tencent cloud


Get subscription properties

마지막 업데이트 시간:2020-06-08 16:31:23


    This is a legacy API which has been hidden and will no longer be updated. We recommend using the new CMQ API 3.0 which is standardized and faster.

    Interface description

    This API (GetSubscriptionAttributes) is used to obtain the attributes of a created subscription.

    • Domain name requested by public network API: https://cmq-topic-{$region}.api.qcloud.com
    • Domain name requested by private network API: http://cmq-topic-{$region}.api.tencentyun.com

    The above {$region} in the domain name needs to be replaced with a specific region : gz (Guangzhou), sh (Shanghai), bj (Beijing), shjr (Shanghai Financial), szjr (Shenzhen Financial), hk (China Hong Kong), cd (Chengdu), ca (North American), usw (Maxi), sg (Singapore). The region value in the common parameters should be consistent with the region value of the domain name. If there is any inconsistency, the request will be sent to the region specified by the domain name region based on the region value of the domain name.

    At any time (including during internal testing), if the public network downstream Traffic is generated by using a public network domain name, Traffic and cost will be charged. Therefore, users of the service on Tencent Cloud are strongly recommended to use it. Private network Domain name, private network will not produce Traffic cost.

    Input Parameter

    The following request parameter list only lists the API request parameters. For other parameters, please see Common Request Parameters page.

    Parameter name Required Type Description
    TopicName Yes String Topic's name is unique under the same account in a single region. The name of topic is a string of no more than 64 characters, which must begin with a letter, and the rest can contain letters, numbers and underscores (-).
    SubscriptionName Yes String The subscription name is unique under the same topic of the same account in a single region. The subscription name is a string of no more than 64 characters, must begin with a letter, and the rest can contain letters, numbers, and dashes (-).

    Output Parameter

    Parameter name Type Description
    Code Int 0: indicates success. For more information on the meaning of other return values, please see Error Codes .
    Message String Error message.
    RequestId String Request ID generated by the server. When an internal error occurs on the server, the user can submit this ID to Backend Background to locate the problem.
    TopicOwner String The APPID of the subscription owner.
    MsgCount Int The number of messages waiting for shipping to be subscribed.
    Protocol String Protocol, who subscribes to, currently supports two kinds of Protocol: HTTP and queue. With HTTP Protocol, users need to build their own Web Server to accept messages. Using queue, messages will be automatically pushed to CMQ queue, users can pull messages Concurrence.
    Endpoint String The endpoint, that receives the notification is distinguished according to Protocol's protocol: for HTTP,endpoint, it must start with "http://", host can be a domain name or IP;, enter queueName for queue,.
    NotifyStrategy String The retry policy of the endpoint push server when an error occurs in the push message to CMQ. The values are:
    (1) BACKOFF_RETRY, Backoff retry. Try again at regular intervals, and after retrying for a certain number of times, discard the message and continue to push the next message.
    (2) EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RETRY, index decline retry. The interval of each retry increases exponentially, for example, at the beginning of 1s, followed by 2s, 4s, 8s. Because the cycle of Topic messages is one day, at most one day of retry will discard the message. The default value is EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RETRY.
    NotifyContentFormat String The format of the push content. Value: (1) JSON; (2) SIMPLIFIED, is raw format. If protocol is queue, the value must be SIMPLIFIED. If protocol is HTTP, both values can be used, and the default value is JSON.
    CreateTime Int The time when the subscription was created. Returns Unix timestamp, accurate to seconds.
    LastModifyTime Int When the subscription property was last modified. Returns Unix timestamp, accurate to seconds.
    BindingKey String array Represents the filtering policy for subscribing to receive messages.



     &<Common request parameters>


    "code" : 0,
    "message" : "",
    "lastModifyTime": 1462269960