error from MSC occurs.
    MK:0037 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0038 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MK:0040 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0041 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0043 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0044 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0045 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0046 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0051 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0052 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0053 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0054 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0055 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0056 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0057 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0058 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0061 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0062 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0063 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0065 CMCC GIW response times out.
    MK:0066 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0068 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MK:0069 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0075 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0077 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0078 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0079 CMCC The recipient's phone has a storage exception. The recipient is recommended to clear the inbox.
    MK:0084 CMCC HLR returns an "unexpected response received" error.
    MK:0088 CMCC VMSC returns a "potential version mismatch" error.
    MK:0090 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service or temporarily unreachable.
    MK:93 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MK:0098 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0099 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MK:0115 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:0118 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    MK:0128 CMCC The recipient's phone is invalid.
    MK:0130 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0195 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0196 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0208 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MK:0209 CMCC The recipient's phone has a storage exception. The recipient is recommended to clear the inbox.
    MK:0210 CMCC Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number does not have the SMS feature activated.
    MK:100C CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MK:100D CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MK:1002 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MK:1007 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MK:1009 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:1010 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    ML:HMD CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    ML:MBLJ CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ML:MYWG CMCC The recipient's mobile number is not a Chinese mainland number.
    ML:SHLJ CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    MM:0000 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MM:0064 CMCC The recipient is on the blocklist.
    MN:XXXX CMCC China Mobile error codes start with M, which are mostly caused by problems with the recipient's mobile phone/number; for example, the mobile number is out of service, out of area, or invalid, or the phone is powered off or has poor reception.
    MN:0000 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    MN00001 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0009 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0011 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0012 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MN00013 CMCC The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    MN:0017 CMCC The message is rejected.
    MN:0019 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0020 CMCC An internal CMCC gateway error occurs.
    MN:0021 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MN:0022 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0029 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0036 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    MN:0041 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off or unreachable.
    MN:0044 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0045 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MN:0050 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0051 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MN:0052 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0053 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0054 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0055 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0056 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0059 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    MN:0075 CMCC An internal carrier error occurs.
    MN:0084 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0090 CMCC The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MN:0098 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    MN:0099 CMCC The message is rejected by the carrier manually.
    MN:0174 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    MN:0660 CMCC The recipient's phone has a storage exception.
    MN:0999 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    MO:0008 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MO:0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MO:0016 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MOBILE_ CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MOBLLE_ CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MS:1009 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MT:9414 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MUSTNOT CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MX:0002 CMCC Message submission to the upper-level channel fails.
    MX:0011 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    NA:0001 CMCC A mobile number range identification error occurs.
    NONE CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    NOTITLE CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword (an unsubscription method must be added in marketing SMS messages).
    NOROUTE CMCC Route finding fails.
    NO_ROUT CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    NR-FAIL CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    ODDL CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    OVER_SE CMCC The gateway restricts the sending time (7:00–21:00).
    PARAMS CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    PARAMS_ CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    PBLKP CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    PHONERR CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R1:0010 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    REJRCT CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    ROUTERR CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    RTE_ERR CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    S:10000 CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    S::8 CMCC The CMCC gateway is exceptional internally.
    S::13 CMCC The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    S::15 CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    S::16 CMCC The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    S::37 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    S::91 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    S::92 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    S::99 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    S::FAIL (S::FAILED) CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    S::TIME CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SC:0003 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    SC:0005 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    SC:0006 CMCC The message hits a carrier keyword.
    SC:0010 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    SC:0011 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    SC:0016 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    SD:0070 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SENDERR CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SIGNATU CMCC The province is not identified.
    SINLIM CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SINPER CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    SMGP001 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    SP_UNKN CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    STATE:2 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    TA:13 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    TA:169 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    TASNOOK CMCC The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    TC:0001 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is on the blocklist.
    TC:0007 CMCC The message contains a sensitive word.
    TD:88 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    TE:0008 CMCC The recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    TE:0009 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    TE:0011 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    TE:0012 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    TG:0013 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    TE:0015 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    TE:0016 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    TREFUSE CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    TUIDING CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    UE:0003 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    UE:0010 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIV CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNKNOWN CMCC The message status is unknown.
