tencent cloud



마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-05-05 10:16:41

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: scf.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to create a version for a layer by using the given .zip file or COS object. Each time this API is called with the same layer name, a new version will be generated.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: PublishLayerVersion.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-04-16.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
LayerName Yes String Layer name, which can contain 1-64 English letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores, must begin with a letter, and cannot end with a hyphen or underscore
CompatibleRuntimes.N Yes Array of String Runtimes compatible with layer. Multiple choices are allowed. The valid values of this parameter correspond to the valid values of the Runtime of the function.
Content Yes Code Layer file source or content
Description No String Layer version description
LicenseInfo No String Software license of layer

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
LayerVersion Integer Version number of the layer created in this request
RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Publishing layer version

Publishing layer version

Input Example

Host: scf.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: PublishLayerVersion
<Common request parameters>

    "LayerName": "abc",
    "CompatibleRuntimes": [
    "Content": {
        "CosBucketName": "abc",
        "CosObjectName": "abc",
        "ZipFile": "abc",
        "CosBucketRegion": "abc",
        "DemoId": "abc",
        "TempCosObjectName": "abc",
        "GitUrl": "abc",
        "GitUserName": "abc",
        "GitPassword": "abc",
        "GitPasswordSecret": "abc",
        "GitBranch": "abc",
        "GitDirectory": "abc",
        "GitCommitId": "abc",
        "GitUserNameSecret": "abc",
        "ImageConfig": {
            "RegistryId": "abc",
            "ImageType": "abc",
            "ImageUri": "abc",
            "EntryPoint": "abc",
            "Command": "abc",
            "Args": "abc",
            "ContainerImageAccelerate": true
    "Description": "abc",
    "LicenseInfo": "abc"

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "LayerVersion": 0,
        "RequestId": "abc"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
FailedOperation.PublishLayerVersion Failed to publish the layer version.
InternalError Internal error.
InternalError.Exception Internal service error
InternalError.System Internal system error.
InvalidParameterValue.CompatibleRuntimes Incorrect CompatibleRuntimes parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.Content Incorrect Content parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.Cos Cos error.
InvalidParameterValue.CosBucketName Invalid CosBucketName.
InvalidParameterValue.CosBucketRegion The value of CosBucketRegion is invalid. Please modify and try again. See: https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW
InvalidParameterValue.CosObjectName Invalid CosObjectName.
InvalidParameterValue.Description Description error.
InvalidParameterValue.LayerName Incorrect LayerName parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.Name Incorrect Name parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.Runtime Runtime error.
InvalidParameterValue.Stamp The value of Stamp does not meet the specification. Please fix it and try again.
InvalidParameterValue.TempCosObjectName Invalid TempCosObjectName.
InvalidParameterValue.ZipFileBase64BinasciiError Failed to Base64-decode the compressed file: Incorrect padding. Please fix it and try again.
LimitExceeded.LayerVersions The number of layer versions exceeds the upper limit.
ResourceInUse The resource is in use.
UnauthorizedOperation.CAM CAM authentication failed.
UnauthorizedOperation.NotMC This API is not called from the console.
UnsupportedOperation.Cos Cos operation is not supported.