- You have logged in to the TKE console.
- You have deployed Nginx-ingress Addon in the cluster.
- You have installed and created the Nginx-ingress instance required for the business.
How to Use
Nginx-ingress usage on console
- Log in to the TKE console and click Cluster in the left sidebar.
- Click the cluster ID that has installed the Nginx-ingress addon to go to the cluster details page.
- Select Services and Route > Ingress to go to the Ingress information page.
- Click Create to go to the Create an Ingress page.
- Set the Ingress parameters based on actual needs, as shown in the figure below:
- Ingress type: select Nginx Ingress Controller.
- Forwarding configuration: configure forwarding rules as needed.
- Click Create Ingress.
Managing Nginx-ingress using Kubectl
Before importing the IngressClass resource and the ingressClassName field in Kubernetes, the Ingress class was specified by the
annotation in Ingress.
annotations: "nginx-pulic".
Relevant Operations
You can configure annotations for Nginx Ingress objects. For details, see Official Document.
Usage model of Nginx-ingress object
When multiple Ingress objects apply to one Nginx entity:
- Sort the Ingress rules by the CreationTimestamp field, that is, the previous rules shall prevail.
- If the same path is defined for the same host in multiple Ingresses, the most previous rules shall prevail.
- If multiple Ingresses contain the TLS part of the same host, the most previous rules shall prevail.
- If multiple Ingresses define an annotation that affects the configuration of the Server block, the most previous rules shall prevail.
- Create NGINX Server based on each hostname.
- If multiple Ingresses define different paths for the same host, the ingress-controller merges these definitions.
- Multiple Ingresses can define different annotations. These definitions are not shared among Ingresses.
- Ingress annotations will be applied to all paths in Ingress.
Triggering nginx.conf update mechanism
The following describes the situation where nginx.conf needs to be reloaded:
- Create an Ingress object.
- Add a new TLS for Ingress.
- The modification of Ingress annotation not only affects the upstream configuration, but also has a greater impact. For example, the load-balance annotation does not need to be reloaded.
- Add/delete paths for Ingress.
- Delete Ingress and the Service and Secret of Ingress.
- The status of the object associated with the Ingress is unknown, such as Service or Secret.
- Update a Secret.
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