tencent cloud


Request Domain Description

마지막 업데이트 시간:2020-06-08 16:35:19


    This is a legacy API which has been hidden and will no longer be updated. We recommend using the new CMQ API 3.0 which is standardized and faster.

    Fees will be incurred whenever public network downstream traffic is generated from using a public network domain name, including beta testing. We strongly recommend that users with services on Tencent Cloud use private network domain names because doing so will not incur traffic fees.

    Request Domain Name

    Queue Model

    Please refer to the notes below to replace {$region} in the domain name with the corresponding region name:

    • Domain name for public network API request: https://cmq-queue-{$region}.api.qcloud.com
    • Domain name for private network API request: http://cmq-queue-{$region}.api.tencentyun.com

    Topic Model

    Please refer to the notes below to replace {$region} in the domain name with the corresponding region name:

    • Domain name for public network API request: https://cmq-topic-{$region}.api.qcloud.com
    • Domain name for private network API request: http://cmq-topic-{$region}.api.tencentyun.com


    • {$region} must be replaced with a specific region, such as gz (Guangzhou), sh (Shanghai), bj (Beijing), hk (Hong Kong), cd (Chengdu), ca (North America), usw (West US), use (East US), in (India), th (Thailand), and sg (Singapore). The value of "region" in the common parameters should be consistent with that in the domain name. If there is any inconsistency, the request will be sent to the region specified in the domain name.
    • The domain name for public network request only supports HTTPS, and the domain name for private network request only supports HTTP.
    • Some of the input parameters are optional. Default value is used for those not specified.
    • All the output parameters are returned to the user when the request is successful; otherwise, at least code, message, and requestId are returned.


    The "region" in the API request domain name must be replaced with a specific region. The region is subject to the "region" value of the domain name instead of that in the common parameters. Currently, the regions launched in CMQ are shown in the following table:

    Queue Model

    Region Replacement Value Domain Name for Public Network Request Domain Name for Private Network Request
    Beijing bj https://cmq-queue-bj.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-bj.api.tencentyun.com
    Shanghai sh https://cmq-queue-sh.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-sh.api.tencentyun.com
    Guangzhou gz https://cmq-queue-gz.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-gz.api.tencentyun.com
    Hong Kong hk https://cmq-queue-hk.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-hk.api.tencentyun.com
    Chengdu cd https://cmq-queue-cd.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-cd.api.tencentyun.com
    North America ca https://cmq-queue-ca.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-ca.api.tencentyun.com
    West US usw https://cmq-queue-usw.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-usw.api.tencentyun.com
    East US use https://cmq-queue-use.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-use.api.tencentyun.com
    Thailand th https://cmq-queue-th.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-th.api.tencentyun.com
    India in https://cmq-queue-in.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-in.api.tencentyun.com
    Singapore sg https://cmq-queue-sg.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-queue-sg.api.tencentyun.com

    Topic Model

    Region Replacement Value Domain Name for Public Network Request Domain Name for Private Network Request
    Beijing bj https://cmq-topic-bj.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-bj.api.tencentyun.com
    Shanghai sh https://cmq-topic-sh.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-sh.api.tencentyun.com
    Guangzhou gz cmq-topic-gz.api.qcloud.com cmq-topic-gz.api.tencentyun.com
    Hong Kong hk https://cmq-topic-hk.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-hk.api.tencentyun.com
    North America ca https://cmq-topic-ca.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-ca.api.tencentyun.com
    Chengdu cd https://cmq-topic-cd.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-cd.api.tencentyun.com
    West US usw https://cmq-topic-usw.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-usw.api.tencentyun.com
    East US use https://cmq-topic-use.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-use.api.tencentyun.com
    Thailand th https://cmq-topic-th.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-th.api.tencentyun.com
    India in https://cmq-topic-in.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-in.api.tencentyun.com
    Singapore sg https://cmq-topic-sg.api.qcloud.com http://cmq-topic-sg.api.tencentyun.com