Domain name for API request:
This API is used to create a cluster.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateCluster. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-05-25. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. |
ClusterType | Yes | String | Cluster type. Managed cluster: MANAGED_CLUSTER; self-deployed cluster: INDEPENDENT_CLUSTER. |
ClusterCIDRSettings | Yes | ClusterCIDRSettings | Container networking configuration information for the cluster |
RunInstancesForNode.N | No | Array of RunInstancesForNode | Pass-through parameter for CVM creation in the format of a JSON string. For more information, see the API for creating a CVM instance. |
ClusterBasicSettings | No | ClusterBasicSettings | Basic configuration information of the cluster |
ClusterAdvancedSettings | No | ClusterAdvancedSettings | Advanced configuration information of the cluster |
InstanceAdvancedSettings | No | InstanceAdvancedSettings | Advanced configuration information of the node |
ExistedInstancesForNode.N | No | Array of ExistedInstancesForNode | The configuration information for existing instances. All instances must be in the same VPC. Up to 100 instances are allowed in one VPC. Spot instances are not supported. |
InstanceDataDiskMountSettings.N | No | Array of InstanceDataDiskMountSetting | CVM type and the corresponding data disk mounting configuration information. |
ExtensionAddons.N | No | Array of ExtensionAddon | Information of the add-on to be installed |
CdcId | No | String | CDC Id |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
ClusterId | String | Cluster ID |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
This example shows you how to create a managed cluster.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: CreateCluster
<Common request parameters>
"ClusterType": "MANAGED_CLUSTER",
"ClusterBasicSettings": {
"ClusterOs": "centos8.0x86_64",
"OsCustomizeType": "GENERAL",
"ClusterVersion": "1.26.1",
"ClusterName": "test",
"ClusterDescription": "Test Cluster",
"VpcId": "vpc-135qxjgs",
"ProjectId": 0,
"NeedWorkSecurityGroup": false,
"TagSpecification": [
"ResourceType": "cluster",
"Tags": [
"Key": "aa",
"Value": "cc"
"ClusterLevel": "L5",
"AutoUpgradeClusterLevel": {
"IsAutoUpgrade": true
"ClusterCIDRSettings": {
"ClusterCIDR": "",
"IgnoreClusterCIDRConflict": false,
"MaxNodePodNum": 64,
"MaxClusterServiceNum": 1024
"ClusterAdvancedSettings": {
"AsEnabled": false,
"IPVS": true,
"ContainerRuntime": "containerd",
"RuntimeVersion": "1.6.9",
"NodeNameType": "lan-ip",
"ExtraArgs": {
"KubeAPIServer": [],
"KubeControllerManager": [],
"KubeScheduler": []
"NetworkType": "GR",
"DeletionProtection": true,
"AuditEnabled": true,
"AuditLogsetId": "",
"AuditLogTopicId": "",
"EnableCustomizedPodCIDR": false,
"IsDualStack": false,
"QGPUShareEnable": true
"InstanceAdvancedSettings": {
"DataDisks": [],
"DockerGraphPath": "/var/lib/containerd",
"Unschedulable": 0,
"PreStartUserScript": "",
"UserScript": "",
"Labels": [],
"Taints": [],
"GPUArgs": {},
"DesiredPodNumber": 0
"ExtensionAddons": [
"AddonName": "CBS",
"AddonParam": "{\"kind\":\"App\",\"spec\":{\"chart\":{\"chartName\":\"cbs\",\"chartVersion\":\"1.1.3\"},\"values\":{\"values\":[],\"rawValues\":\"e30=\",\"rawValuesType\":\"json\"}}}"
"AddonName": "APP",
"AddonParam": "{\"kind\":\"App\",\"spec\":{\"chart\":{\"chartName\":\"user-group-access-control\",\"chartVersion\":\"1.0.0\"}}}"
"AddonName": "QGPU",
"AddonParam": "{\"kind\":\"App\",\"spec\":{\"chart\":{\"chartName\":\"qgpu\",\"chartVersion\":\"1.0.19\"},\"values\":{\"values\":[\"config.priority=binpack\",\"config.nodepriority=spread\",\"config.rootdir=/var/lib/kubelet\"]}}}"
"AddonName": "KMS",
"AddonParam": "{\"kind\":\"App\",\"spec\":{\"chart\":{\"chartName\":\"tke-kms-plugin\",\"chartVersion\":\"1.0.0\"},\"name\":\"tke-kms-plugin\",\"values\":{\"values\":[\"keyId=7d90e454-8458-11ee-b601-525400741137\",\"region=ap-guangzhou\",\"resource=secrets\"]}}}"
"RunInstancesForNode": [
"NodeRole": "WORKER",
"RunInstancesPara": [
"InstanceAdvancedSettingsOverrides": [
"DataDisks": [],
"MountTarget": "",
"DockerGraphPath": "/var/lib/containerd",
"Unschedulable": 0,
"PreStartUserScript": "",
"UserScript": "",
"DesiredPodNumber": 0,
"Labels": [],
"Taints": [],
"ExtraArgs": {
"Kubelet": []
"GPUArgs": {
"MIGEnable": false,
"Driver": {
"Version": "",
"Name": ""
"CUDA": {
"Version": "",
"Name": ""
"CUDNN": {
"Version": "",
"Name": "",
"DocName": "",
"DevName": ""
"InstanceDataDiskMountSettings": []
"Response": {
"ClusterId": "cls-7ph3twqe",
"RequestId": "eac6b301-a322-493a-8e36-83b295459397"
This example shows you how to create an independent cluster.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: CreateCluster
<Common request parameters>
"ClusterCIDRSettings": {
"ClusterCIDR": ""
"ExtensionAddons": [
"AddonName": "GameApp",
