tencent cloud


Native Kubernetes Terms

Terakhir diperbarui:2020-08-27 10:57:00

This document describes the mapping between terms in TKE and native Kubernetes.

TKE Native Kubernetes
Cluster Cluster
Node Node
Node pool Node pool
Container Container
Image Image
Instance Pod
Namespace Namespace
Stateless Workload Deployment
Stateful Workload StatefulSet
Task Job
Scheduled Task CronJob
Service Service
Route Ingress
Label Label
Configuration Item Configmap
Secret Key Secret
Volume Volume
PV PersistentVolume
PVC PersistentVolumeClaim
Auto Scaling HPA
Cluster IP Cluster IP
Node Port NodePort
Load Balancer LoadBalancer
Node Affinity NodeAffinity
Application Affinity PodAffinity
Application Anti-affinity PodAntiAffinity
Selector LabelSelector
Annotation Annotation
Trigger Webhook
Endpoint Endpoint
Resource Quota Resource Quota
Resource Limit Limit Range
Template Template
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