Raw Log
A raw log contains only the content
field, and the log content is separated with vertical bars (|).
content: 2021-10-07 13: 32: 21|100|Customer not checked in|Jack|Beijing|101123199001230123|
content: 2021-10-07 13: 32: 21|500|Checked in successfully|Jane|Sanya|501123199001230123|
content: 2021-10-07 13: 32: 21|1000|Checked out|Lily|Sanya|101123196001230123|
Processing Target
Extract New Field: extract the log content separated with vertical bars (|), generate new field values, and add field names.
Discard Field: discard unwanted fields
Discard Log: discard the log if no customer checks in.
Desensitize Log: desensitize customer ID numbers.
Distribute Log: distribute logs to log topics VIP customer and Common customer** by taking the rate of 1,000 yuan as the boundary.
DSL Processing Function
Run the following DSL function statement to achieve the preceding processing targets:
ext_sep("content","time,Rate,Customer status,Customer name,Region,ID",sep="|")
log_drop(regex_match(v("Customer status"),regex="Customer not checked in",full=False))
fields_set("ID", regex_replace(v("ID"), regex="(\\d{6})\\d{6}(\\d{6})", replace="$1******$2", count=0))
t_switch(op_ge(v("Rate"),1000),log_output("VIP customer"),op_lt(v("Rate"),1000),log_output("Common customer"))
Processing Result
If result information similar to the following is returned, the log is distributed to the log topic named Common customer.
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Jane Customer status:Checked in successfully Rate:500 ID:501123******230123
If result information similar to the following is returned, the log is distributed to the log topic named VIP customer.
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Lily Customer status:Checked out Rate:1000 ID:101123******230123
Example Procedure
The following shows the procedure for the DSK function processing statement as an example.
Use the ext_sep("Source field name","Target field list",sep="Separator")
function to fill the value of the source field to the target field list according to the separator:
ext_sep("content","time,Rate,Customer status,Customer name,Region,ID",sep="|")
Execution result:
content:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21|100|Customer not checked in|Jack|Beijing|101123199001230123|
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Beijing Customer name:Jack Customer status:Customer not checked in Rate:100 ID:101123199001230123
content:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21|500|Checked in successfully|Jane|Sanya|501123199001230123|
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Jane Customer status:Checked in successfully Rate:500 ID:501123199001230123
content:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21|1000|Checked out|Lily|Sanya|101123196001230123|
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Lily Customer status:Checked out Rate:1000 ID:101123196001230123
After field extraction, the content
field becomes redundant and can be deleted.
Step 2. Discard the source field
Because the content
field is no longer needed, use the fields_drop("Field name")
function to discard it:
Execution result:
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Beijing Customer name:Jack Customer status:Customer not checked in Rate:100 ID:101123199001230123
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Jane Customer status:Checked in successfully Rate:500 ID:501123199001230123
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Lily Customer status:Checked out Rate:1000 ID:101123196001230123
Step 3. Discard logs
If Customer status
is Customer not checked in
in a log, use the log_drop(Condition=TRUE)
to discard the log.
Because Jack did not check in, the log is discarded. Use regex_match(v("Field value"),regex="String",full=False)
to determine whether Customer status
is Customer not checked in
. full=False
indicates that only partial match, instead of full match, is required.
log_drop(regex_match(v("Customer status"),regex="Customer not checked in",full=False))
Execution result:
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Jane Customer status:Checked in successfully Rate:500 ID:501123199001230123
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Lily Customer status:Checked out Rate:1000 ID:101123196001230123
Step 4. Desensitize logs
Desensitize customer ID numbers. An ID number consists of 18 digits. The regular expression divides an ID number into three parts by brackets and replaces the 6 digits in the middle with ******.The regex_replace("Field name",regex="Regular expression match statement",repalce="Replaced string")
function is used. Because the function returns a string, you need to use fields_set("Field name","Field value")
to fill the string into the target field.
fields_set("ID", regex_replace(v("ID"), regex="(\\d{6})\\d{6}(\\d{6})", replace="$1******$2", count=0))
Execution result:
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Jane Customer status:Checked in successfully Rate:500 ID:501123******230123
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Lily Customer status:Checked out Rate:1000 ID:101123******230123
Step 5. Distribute logs
Logs where Rate
is greater than or equal to 1,000 are distributed to the VIP customer log topic. Logs where Rate
is less than 1,000 are distributed to the Common customer log topic.
Use the t_switch(Condition 1,Function 1,Condition 2,Function 2)
statement to create logic determination conditions. Then use op_ge(a,b)
, which returns TRUE
when a
is greater than or equal to b
, and use op_lt(a,b)
, which returns TRUE
when a
is less than b
. The log_output("Log topic alias")
function outputs logs to the specified log topic.
t_switch(op_ge(v("Rate"),1000),log_output("VIP customer"),op_lt(v("Rate"),1000),log_output("Common customer"))
Execution result: the log is distributed to the Common customer log topic.
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Jane Customer status:Checked in successfully Rate:500 ID:501123******230123
Execution result: the log is distributed to the VIP customer log topic.
time:2021-10-07 13: 32: 21 Region:Sanya Customer name:Lily Customer status:Checked out Rate:1000 ID:101123******230123
The log_output("Log topic alias")
function is used to specify an alias for a target log topic when creating a data processing task. An alias provides certain readability without writing the logset and the log topic parameters. It is convenient for users to change the alias without changing the log topic name.
The regex_replace("Field name",regex="Regular expression match statement",repalce="Replaced string")
function returns a string and therefore cannot be used alone. You need to use fields_set("Field name","Field value")
to fill the string into the target field.
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