"AddonParam": "{\"kind\":\"GameApp\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"ga\"},\"spec\":{\"clusterName\":\"xxx\"}}"
"RunInstancesForNode": [
"NodeRole": "WORKER",
"RunInstancesPara": [
"NodeRole": "MASTER_ETCD",
"RunInstancesPara": [
"Response": {
"ClusterId": "cls-xxx",
"RequestId": "eac6b301-a322-493a-8e36-83b295459397"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.AccountCommon | Failed to obtain user authentication information. |
FailedOperation.AccountUserNotAuthenticated | The account is not verified. |
FailedOperation.CamNoAuth | Not authorized to access this API |
FailedOperation.ComponentClientHttp | Internal HTTP client error. |
FailedOperation.CvmCommon | Failed to create the node due to a CVM error |
FailedOperation.CvmNumberNotMatch | Some of the specified CVMs are not found. |
FailedOperation.CvmVpcidNotMatch | The CVM does not match the VPC ID. |
FailedOperation.DbRecordNotFound | Record not found. |
FailedOperation.DfwGetUSGQuota | Failed to obtain security group quota. |
FailedOperation.NodeExistsSecondaryNetworkInterface | The node has a secondary ENI. |
FailedOperation.OsNotSupport | The image OS is not supported. |
FailedOperation.Param | Invalid parameter. |
FailedOperation.QuotaMaxClsLimit | Reached the quota limit. |
FailedOperation.QuotaMaxNodLimit | Reached the quota limit. |
FailedOperation.QuotaUSGLimit | Insufficient security group quota. |
FailedOperation.TradeCommon | Query failed. |
FailedOperation.VpcCommon | VPC error. |
FailedOperation.VpcRecodrNotFound | VPC record not found. |
FailedOperation.WhitelistUnexpectedError | Allowlist error. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InternalError.AccountCommon | Failed to obtain the user authentication information |
InternalError.AccountUserNotAuthenticated | Account not verified. |
InternalError.AsCommon | Error creating scaling group resource. |
InternalError.CidrConflictWithOtherCluster | CIDR conflicts with the CIDR of another cluster. |
InternalError.CidrConflictWithOtherRoute | CIDR conflicts with another route. |
InternalError.CidrConflictWithVpcCidr | CIDR conflicts with VPC. |
InternalError.CidrConflictWithVpcGlobalRoute | CIDR conflicts with global route. |
InternalError.CidrInvali | Invalid CIDR. |
InternalError.CidrMaskSizeOutOfRange | Invalid CIDR mask. |
InternalError.ComponentClinetHttp | Error while requesting (HTTP) other Tencent Cloud services |
InternalError.CreateMasterFailed | Failed to create cluster. |
InternalError.CvmCommon | Error in node creation. |
InternalError.CvmNumberNotMatch | Some of the CVMs cannot be found |
InternalError.CvmStatus | Exceptional CVM status. |
InternalError.Db | DB error. |
InternalError.DbAffectivedRows | Database error. |
InternalError.DbRecordNotFound | Record not found. |
InternalError.DfwGetUSGCount | Failed to obtain total number of current security groups. |
InternalError.DfwGetUSGQuota | Failed to obtain security group quota. |
InternalError.InitMasterFailed | Failed to initialize Master. |
InternalError.InvalidPrivateNetworkCidr | Invalid CIDR. |
InternalError.OsNotSupport | Image OS not supported. |
InternalError.Param | Parameter error. |
InternalError.PublicClusterOpNotSupport | Cluster does not support the current operation. |
InternalError.QuotaMaxClsLimit | Quota limit exceeded. |
InternalError.QuotaMaxNodLimit | Quota limit exceeded. |
InternalError.QuotaUSGLimit | Insufficient security group quota. |
InternalError.TaskCreateFailed | Failed to create the task. |
InternalError.TradeCommon | Billing error. |
InternalError.UnexceptedInternal | Internal error. |
InternalError.UnexpectedInternal | Unknown internal error. |
InternalError.VpcCommon | VPC error |
InternalError.VpcRecodrNotFound | VPC record not found |
InvalidParameter | Parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.CIDRInvalid | Invalid CIDR block. |
InvalidParameter.CIDRMaskSizeOutOfRange | Invalid CIDR block mask (valid range: 10 to 24). |
InvalidParameter.CidrConflictWithOtherCluster | The CIDR block conflicts with the CIDR blocks of other clusters. |
InvalidParameter.CidrConflictWithOtherRoute | The route to create conflicts with existing routes. |
InvalidParameter.CidrConflictWithVpcCidr | The CIDR block conflicts with the VPC’s CIDR block. |
InvalidParameter.CidrConflictWithVpcGlobalRoute | The created route conflicts with the existing global route under the VPC. |
InvalidParameter.CidrInvali | Invalid CIDR block. |
InvalidParameter.CidrInvalid | Parameter error. The CIDR block does not meet the specification. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPrivateNetworkCIDR | Invalid private CIDR block. |
LimitExceeded | Quota limit is exceeded. |
ResourceInsufficient.SpecifiedInstanceType | Insufficient CVM resources. |
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