    USER_RE CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    VALVE:D CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    VALVE:H CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    VALVE:M CMCC The frequency limit is reached.
    WBLIST CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    XA:0138 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    XA:2040 CMCC Cross-network sending is not supported.
    XA:2112 CMCC Cross-network sending is not supported.
    XA:2138 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    XA:2139 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    XL:169 CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    XREJECT CMCC The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    YF:031 CMCC The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    YF:032 CMCC The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    YF:0415 CMCC The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    YX:8007 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    ZN:0418 CMCC The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    -201 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -103 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -99 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -74 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    -43 UNICOM The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    -37 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    -12 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    -9 UNICOM The message hits a carrier keyword.
    -8 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -4 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    -3 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    -1 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    0.089583 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    0.103472 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0.1208 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    0.1299 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    0.150694444 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    0.209722 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    0000001 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0000002 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0000003 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    0000004 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    0000005 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000008 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0000010 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    0000011 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    0000012 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0000015 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000017 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000023 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    0000024 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    0000029 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000030 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    0000046 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0000048 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    0000055 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    0000056 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000072 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000074 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    0000079 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    0000086 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    0000088 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    0000089 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    0000093 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    0000097 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    0000099 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    3 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    4 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    5 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    6 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    8 UNICOM The message length is incorrect.
    9 UNICOM The serial number is invalid (duplicate, incorrect format, etc.).
    10 UNICOM The Src_ID is incorrect; for example, the recipient's mobile number does not exist or is restricted or forwarded to the China Unicom secretary service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    11 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    12 UNICOM The billable address is incorrect; for example, the recipient's mobile number does not exist or is restricted or forwarded to the China Unicom secretary service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    13 UNICOM The service code is not assigned, and the corresponding declaration item cannot be found according to the access number and service code on the MT list.
    14 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    15 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    16 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    17 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    18 UNICOM The recipient does not subscribe to the message.
    19 UNICOM The recipient does not subscribe to the message.
    20 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is temporarily out of service.
    21 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    22 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    23 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    24 UNICOM The billable mobile number is invalid (out of service).
    27 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not support SMS.
    29 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is incorrect.
    31 UNICOM The recipient's phone is invalid.
    32 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    33 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    34 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    35 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    36 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    37 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    38 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    40 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    41 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    43 UNICOM The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    44 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not have the SMS feature.
    45 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    46 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    48 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    49 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    50 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    51 UNICOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    52 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not have the SMS feature.
    53 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    54 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    55 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    56 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    57 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    58 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    59 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    61 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    63 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    64 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    66 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    67 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    69 UNICOM The recipient is on the blocklist.
    70 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    72 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number in the 145 range does not exist.
    73 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    75 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is restricted.
    79 UNICOM The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    83 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    85 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    86 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    88 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    89 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    90 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    92 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    93 UNICOM Monthly rent authentication fails as the recipient's mobile number is out of service or canceled.
    95 UNICOM Authentication fails as the recipient's mobile number does not exist or is canceled.
    98 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is temporarily out of service.
    99 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is temporarily out of service.
    100 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    100:97 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    101 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    102 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    103 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    104 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    105 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, suspended, or forbidden.
    106 UNICOM Authentication fails as the fees are invalid.
    107 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    110 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    114 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    116 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    117 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    118 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not have the SMS feature.
    121 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    122 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    124 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off, or the recipient's mobile number is suspended or forbidden.
    141 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    148 UNICOM An internal carrier error occurs.
    164 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    174 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    181 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    182 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    193 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    194 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    210 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    213 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, suspended, or forbidden.
    219 UNICOM The message cannot be received as the recipient's mobile number is out of service or temporarily unreachable, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    222 UNICOM The message is blocked as it contains a sensitive word.
    227 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    230 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    237 UNICOM The recipient is on the blocklist.
    239 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    245 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    253 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    254 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    255 UNICOM Contact SMS Helper for assistance.
