Annotations in k8s, generally existing as an array
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name in the map list |
Value | String | Yes | Value in the map list |
Ops window settings of managed node pools
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AutoUpgradeStartTime | String | No | Automatic upgrade start time Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Duration | String | No | Automatic upgrade duration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
WeeklyPeriod | Array of String | No | Ops date Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Nodes for automatic scaling
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
Joining | Integer | Number of nodes being added |
Initializing | Integer | Number of nodes being initialized |
Normal | Integer | Number of normal nodes |
Total | Integer | Total number of nodes |
Native node pool creation parameters
Used by actions: CreateNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Scaling | MachineSetScaling | Yes | Node pool scaling configuration |
SubnetIds | Array of String | Yes | Subnet list |
InstanceChargeType | String | Yes | Node billing type. PREPAID: Monthly subscription; POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: Pay-as-you-go (default); |
SystemDisk | Disk | Yes | System disk configuration |
InstanceTypes | Array of String | Yes | List of models |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | No | Security group list |
UpgradeSettings | MachineUpgradeSettings | No | Automatic upgrade configuration |
AutoRepair | Boolean | No | Whether to enable self-healing capability |
InstanceChargePrepaid | InstanceChargePrepaid | No | Billing configuration of monthly subscription models |
Management | ManagementConfig | No | Management parameter configuration of node pools |
HealthCheckPolicyName | String | No | Fault self-healing rule name |
HostNamePattern | String | No | hostname pattern string of native node pools |
KubeletArgs | Array of String | No | kubelet custom parameters |
Lifecycle | LifecycleConfig | No | Predefined script |
RuntimeRootDir | String | No | Runtime root directory |
EnableAutoscaling | Boolean | No | Whether to enable Auto Scaling (AS) |
Replicas | Integer | No | Desired node count |
InternetAccessible | InternetAccessible | No | Public network bandwidth configuration |
DataDisks | Array of DataDisk | No | Data disk list of native node pools |
KeyIds | Array of String | No | Node pool ssh public key ID array |
MachineType | String | No | Node pool type |
Describes the configuration and related information of k8s node data disk.
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DiskType | String | Yes | Cloud disk type Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
FileSystem | String | Yes | File system (ext3/ext4/xfs). Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
DiskSize | Integer | Yes | Cloud disk size (GB) Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
AutoFormatAndMount | Boolean | Yes | Whether to automatically format and mount disks. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
DiskPartition | String | Yes | Mount device name or partition name Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MountTarget | String | No | Mounting directory Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Encrypt | String | No | This parameter is used to create an encrypted cloud disk, with the value fixed as ENCRYPT. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
KmsKeyId | String | No | Custom key for purchasing encrypted disks. When this parameter is input, the Encrypt input parameter cannot be left empty. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SnapshotId | String | No | Snapshot ID. If it is input, a cloud disk will be created based on this snapshot. The snapshot must be a data disk snapshot. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
ThroughputPerformance | Integer | No | Cloud disk performance (unit: MB/s), which can be used to purchase additional performance for cloud disks. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Node system disk and data disk configuration
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DiskType | String | Yes | Cloud disk type |
DiskSize | Integer | Yes | Cloud disk size (GB) |
AutoFormatAndMount | Boolean | No | Whether to automatically format and mount disks. |
FileSystem | String | No | File system |
MountTarget | String | No | Mounting directory |
Third-party node
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Third-party node name |
CPU | Integer | Number of CPU cores (unit: cores) Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Memory | Integer | Node memory capacity (unit: GB )Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
K8SVersion | String | kubelet version information of third-party nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Third-party node pool information
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
RuntimeConfig | RuntimeConfig | Third-party node runtime configuration |
NodesNum | Integer | Number of nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances, DescribeHealthCheckPolicies, DescribeHealthCheckPolicyBindings, DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Attribute name. If more than one Filter exists, the logical relation between these Filters is AND . |
Values | Array of String | Yes | Attribute value. If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is OR . |
Health check rules
Used by actions: CreateHealthCheckPolicy, DescribeHealthCheckPolicies, ModifyHealthCheckPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Health check policy name |
Rules | Array of HealthCheckPolicyRule | Yes | List of health check policy rules |
Binding relationship between health check policy and node pool
Used by actions: DescribeHealthCheckPolicyBindings.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Health check policy name |
CreatedAt | String | Rule creation time |
NodePools | Array of String | Associated node pool array |
Health check rules
Used by actions: CreateHealthCheckPolicy, DescribeHealthCheckPolicies, ModifyHealthCheckPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Health check rules |
Enabled | Boolean | Yes | Whether to check this item |
AutoRepairEnabled | Boolean | Yes | Whether to enable repair |
Health check template
Used by actions: DescribeHealthCheckTemplate.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Rules | Array of HealthCheckTemplateRule | Yes | Health check item |
Health check template rules
Used by actions: DescribeHealthCheckTemplate.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Health check item name |
Description | String | Yes | Description of health check rules |
RepairAction | String | Yes | Fix action |
RepairEffect | String | Yes | Fix impact |
ShouldEnable | Boolean | Yes | Whether it is recommended to enable check |
ShouldRepair | Boolean | Yes | Whether repair is suggested. |
Severity | String | Yes | Severity |
Cluster's instance information
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId | String | Instance ID |
InstanceRole | String | Node role: MASTER, WORKER, ETCD, MASTER_ETCD, and ALL. Default value: WORKER |
FailedReason | String | Cause of instance exception (or initialization) Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
InstanceState | String | Instance status - initializing - running - failed |
Unschedulable | Boolean | Whether it is unschedulable Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
CreatedTime | String | Adding time |
LanIP | String | Node private network IP Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
NodePoolId | String | Resource pool ID Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Native | NativeNodeInfo | Native node parameters Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Regular | RegularNodeInfo | General node parameters Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Super | SuperNodeInfo | Super node parameters Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
External | ExternalNodeInfo | Third-party node parameters Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
NodeType | String | Node type Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Describes the configuration and related information of K8s cluster.
