tencent cloud



마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-08-11 16:09:12

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: monitor.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to get details of a basic policy group.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribePolicyGroupInfo.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-07-24.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
Module Yes String The value is fixed to monitor.
GroupId Yes Integer Policy group ID.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
GroupName String Policy group name.
ProjectId Integer ID of the project to which the policy group belongs.
IsDefault Integer Whether it is the default policy. The value 0 indicates that it is not the default policy. The value 1 indicates that it is the default policy.
ViewName String Policy type.
Remark String Policy description
ShowName String Policy type name.
LastEditUin String Uin that was last edited.
UpdateTime String Last edited time.
Region Array of String Regions supported by this policy.
DimensionGroup Array of String List of policy type dimensions.
ConditionsConfig Array of DescribePolicyGroupInfoCondition Threshold rule list.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
EventConfig Array of DescribePolicyGroupInfoEventCondition Product event rule list.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
ReceiverInfos Array of DescribePolicyGroupInfoReceiverInfo Recipient list.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
Callback DescribePolicyGroupInfoCallback User callback information.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
ConditionsTemp DescribePolicyGroupInfoConditionTpl Template-based policy group.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
CanSetDefault Boolean Whether the policy can be configured as the default policy.
IsUnionRule Integer Whether the 'AND' rule is used.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Querying policy group information

Input Example

&<Common request parameters>

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "Callback": null,
        "CanSetDefault": true,
        "ConditionsConfig": [
                "AlarmNotifyPeriod": 86400,
                "AlarmNotifyType": 0,
                "CalcType": 1,
                "CalcValue": "0",
                "ContinueTime": 60,
                "MetricId": 33,
                "MetricShowName": "CPU utilization",
                "Period": 60,
                "RuleId": 200000,
                "Unit": "%"
        "ConditionsTemp": null,
        "DimensionGroup": [
        "EventConfig": [
                "AlarmNotifyPeriod": 86400,
                "AlarmNotifyType": 0,
                "EventId": 42,
                "EventShowName": "Unreachable by ping",
                "RuleId": 200001
        "GroupName": "Policy group name test",
        "IsDefault": 0,
        "LastEditUin": "1500000000",
        "ProjectId": 0,
        "ReceiverInfos": null,
        "Region": [
        "Remark": "",
        "RequestId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
        "ShowName": "CVM - basic monitoring",
        "UpdateTime": "2018-07-09 15:56:55",
        "ViewName": "cvm_device"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

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6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation The request is not authorized. For more information on the authentication, see the CAM documentation.
DryRunOperation DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used.
FailedOperation Operation failed.
FailedOperation.AlertFilterRuleDeleteFailed Failed to delete the filter rule.
FailedOperation.AlertPolicyCreateFailed Failed to create the alarm policy.
FailedOperation.AlertPolicyDeleteFailed Failed to delete the alarm policy.
FailedOperation.AlertPolicyDescribeFailed Failed to query the alarm policy.
FailedOperation.AlertPolicyModifyFailed Failed to modify the alarm policy.
FailedOperation.AlertTriggerRuleDeleteFailed Failed to delete the trigger condition.
FailedOperation.DbQueryFailed Failed to query the database.
FailedOperation.DbRecordCreateFailed Failed to create the database record.
FailedOperation.DbRecordDeleteFailed Failed to delete the database record.
FailedOperation.DbRecordUpdateFailed Failed to update the database record.
FailedOperation.DbTransactionBeginFailed Failed to start the database transaction.
FailedOperation.DbTransactionCommitFailed Failed to submit the database transaction.
FailedOperation.DimQueryRequestFailed Failed to query the service in the request dimension.
FailedOperation.DruidQueryFailed Failed to query analysis data.
FailedOperation.DuplicateName The name already exists.
FailedOperation.ServiceNotEnabled The service is not enabled and can be used only after being enabled.
InternalError Internal error.
InternalError.ExeTimeout Execution timed out.
InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
InvalidParameter.InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
InvalidParameter.InvalidParameterParam Invalid parameter.
InvalidParameterValue The parameter value is incorrect.
LimitExceeded Quota limit is reached.
LimitExceeded.MetricQuotaExceeded Quota limit on metrics is reached. Requests containing unregistered metrics are prohibited.
MissingParameter Missing parameter.
ResourceInUse The resource is in use.
ResourceInsufficient Insufficient resources.
ResourceNotFound The resource is not found.
ResourceUnavailable The resource is unavailable.
ResourcesSoldOut The resources have been sold out.
UnauthorizedOperation Unauthorized operation.
UnknownParameter Unknown parameter.
UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.