    706 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    43497 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist, or the recipient is on the blocklist.
    2-67 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier.
    2-68 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    2:01 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2:05 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    2:3 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    2:4 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    2:8 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:10 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:11 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:12 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2:13 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:15 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:17 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    2:18 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    2:19 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2:20 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:21 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2:22 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    2:23 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:24 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:36 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:38 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:40 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    2:41 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:44 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    2:46 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2:53 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    2:55 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:56 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:63 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:86 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:72 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:75 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:79 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a storage exception.
    2:83 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:89 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    2:93 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:95 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    2:98 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:100 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:182 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:211 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    2:213 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:242 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    2:23000 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    2:24000 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    2:50000 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    100:23 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    100:29 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    100:101 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    BLACK UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BWLISTS UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    CJ:0005 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    CU:0020 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    DB:0005 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB00108 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DJ:0141 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DJ:0255 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    E:DISPR UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    E:ONSUB UNICOM The carrier's network fails.
    ERR:000 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ERR:004 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    ERR:005 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ERR:008 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    ERR:010 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ERR:012 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ERR:017 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ERR:032 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    ERROR UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    FAIL_BL UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    FAIL_IN UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    FAIL_MO UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    FF:0001 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    GB:0006 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    GB:0015 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    HONGZHA UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    LT:0 UNICOM Message sending succeeds.
    LT:0000 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    LT:0001 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0002 UNICOM A China Unicom failure occurs due to poor reception. If batch failures occur, the reason may be that the message contains a sensitive word. In this case, you need to confirm with the carrier.
    LT:0003 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is invalid.
    LT:0004 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    LT:0005 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0006 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    LT:0008 UNICOM The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    LT:0009 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is invalid.
    LT:00-1 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:00-4 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:00-9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0010 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0011 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:0012 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0013 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    LT:0015 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0016 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:0017 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0020 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0022 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0023 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0024 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:0027 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:0029 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:0031 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:0040 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0044 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0046 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0048 UNICOM Call fails.
    LT:0050 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is temporarily unreachable.
    LT:0051 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is temporarily unreachable.
    LT:0052 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0053 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is temporarily unreachable.
    LT:0054 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:0055 UNICOM Inbound call is restricted.
    LT:0057 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0059 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:0061 UNICOM The message is blocked.
    LT:0069 UNICOM A China Unicom failure occurs.
    LT:0075 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0079 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0086 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0089 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is invalid.
    LT:0090 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0092 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0093 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0098 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0100 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0104 UNICOM The recipient's phone is invalid.
    LT:0106 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:0117 UNICOM The message is blocked by the gateway.
    LT:0122 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:0-37 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:0-74 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    LT:1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is invalid.
    LT:5 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:6 UNICOM The recipient's phone is invalid.
    LT:9 UNICOM The recipient's phone is invalid.
    LT:11 UNICOM Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    LT:12 UNICOM The recipient's phone is invalid.
    LT:13 UNICOM Call is forbidden.
    LT:23 UNICOM Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    LT:27 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:31 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:32 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:34 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:35 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:36 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:52 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:61 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:67 UNICOM The recipient is on the blocklist.
    LT:86 UNICOM The recipient is on the blocklist.
    LT:90 UNICOM The recipient's phone is faulty.
    LT:91 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not have the SMS feature.
    LT:92 UNICOM The storage of the recipient's phone is full.
    LT:100 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:101 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:102 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:103 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    LT:104 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is invalid.
    LT:106 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    LT:107 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is invalid.
    LT:110 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:111 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:112 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:113 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:114 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:115 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:116 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:117 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:118 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:119 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:120 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:121 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:122 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:181 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:182 UNICOM The operation is forbidden.
    LT:21 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not have the SMS feature.
    LT:215 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:217 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:218 UNICOM The recipient's number is invalid.
    LT:219 UNICOM The recipient's number is invalid.
