tencent cloud


Error Codes

마지막 업데이트 시간:2020-10-28 15:25:21

    Function description

    If the API call fails, the error code code in the final returned result is not 0. The error message field will display the detailed error message. Users can query specific error messages in the error code list according to code and message. Example:

       "code": 5100,
       "message": "(100004) incorrect projectId"

    Error code list

    Common error code

    Error Codes Module error code English description Description Treatment measures
    4000 10000 Invalid request parameters Illegal request parameter Please check the input parameters according to the requirements of the document.
    4000 10010 Lacked of required parameters Parameter missing Please follow the necessary parameters of Enter in accordance with the requirements of the document.
    4000 10110 Request parameters error Incorrect parameter Please check whether the value of the parameter is Valid according to the requirements of the document.
    4000 10280 Action is not existed The requested operation does not exist The requested operation does not exist. Please make sure that the action is called correctly.
    4000 10310 Error: parameter s key format error Error: parameter% s is malformed The format of the parameter is incorrect. Please check the format of the input parameter according to the requirements of the document.
    4000 10320 No such parameter s No parameter s The parameter is missing. Please confirm the validity of the parameter.
    4000 10330 Parameter s is NOT a repeatable parameter Parameter s is not repeatable This parameter cannot be repeated. Please confirm whether the parameter is passed correctly.
    4000 10350 Parameter s value or length is out of range Parameter s value or length out of range The parameter is out of the specified range. Please confirm the validity of the parameter.
    4000 10360 Parameter s error type Parameter s is of the wrong type The parameter type is incorrect. Please refer to the documentation to confirm the parameter.
    4000 10370 % s parameter batch size is out of range Parameter s batch number exceeds limit The parameters of the array exceed the limit. Please control the number of input parameters.
    4000 10380 % s parameter is not consequent Parameter s is not continuous When parameters are passed as an array, make sure that the subscript is continuous
    4000 10390 Lacked of required parameter s Missing parameter s The specified parameter is missing, please make sure to enter the parameter
    4000 10400 Cannot find parameter s in uri Parameter s not found The specified parameter is missing, please make sure to enter the parameter
    4000 10410 Unexpected http s only GET or POST is supported The unexpected parameter s currently supports only GET or POST Currently, the request method only supports GET or POST.
    4000 10420 Cannot parse s, or request size is more than 1MB Cannot process s, or the request size exceeds 1MB The size of the request exceeds 1 MB. Please control the size of the message.
    4000 10430 Action name s is not existed Operation s does not exist The operation you entered does not exist. Please confirm the action.
    4000 10440 Account illegal, it may be an assistant account The account is illegal. It may be a helper account. Please check the validity of the account, or determine whether the account is a sub-account without Permission.
    4000 10461 No cam authentication No CAM Permission There is no Permission at present. Please confirm the range of Permission.
    4100 10030 Authentication failed Authentication failed Authentication failed. Please follow the Signature Document authentication
    4100 10080 Secret id status error SecretId status error The key secretId status is incorrect. Please check the validity of secretId.
    4100 10270 Secret id is not existed SecretId does not exist The secretId you specified does not exist. Please check the validity of secretId
    4300 10040 Charge overdue The account in arrears The account has in arrears. If you need any service, please Top up.
    4420 10250 Qps throttling The frequency of API calls exceeds the limit The frequency of calling the API exceeds the limit. Please control the calling frequency.
    4480 10460 Exceed interface frequency limit, please slow down Interface frequency limit exceeded The frequency of calling the API exceeds the limit. Please control the calling frequency.
    6000 10050 Server internal error Service internal error Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log

    Queue common error code

    Error Codes Module error code English description Description Treatment measures
    4000 10450 Secret id dosen't begin with AKID SecretId must start with AKID SecretId must start with AKID. Please confirm the validity of secretId.
    4000 4440 (10100) Queue is not existed, or deleted The queue does not exist or has been deleted The message queue you specified does not exist. Please verify that the queue name is correct.
    4000 10692 delay seconds is out of range delay message is out of range confirm the legal delay range and adjust the delay parameters
    6040 10660 It will take some time to release resources of previous queue before you create a new one with the same name, please try later Failed to create queue with the same name. Because you need to release resources to delete a queue with the same name just now, in order to ensure data consistency, CMQ cannot create a queue with the same name within 30 seconds after deleting the queue. Try again later
    6050 10670 Your queue cannot be rewinded The queue cannot rewind The queue cannot rewind

