tencent cloud


Rewind queue

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-04-08 19:48:27

    1. API Description

    This API (RewindQueue) is used for message rewind. For more information, please see Message Rewind.
    Domain for public network API request: cmq-queue-region.api.qcloud.com

    Domain for private network API request: cmq-queue-region.api.tencentyun.com


    Whenever (including during alpha test) any public network downstream traffic is generated from the use of a public network domain, a fee will be charged. It is strongly recommended that users whose services are on the Tencent Cloud use private network domains, because no fee will be charged for the traffic consumed in the private network.

    • region should be replaced with a specific region: gz (Guangzhou), sh (Shanghai), or bj (Beijing). The region value in the common parameters should be consistent with the region value of the domain. If there is an inconsistency, the request will be sent to the region specified by the domain.
    • Public network domain requests both support http and https. Private network requests only support http.
    • Some of the input parameters are optional. If not specified, the default value will be taken.
    • All the output parameters will be returned to the user when the request is successful; otherwise, at least code, message, and requestId will be returned.

    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters. For other parameters, refer to Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    queueName Yes String Queue name. This is unique under the same account in one region. The queue name is a string of no more than 64 characters, which can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens (-) and must begin with a letter.
    startConsumeTime Yes Unix timestamp If this time is set, API (Batch) receiveMessage will consume messages after this timestamp based on the order of production messages.

    3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    code Int 0: Succeeded, others: Error. See the table below for specific errors.
    message String Error message.
    requestId String Request ID generated by server. When there is an internal error on the server, users can submit this ID to the backend to locate the problem.
    Error Code Module Error Code Error Message Description
    6050 10670 your queue cannot be rewinded Queue cannot be rewound.
    4000 10680 invalid rewind time, you can get the vaild range of that via GetQueueAttributes Invalid rewind time. You can view the queue attributes to get the correct rewind time.
    4000 10700 rewindSeconds cannot be greater than msgRetentionSeconds The rewind time cannot be greater than the message retention period.

    Note: The error codes listed in the above table are specific to this API. If the error code you are looking for is not in the table, you may find it in the Common Error Codes.

    4. Example


     &queueName=test-queue-123&startConsumeTime=unix timestamp
     &<Common request parameters>


    "code" : 0,
    "message" : "",