    LT:220 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    LT:221 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:222 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:223 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:225 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:226 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:227 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:228 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:229 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:230 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:231 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:232 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:233 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:234 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:235 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:236 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:237 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:238 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:239 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:240 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:241 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:242 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:243 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:244 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:245 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:246 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:247 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:248 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:249 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:250 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:251 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:252 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:253 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    LT:254 UNICOM An internal UNICOM gateway error occurs.
    MA:0038 UNICOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    MAXFREQ UNICOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    MC:000 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:-108 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:-74 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:-43 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:-37 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:-9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK: UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MK:1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MK:2 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:3 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:5 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:7 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:8 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    MK:10 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:11 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:12 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:13 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:15 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:17 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:19 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:20 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:21 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:23 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:24 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not have the SMS feature enabled.
    MK:25 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:27 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:29 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:44 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:53 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:54 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:55 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:56 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:57 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:63 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:75 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:90 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:92 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:100 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MK:122 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:1000 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MN:0082 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    MO:0001 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MO:0032 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MO:0254 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MO:0084 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MO:0086 UNICOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    MO:0094 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MO:0247 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MS:0005 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MS:1005 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MS:1007 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MX:0001 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MX:0004 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MX:0005 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MX:0006 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MX:0007 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MX:0008 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MX:0009 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MX:0010 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    MX:0013 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    QM_FAIL UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    R:00002 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00003 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00004 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00009 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00014 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00017 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00018 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    R:00019 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00020 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00022 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00027 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00029 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00033 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00035 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00036 UNICOM The frequency limit is reached.
    R:00041 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00044 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00045 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00048 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00050 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00051 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00053 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00054 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00055 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00057 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00058 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00059 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00064 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00067 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00068 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00069 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00070 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00072 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00073 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00075 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00079 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00083 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00085 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00086 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00088 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00089 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00090 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    R:00092 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00093 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00096 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00098 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00099 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00106 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00124 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00181 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00182 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    R:00210 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00230 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00242 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00245 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00253 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00254 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00605 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00612 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00613 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00614 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00615 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00616 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    R:00617 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00619 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00627 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00634 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00636 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00640 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00650 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00680 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00701 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00702 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00704 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00705 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    R:00706 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00707 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00708 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00711 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00713 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00714 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00718 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00721 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00726 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00760 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00761 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00762 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00763 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00764 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00765 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00771 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00779 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00801 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00802 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00814 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00815 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00817 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00827 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00869 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00875 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00899 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00980 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00999 UNICOM The frequency limit is reached.
    R:04300 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    R:04414 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:04442 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:04701 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R1:0013 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R1:0043 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R1:1011 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R2:0010 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    R2:0011 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    S::-19 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    S::-9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    S::-6 UNICOM Message sending fails as the recipient's mobile number is ported to another carrier.
    S::1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    S::9 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    S::43 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:-74 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SGIP:-37 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SGIP:0 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SGIP:2 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:3 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:4 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SGIP:5 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SGIP:7 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:8 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SGIP:9 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:11 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SGIP:12 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SGIP:13 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SGIP:15 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SGIP:24 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SGIP:27 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:29 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SGIP:51 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:54 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SGIP:57 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:75 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SGIP:81 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:82 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:83 UNICOM The frequency limit is reached.
    SGIP:84 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:85 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:86 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:87 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:88 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:89 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:90 UNICOM The message is blocked by the carrier.
    SGIP:91 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:92 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:93 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:94 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SGIP:98 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SGIP:100 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    SK:8210 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is exceptional as it is ported to another carrier.
    SME-9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    TE:0013 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    U:-108 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U:-75 UNICOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    U:-74 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    U:-37 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U:-17 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U:1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U:2 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:3 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:4 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U:5 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U:7 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:8 UNICOM The message length exceeds the limit.
    U:9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U:10 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U:11 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:12 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:13 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:15 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U:17 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:18 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:20 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U:22 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:23 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:24 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U:29 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U:31 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U:36 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U:40 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:44 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    U:48 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:51 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U:53 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U:54 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U:58 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a storage exception.
    U:59 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:69 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    U:75 UNICOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    U:76 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:98 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U:100 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:115 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U:122 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:-108 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:-82 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:-75 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:-74 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:-62 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:-37 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    U2:-29 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:-26 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:-19 UNICOM The recipient is on the blocklist.
