tencent cloud


Data Types

마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-03-08 12:00:32


Backup download task information

Used by actions: DescribeBackupDownloadTask.

Name Type Description
CreateTime String Task creation time
BackupName String Backup name
ReplicaSetId String Shard name
BackupSize Integer Backup size in bytes
Status Integer Task status. Valid values: 0 (waiting for execution), 1 (downloading), 2 (downloaded), 3 (download failed), 4 (waiting for retry)
Percent Integer Task progress in percentage
TimeSpend Integer Task duration in seconds
Url String Backup download address
BackupMethod Integer Backup type of the backup file. Valid values: 0 (logical backup), 1 (physical backup)
BackupDesc String Backup description you set when starting a backup task
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


The result of the created backup download task

Used by actions: CreateBackupDownloadTask.

Name Type Description
ReplicaSetId String Shard name
Status Integer Task status. Valid values: 0 (waiting for execution), 1 (downloading), 2 (downloaded), 3 (download failed), 4 (waiting for retry)


Backup information

Used by actions: DescribeDBBackups.

Name Type Description
InstanceId String Instance ID
BackupType Integer Backup mode. 0: automatic backup; 1: manual backup
BackupName String Backup name
BackupDesc String Backup remarks
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
BackupSize Integer Backup file size in KB
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
StartTime String Backup start time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
EndTime String Backup end time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Status Integer Backup status. 1: backing up; 2: backed up successful
BackupMethod Integer Backup method. 0: logical backup; 1: physical backup


Client connection information, including client IP and number of connections

Used by actions: DescribeClientConnections.

Name Type Description
IP String Client IP of a connection
Count Integer Number of connections corresponding to a client IP
InternalService Boolean Whether it is the Tencent Cloud IP for automated testing


Instance information

Used by actions: DescribeDBInstances.

Name Type Description
InstanceId String Instance ID
Region String Region information


Instance price

Used by actions: InquirePriceCreateDBInstances, InquirePriceModifyDBInstanceSpec, InquirePriceRenewDBInstances.

Name Type Required Description
UnitPrice Float Yes Unit price.
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
OriginalPrice Float Yes Original price.
DiscountPrice Float Yes Discounted price.


Description on the billing mode of an instance

Used by actions: InquirePriceRenewDBInstances, RenewDBInstances.

Name Type Required Description
Period Integer No Purchased usage period (in month). Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36. Default value: 1.
(This parameter is required in InquirePriceRenewDBInstances and RenewDBInstances APIs.)
RenewFlag String No Auto-renewal flag. Valid values:
NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW: notify expiration and renew automatically
NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW: notify expiration but not renew automatically
DISABLE_NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW: neither notify expiration nor renew automatically

Default value: NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW. If this parameter is specified as NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW, the instance will be automatically renewed on a monthly basis when the account balance is sufficient.
(This parameter is required in InquirePriceRenewDBInstances and RenewDBInstances APIs.)


Instance details

Used by actions: DescribeDBInstances.

Name Type Description
InstanceId String Instance ID
InstanceName String Instance name
PayMode Integer Billing type. Valid value: 0 (pay-as-you-go)
ProjectId Integer Project ID
ClusterType Integer Cluster type. Valid values: 0 (replica set instance), 1 (sharded instance).
Region String Region information
Zone String AZ information
NetType Integer Network type. Valid values: 0 (basic network), 1 (VPC)
VpcId String VPC ID
SubnetId String Subnet ID of VPC
Status Integer Instance status. Valid values: 0 (to be initialized), 1 (in process), 2 (running), -2 (expired).
Vip String Instance IP
Vport Integer Port number
CreateTime Timestamp Instance creation time
DeadLine Timestamp Instance expiration time
MongoVersion String Instance version information
Memory Integer Instance memory size in MB
Volume Integer Instance disk size in MB
CpuNum Integer Number of CPU cores of an instance
MachineType String Instance machine type
SecondaryNum Integer Number of secondary nodes of an instance
ReplicationSetNum Integer Number of instance shards
AutoRenewFlag Integer Instance auto-renewal flag. Valid values: 0 (manual renewal), 1 (auto-renewal), 2 (no renewal upon expiration)
UsedVolume Integer Used capacity in MB
MaintenanceStart String Start time of the maintenance time
MaintenanceEnd String End time of the maintenance time
ReplicaSets Array of ShardInfo Shard information
ReadonlyInstances Array of DBInstanceInfo Information of read-only instances
StandbyInstances Array of DBInstanceInfo Information of disaster recovery instances
CloneInstances Array of DBInstanceInfo Information of temp instances
RelatedInstance DBInstanceInfo Information of associated instances. For a regular instance, this field represents the information of its temp instance; for a temp instance, this field represents the information of its regular instance; and for a read-only instance or a disaster recovery instance, this field represents the information of its primary instance.
Tags Array of TagInfo Instance tag information set
InstanceVer Integer Instance version
ClusterVer Integer Instance version
Protocol Integer Protocol information. Valid values: 1 (mongodb), 2 (dynamodb).
InstanceType Integer Instance type. Valid values: 1 (promoted instance), 2 (temp instance), 3 (read-only instance), 4 (disaster recovery instance)
InstanceStatusDesc String Instance status description
RealInstanceId String Physical instance ID. For an instance that has been rolled back and replaced, its InstanceId and RealInstanceId are different. The physical instance ID is needed in such scenarios as getting monitoring data from Barad
MongosNodeNum Integer Number of mongos nodes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
MongosMemory Integer mongos node memory
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
MongosCpuNum Integer Number of mongos nodes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ConfigServerNodeNum Integer Number of ConfigServer nodes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ConfigServerMemory Integer Memory of ConfigServer node
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ConfigServerVolume Integer Disk size of ConfigServer node
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ConfigServerCpuNum Integer CPU number of ConfigServer node
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ReadonlyNodeNum Integer Number of read-only nodes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


The collection of modifiable enum parameters of an instance.