    Topic common error code

    Error Codes Module error code English description Description Treatment measures
    4000 10490 Number of filterTag exceed limit filterTag The quantity exceeds the limit. At present, the maximum number is five. Please control the number of filter tags
    4000 10500 Endpoint format error Endpoint format error Please check the format of endpoint. Possible errors are: (1) url contains spaces; (2) url of HTTP does not start with "http://"; (3) illegal url; (4) protocol does not correspond to endpoint.
    4000 10510 Undefined protocol Undefined Protocol Please check to see if the spelling is wrong
    4000 10540 There exists subscriptions under this topic, please unsubscribe all of them before DeleteTopic Before deleting Topic, you must make sure that there are no subscriptions under Topic. This is to prevent erroneous deletion Please delete all subscriptions and try again
    4000 10590 (1) topic name format error (2) subscription name format error (1) incorrect format of Topic name (2) incorrect format of subscription name (1) Please check the Topic format (2) incorrect subscription name format
    4000 10630 Illegal endpoint Illegal endpoint Please have the correct endpoint of Enter.
    4000 10640 NotifyContentFormat of protocol queue must be SIMPLIFIED When the protocol field is queue, notifyContentFormat must be SIMPLIFIED Please pay attention to the value
    4000 10670 Too many filterTag filterTag The quantity is too large, please check the number of parameters Please check the number of filter tags
    4000 10710 Parameters lack of bindingKey Missing bindingKey Please enter bindingKey
    4000 4440 (10600) Topic is not existed, or deleted Topic does not exist. Topic does not exist. Please check the legitimacy of topic.
    4450 10610 Number of topics has reached the limit Topic The number has reached the limit. At present, the maximum number is 1000. The number of topic reached the upper limit.
    4490 10470 Subscribtion is already existed Under the same Topic of the same account, the subscription with the same name already exists Please select the subscription you created
    4500 10480 Number of subscription has reached the limit The number of subscriptions under the same Topic exceeds the limit. At present, the maximum number of subscriptions is 500. Please control the number of subscriptions
    4510 10570 Url connot contain any blank characters Url cannot contain white space characters Incorrect url format
    6040 10660 It will take some time to release resources of previous topic before you can create a new topic with the same name. Please try later. Failed to create topic with the same name. Because you just deleted topic with the same name, you need to release resources. Currently, in order to ensure data consistency, CMQ cannot create topic with the same name within 30 seconds after deleting topic. Please try again later.

    Module error code

    Error Codes Module error code English description Description Treatment measures
    4000 4460 Queue is already existed,case insensitive Queue already exists The queue with this name already exists. Please verify the correctness of the name.
    4000 10020 Queue name format error Incorrect queue name format The queue name is in an incorrect format. For more information on the rules, please see the QueueName Field description
    4000 10120 Message body can't be empty Message content can not be empty The content of the message sent cannot be empty. Please set the content of the message.
    4000 10470 ReceiptHandle error ReceiptHandle error. ReceiptHandle is a string
    4000 10520 Undefined notify retry stragety Undefined message push retry policy Please check to see if the spelling is wrong
    4000 10530 Undefined notify content format Undefined message push format Please check to see if the spelling is wrong
    4000 10680 Too many bindingKey BindingKey exceeds limit BindingKey exceeds the limit. Please control the number of bindingKey.
    4000 10691 Too many delimeters Too many separators There are too many delimiters for tags or bindingKey. Please refer to the relevant documentation for restrictions.
    4000 10700 Parameters lack of routingKey Missing routingKey Please add routingKey
    4000 10720 Too many msgTag Message label exceeds limit The number of message tags exceeds the maximum limit. Please control the number of tags.
    4100 10031 Connection is not authenticated The connection has not been authenticated The connection has not been authenticated yet. Please authenticate it first.
    4100 10032 Connection is already authenticated The connection has been authenticated The connection has been authenticated. Do not conduct secondary authentication.
    4400 10230 Exceed maximum message size The message size has exceeded the limit The message size you set is out of range, please refer to Description The document sets the message correctly
    4410 10240 Reach maximum retention number of message The number of messages has reached the maximum number of reserved messages in the queue. Your message queue has reached the maximum number of heap. Please consume the messages in the queue or upgrade the number of heap messages in the queue.
    4430 10260 Receipt handle is invalid Illegal handle Illegal handle, please confirm the validity of the handle
    4450 10220 Number of queues has reached the limit The current number of queues has reached the maximum The number of queues you have created has reached the quota Activate. If you have any special needs, please. Submit a ticket Consult
    4470 10300 Total message size exceed 1MB Message size exceeds 1MB The size of the message you sent is more than 1MB. Please resize the message.
    4490 10770 Message id is invalid Illegal message ID The message ID you entered is incorrect. Please check the validity of the message ID.
    4490 10780 Message operation is not allowed Disallowed message state transition The status of the transaction message conflicts with the state you set
    4490 10790 Transaction message is not supported Queues do not support transaction messages Queues do not support transaction messages
    6000 10090 Send message failed Failed to send message Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6000 10130 Recieve message failed Failed to receive message Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6000 10140 Delete message failed Failed to delete message Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6010 10150 Delete message partially failed Failed to delete some messages Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6000 10160 Get queue attributes failed Failed to get queue properties Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6000 10170 Set queue attributes failed Failed to set queue properties Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6000 10180 Delete queue failed Failed to delete queue Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6000 10190 List queue failed Failed to get queue list Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6020 10290 Batch delete message failed Batch delete operation failed Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6030 10650 Topic has no subscription, please create a subscription before publishing message Publish's message failed. Topic does not have a subscription at present. Please add a subscription for the current topic
    6030 10730 No bindingKey or filterTag matches the routingKey or msgTag The message cannot shipping: the message tag cannot match the subscriber routing keyword or filter tag Please check whether the BindingKey of topic subscriber or the RoutingKey of production message is correct.
    6040 10750 Transaction confirmation failed Failed to confirm transaction message Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6040 10760 Transaction confirmation partially failed Failed to confirm part of the transaction message Internal error, please Submit a ticket Contact the technician to view the log
    6050 10740 Too many filterTag or bindingKey The number of filter tags or routing keywords exceeds the limit The filter label you set
    6070 10690 Too many unacked (inactive) messages or delayed messages There are too many messages in the current queue that have not been deleted or delayed. Please delete the message that the consumption is completed.
    7000 10200 No message No message Currently, there is no message. Please make sure that there are messages in the queue before consuming.