    U2:-17 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:-9 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:-2 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:-3 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:1 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:2 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:3 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:4 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:5 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:6 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    U2:7 UNICOM Message sending exceeds the limit.
    U2:8 UNICOM The message length exceeds the limit.
    U2:9 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:10 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:11 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:12 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:13 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:15 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    U2:16 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    U2:17 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:18 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:20 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:21 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:22 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:23 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:24 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:27 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:29 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:30 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:31 UNICOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    U2:32 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:35 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:36 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:38 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:40 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:43 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:44 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:45 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:46 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:48 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:50 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:51 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:52 UNICOM The recipient's phone does not have the SMS feature.
    U2:53 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:54 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:55 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of area.
    U2:56 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:57 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:58 UNICOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    U2:59 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:61 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:63 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:66 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a storage exception.
    U2:67 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:69 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    U2:72 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    U2:73 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:74 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:75 UNICOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    U2:79 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is exceptional.
    U2:80 UNICOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    U2:83 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:86 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    U2:88 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:89 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:90 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:92 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    U2:93 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:95 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:98 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:99 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:100 UNICOM The UNICOM gateway is exceptional internally.
    U2:106 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:115 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:116 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:117 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    U2:121 UNICOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    U2:122 UNICOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    U2:182 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:247 UNICOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    U2:252 UNICOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    W-BLACK UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    XY:0000 UNICOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    006 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    010 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    13-19 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    23-29 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    112-116 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    128-255 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    650(660\99 TELECOM The frequency limit is reached.
    702 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    705 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    708 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    711 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    712 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    713 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    714 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    716 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    717 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    718 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    726 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    731 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    760 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    762 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    771 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    779 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    999 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    1000 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    1107 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    1509949 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    ACCEPTD TELECOM The message has been received by the recipient.
    BLACKMB TELECOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BLACKWD TELECOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    BWLISTSS163S TELECOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    DB:0612 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0613 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0614 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0615 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0618 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0620 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    DB:0622 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0627 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    DB:0636 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0640 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    DB:0650 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0899 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DB:0999 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    DB:1037 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    DELIVER TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    E:ODSL TELECOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    ERR:601 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    ERR:602 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    ERR:612 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    ERR:613 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ERR:615 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    ERR:617 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ERR:618 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ERR:627 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    ERR:640 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    ERR:660 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIRED_76 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    EXPIREDS001S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    EXPIREDS010S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    EXPIREDS601S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    EXPIREDS602S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    EXPIREDS608S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    EXPIREDS612S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS613S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS614S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS615S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS616S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS617S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS618S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS619S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS622S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS636S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS640S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    EXPIREDS650S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS660S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    EXPIREDS702S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    EXPIREDS705S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    EXPIREDS711S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    EXPIREDS712S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS713S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a storage exception.
    EXPIREDS714S TELECOM No acknowledgment information is received. The recipient is recommended to clear the phone cache.
    EXPIREDS716S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS717S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS726S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS731S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    EXPIREDS760S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    EXPIREDS765S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    EXPIREO TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    F000039 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    F1120 TELECOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    F1121 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    F121420 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    F1214H1 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    F1214HY TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    FAILED TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    GB:0002 TELECOM The frequency limit is reached.
    GB:0014 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    MBBLACK TELECOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    ME:-3 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    MK:1006 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    MO:0009 TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier as it hits a keyword.
    MOBILEBLAC TELECOM The recipient is on the carrier's blocklist.
    MS:0002 TELECOM The carrier's frequency limit is reached.
    MS:219 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    MS:1106 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    NOPASS TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier manually.
    PBDQ TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    RDBLACK TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00000 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00001 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00005 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    R:00006 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00008 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00011 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00012 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00013 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    R:00023 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00056 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00061 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    R:00102 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    R:00104 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    R:00168 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00601 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    R:00602 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    R:00660 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    REFUSED TELECOM The frequency limit is reached.
    REJECT TELECOM The message is rejected by the carrier manually.