Used by actions: DescribeInstanceParams.

Name Type Description
CurrentValue String Current value
DefaultValue String Default value
EnumValue Array of String Acceptable values
NeedRestart String Whether to restart the instance for the parameter to take effect. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no, which means the parameter setting takes effect immediately)
ParamName String Parameter name
Tips Array of String Parameter description
ValueType String Data type of the parameter
Status Integer Whether CurrentValue is the parameter value actually in use. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)


The collection of modifiable integer parameters of an instance.

Used by actions: DescribeInstanceParams.

Name Type Description
CurrentValue String Current value
DefaultValue String Default value
Max String Maximum value
Min String Minimum value
NeedRestart String Whether to restart the instance for the parameter to take effect. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no, which means the parameter setting takes effect immediately)
ParamName String Parameter name
Tips Array of String Parameter description
ValueType String Data type of the parameter
Status Integer Whether CurrentValue is the parameter value actually in use. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)
Unit String Redundant field which can be ignored


The collection of modifiable string parameters of an instance which are used to represent time ranges.

Used by actions: DescribeInstanceParams.

Name Type Description
CurrentValue String Current value
DefaultValue String Default value
EnumValue Array of String Acceptable values
NeedRestart String Whether to restart the instance for the parameter to take effect. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no, which means the parameter setting takes effect immediately)
ParamName String Parameter name
Status Integer Whether CurrentValue is the parameter value actually in use. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)
Tips Array of String Parameter description
ValueType String Data type of the current value. Default value: multi


The collection of modifiable text parameters of an instance.

Used by actions: DescribeInstanceParams.

Name Type Description
CurrentValue String Current value
DefaultValue String Default value
NeedRestart String Whether to restart the instance for the parameter to take effect
ParamName String Parameter name
TextValue String Value of a text parameter
Tips Array of String Parameter description
ValueType String Value type
Status String Whether CurrentValue is the parameter value actually in use. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)


Database IP to be modified

Used by actions: ModifyDBInstanceNetworkAddress.

Name Type Required Description
NewIPAddress String Yes New IP
OldIpAddress String Yes Old IP


Shard information

Used by actions: CreateBackupDownloadTask.

Name Type Required Description
ReplicaSetId String Yes Replica set ID


Security group information

Used by actions: DescribeSecurityGroup.

Name Type Description
ProjectId Integer Project ID
CreateTime String Creation time
Inbound Array of SecurityGroupBound Inbound rule
Outbound Array of SecurityGroupBound Outbound rule
SecurityGroupId String Security group ID
SecurityGroupName String Security group name
SecurityGroupRemark String Security group remarks


Security group rule

Used by actions: DescribeSecurityGroup.

Name Type Description
Action String Execution rule. Valid values: ACCEPT, DROP
CidrIp String IP range
PortRange String Port range
IpProtocol String Transport layer protocol. Valid values: tcp, udp, ALL
Id String All the addresses that the security group ID represents
AddressModule String All the addresses that the address group ID represents
ServiceModule String All the protocols and ports that the service group ID represents
Desc String Description


Details of an instance shard

Used by actions: DescribeDBInstances.

Name Type Description
UsedVolume Float Used shard capacity
ReplicaSetId String Shard ID
ReplicaSetName String Shard name
Memory Integer Shard memory size in MB
Volume Integer Shard disk size in MB
OplogSize Integer Shard oplog size in MB
SecondaryNum Integer Number of secondary nodes of a shard
RealReplicaSetId String Shard physical ID


Slow log statistics of MongoDB database

Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogPatterns.

Name Type Description
Pattern String Slow log pattern
MaxTime Integer Maximum execution time
AverageTime Integer Average execution time
Total Integer Number of slow logs in this pattern


Specifications of purchasable MongoDB instances

Used by actions: DescribeSpecInfo.

Name Type Description
SpecCode String Specification information identifier
Status Integer Specification purchasable flag. Valid values: 0 (not purchasable), 1 (purchasable)
Cpu Integer Computing resource specification in terms of CPU core
Memory Integer Memory size in MB
DefaultStorage Integer Default disk size in MB
MaxStorage Integer Maximum disk size in MB
MinStorage Integer Minimum disk size in MB
Qps Integer Maximum QPS
Conns Integer Maximum number of connections
MongoVersionCode String MongoDB version information of an instance
MongoVersionValue Integer MongoDB version number of an instance
Version String MongoDB version number of an instance (short)
EngineName String Storage engine
ClusterType Integer Cluster type. Valid values: 1 (sharding cluster), 0 (replica set cluster)
MinNodeNum Integer Minimum number of secondary nodes in a replica set
MaxNodeNum Integer Maximum number of secondary nodes in a replica set
MinReplicateSetNum Integer Minimum number of shards
MaxReplicateSetNum Integer Maximum number of shards
MinReplicateSetNodeNum Integer Minimum number of secondary nodes in a shard
MaxReplicateSetNodeNum Integer Maximum number of secondary nodes in a shard
MachineType String Server type. Valid values: 0 (HIO), 4 (HIO10G)


Instance specification information

Used by actions: DescribeSpecInfo.

Name Type Description
Region String Region information
Zone String AZ information
SpecItems Array of SpecItem Purchasable specification information
SupportMultiAZ Integer Whether cross-AZ deployment is supported. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no).


Instance tag information

Used by actions: CreateDBInstance, CreateDBInstanceHour, DescribeDBInstances.

Name Type Required Description
TagKey String Yes Tag key
TagValue String Yes Tag value