tencent cloud


Sample Codes

마지막 업데이트 시간:2020-08-04 14:33:20

    Downloading SDK Codes

    Sample Code in PHP
    Sample Code in Java
    Sample Code in Python
    Sample Code in .NET

    Replace YOUR_SECRET_ID and YOUR_SECRET_KEY in the sample codes with your actual SecretId and SecretKey.
    The sample code is for reference only. Use them as needed.

    Sample Code in PHP

    /***************When calling a API, change the following parameters depending on the API.*********************************/
    /*************Take the `DescribeInstances` API as an example to describe how to locate the CVM with the specified `instanceId`.*********/
    /*The URL address for the `DescribeInstances` API is “cvm.api.qcloud.com”, which is provided in the "1. API Description" chapter.*/
    /*Unless otherwise specified, all APIs other than `MultipartUploadVodFile` support both GET and POST request methods. */
    /*Whether HTTPS protocol is used. Most APIs are based on HTTPS protocol, except such APIs as `MultipartUploadVodFile`.*/
    $isHttps =true;
    /*Your key is required. You can obtain SecretId and $secretKey from https://console.tencentcloud.com/capi.*/
    /*The following five parameters are common to all APIs. However, for some APIs (e.g. `DescribeDeals`) that are not region-specific, the `Region` parameter is not required.*/
    $COMMON_PARAMS = array(
            'Nonce'=> rand(),
            'Region' =>'gz',
    /*The following two parameters are specific to the `DescribeInstances` API, which are used to query the specified CVM list.
    $PRIVATE_PARAMS = array(
            'instanceIds.0'=> 'qcvm00001',
            'instanceIds.1'=> 'qcvm00002',
    CreateRequest($HttpUrl,$HttpMethod,$COMMON_PARAMS,$secretKey, $PRIVATE_PARAMS, $isHttps);
    function CreateRequest($HttpUrl,$HttpMethod,$COMMON_PARAMS,$secretKey, $PRIVATE_PARAMS, $isHttps)
        $FullHttpUrl = $HttpUrl."/v2/index.php";
        /***************Sort the request parameters in ascending lexicographical order by their names on a case-sensitive basis.*************/
        $ReqParaArray = array_merge($COMMON_PARAMS, $PRIVATE_PARAMS);
        /**********************************Generate original signature string.**********************************
         * Concatenate the request method, URL address and sorted request parameters into the following format to generate the original signature string. In this example, the original signature string is as follows: 
         * GETcvm.api.qcloud.com/v2/index.php?Action=DescribeInstances&Nonce=345122&Region=gz
         * &SecretId=AKIDz8krbsJ5yKBZQ    ·1pn74WFkmLPx3gnPhESA&Timestamp=1408704141
         * &instanceIds.0=qcvm12345&instanceIds.1=qcvm56789
         * ****************************************************************************/
        $SigTxt = $HttpMethod.$FullHttpUrl."?";
        $isFirst = true;
        foreach ($ReqParaArray as $key => $value)
            if (!$isFirst) 
                $SigTxt = $SigTxt."&";
            $isFirst= false;
            /*During concatenating the original signature string, replace any "_" in a parameter name with "." */
            if(strpos($key, '_'))
                $key = str_replace('_', '.', $key);
        /*********************Generate a Signature based on the original signature string $SigTxt.******************/
        $Signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $SigTxt, $secretKey, true));
        /*************Concatenate the request strings. The request parameters and the signature string need to be encoded using urlencode.*******************/
        $Req = "Signature=".urlencode($Signature);
        foreach ($ReqParaArray as $key => $value)
        /*********************************Send requests********************************/
        if($HttpMethod === 'GET')
            if($isHttps === true)
            $Rsp = file_get_contents($Req);
            if($isHttps === true)
                $Rsp= SendPost("https://".$FullHttpUrl,$Req,$isHttps);
                $Rsp= SendPost("http://".$FullHttpUrl,$Req,$isHttps);
    function SendPost($FullHttpUrl,$Req,$isHttps)
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $Req);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $FullHttpUrl);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            if ($isHttps === true) {
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,  false);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,  false);
            $result = curl_exec($ch);
            return $result;