    REJECTDS174S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    REJECTDS255S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    REJECTDS706S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off, which causes data retention.
    REJECTDS726S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    REJECTDS900S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    REJECTE TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier manually.
    ROUTEERR TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    S::TIMEOUT TELECOM Submission times out.
    SGIP:10 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP601 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP602 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP603 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP609 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGP614 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SMGP615 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SMGP624 TELECOM The frequency limit is reached.
    SMGP627 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SMGP628 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    SMGP634 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    SMGP640 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SMGP660 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGP701 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SMGP702 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP703 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP704 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGP705 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SMGP713 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    SMGP714 TELECOM The recipient's phone has a cache exception.
    SMGP726 TELECOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    SMGP728 TELECOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    SMGP730 TELECOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    SMGP801 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP802 TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    SMGP815 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    SMGP840 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SMGPERR:1 TELECOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:10 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:11 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:12 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:13 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:14 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:15 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:16 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:17 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:18 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:19 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:2 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:20 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:21 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:22 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:23 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:24 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:25 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:26 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:27 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:28 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:29 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:3 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:30 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:31 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:32 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:33 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:34 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:35 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:36 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:37 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:38 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:39 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:4 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:40 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:43 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:44 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:45 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:46 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:47 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:48 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:49 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:50 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:51 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:52 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:53 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:54 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:55 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SMGPERR:56 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:10 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    SPMSERR:11 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    SPMSERR:12 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:13 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:14 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:15 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:16 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:25 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:30 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:31 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SPMSERR:99 TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SUBFAIL TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    SUPERWD TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    SWITCH TELECOM China Telecom does not support sending marketing SMS.
    TIMEUP TELECOM The carrier's gateway is exceptional.
    UNDELIV_60 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    UNDELIV_64 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIV_70 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    UNDELIV_80 TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is suspended.
    UNDELIVS001S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS010S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS601S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS602S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS606S TELECOM The message is blocked by the carrier's gateway.
    UNDELIVS608S TELECOM The carrier is exceptional internally.
    UNDELIVS612S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception. The recipient is recommended to restart the phone.
    UNDELIVS613S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS614S TELECOM No acknowledgment information is received. The recipient is recommended to clear the phone cache.
    UNDELIVS615S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS616S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS617S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS618S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS619S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS620S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS622S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS625S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS627S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS634S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS636S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS640S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS650S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS660S TELECOM The message is blocked as it hits a keyword.
    UNDELIVS680S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    UNDELIVS701S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist or is out of service.
    UNDELIVS702S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS704S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS705S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    UNDELIVS706S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS707S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS711S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS712S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS713S TELECOM No acknowledgment information is received. The recipient is recommended to clear the phone cache.
    UNDELIVS714S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS716S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS717S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS718S TELECOM The recipient's phone has poor reception when the message is sent.
    UNDELIVS719S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS721S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS726S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS730S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS731S TELECOM No acknowledgment information is received. The recipient is recommended to clear the phone cache.
    UNDELIVS761S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS762S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS764S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS765S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS766S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS767S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service, or the recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS768S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS771S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS779S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS801S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    UNDELIVS802S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNDELIVS812S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS813S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS814S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off when the message is sent.
    UNDELIVS815S TELECOM The recipient's phone is exceptional.
    UNDELIVS817S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS819S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS822S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS827S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS836S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    UNDELIVS860S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS869S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number is out of service.
    UNDELIVS870S TELECOM The recipient's mobile number does not exist.
    UNDELIVS880S TELECOM The recipient's phone is exceptional. The recipient is recommended to clear the cache and try again.
    UNDELIVS899S TELECOM No response is returned when the message is sent.
    UNDELIVS908S TELECOM Message sending is jammed during peak hours.
    UNDELIVS999S TELECOM The recipient's phone is powered off.
    UNKNOWNS879S TELECOM The recipient's phone has a reception exception.
    WZ:9413 TELECOM The frequency limit is reached.
    ZZ:9023 TELECOM The carrier's frequency limit (one message every three days) is reached.