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances, DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DesiredPodNumber | Integer | Yes | When the node is in the podCIDR size customization mode, you can specify the upper limit of the number of pods running on the node. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
PreStartUserScript | String | Yes | base64 encoded user script, executed before initializing the node and currently effective only for adding existing nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
RuntimeConfig | RuntimeConfig | No | Runtime description Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
UserScript | String | No | Base64-encoded user script. This script is executed after the k8s components start running. Users must ensure the reenterable and retry logic of the script. The script and the log files generated by it can be viewed at the /data/ccs_userscript/ path of the node. If a node must be initialized before joining the scheduling, it can be used in conjunction with the unschedulable parameter. After initializing with userScript, add the command kubectl uncordon nodename --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config to add the node to scheduling.Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
ExtraArgs | InstanceExtraArgs | No | Node-related custom parameter information. Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Monthly subscription configuration
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Period | Integer | Yes | Billing cycle of the pay-as-you-go mode (unit: month): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 |
RenewFlag | String | No | Renewal method of the prepayment mode: - NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW: Notify the user of expiration and auto-renew (default) - NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW: Notify the user of expiration but do not auto-renew - DISABLE_NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW: Do not notify the user of expiration and do not auto-renew |
Node custom parameters
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances, DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Kubelet | Array of String | No | kubelet custom parameters, whose format is ["k1=v1", "k1=v2"], for example ["root-dir=/var/lib/kubelet","feature-gates=PodShareProcessNamespace=true,DynamicKubeletConfig=true"] Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Numerical structure
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | Integer | Yes | Numerical type, 0: int, 1: string Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
IntVal | Integer | No | Integer Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
StrVal | String | No | String Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Public network bandwidth
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeClusterInstances, DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MaxBandwidthOut | Integer | Yes | Bandwidth |
ChargeType | String | Yes | Network billing method |
BandwidthPackageId | String | No | Bandwidth package ID |
Tags in k8s, generally existing as an array
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name in the map list |
Value | String | Yes | Value in the map list |
Custom script for node pools
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PreInit | String | No | Custom script before node initialization Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
PostInit | String | No | Custom script after node initialization Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Node pool AS configuration
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MinReplicas | Integer | No | Node pool minimum replica count Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MaxReplicas | Integer | No | Node pool maximum replica count Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
CreatePolicy | String | No | Node pool scaling policy. ZoneEquality: Scatter across multiple availability zones; ZonePriority: Prioritize preferred availability zones; Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Managed node pool automatic upgrade configuration
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AutoUpgrade | Boolean | No | Whether to enable automatic upgrade Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
UpgradeOptions | AutoUpgradeOptions | No | Ops window Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Components | Array of String | No | Upgrade item Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MaxUnavailable | IntOrString | No | Maximum number of nodes that cannot be upgraded during upgrade Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Management configuration of managed node pools
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Nameservers | Array of String | No | dns configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Hosts | Array of String | No | hosts configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
KernelArgs | Array of String | No | Kernel parameter configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Nodes manually added
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
Joining | Integer | Number of nodes being added |
Initializing | Integer | Number of nodes being initialized |
Normal | Integer | Number of normal nodes |
Total | Integer | Total number of nodes |
Node information
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
MachineName | String | Node name |
MachineState | String | Machine status |
Zone | String | Machine availability zone |
InstanceChargeType | String | Node billing type. PREPAID: Monthly subscription; POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: Pay-as-you-go (default); |
CreatedAt | String | Creation time |
LoginStatus | String | Machine login status Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
IsProtectedFromScaleIn | Boolean | Whether to enable scale-in protection Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
DisplayName | String | Machine name Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
CPU | Integer | Number of CPU cores (unit: cores) |
GPU | Integer | Number of GPU cores (unit: cores) Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
RenewFlag | String | Auto-renewal label |
PayMode | String | Node billing mode (deprecated) |
Memory | Integer | Node memory capacity (unit: GB ) |
InternetAccessible | InternetAccessible | Public network bandwidth configuration |
InstanceFamily | String | Model family |
LanIp | String | Node private network IP |
InstanceType | String | Model |
ExpiredTime | String | Billing expiration time of monthly subscription nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SecurityGroupIDs | Array of String | Security group list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
VpcId | String | VPC unique ID Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SubnetId | String | Subnet unique ID Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
OsImage | String | OS name Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
InstanceId | String |
Native node pool information
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
Scaling | MachineSetScaling | Scaling configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SubnetIds | Array of String | Subnet list |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | Security group list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
UpgradeSettings | MachineUpgradeSettings | Automatic upgrade configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
AutoRepair | Boolean | Whether to enable self-healing capability Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
InstanceChargeType | String | Node billing type |
InstanceChargePrepaid | InstanceChargePrepaid | Billing configuration of monthly subscription models Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SystemDisk | Disk | System disk configuration |
KeyIds | Array of String | Key ID list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Management | ManagementConfig | Machine system configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
HealthCheckPolicyName | String | Fault self-healing rule name Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
HostNamePattern | String | hostname pattern string of native node pools Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
KubeletArgs | Array of String | kubelet custom parameters Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Lifecycle | LifecycleConfig | Predefined script Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
RuntimeRootDir | String | Runtime root directory Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
EnableAutoscaling | Boolean | Whether to enable Auto Scaling (AS) Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
InstanceTypes | Array of String | List of models |
Replicas | Integer | Desired node count Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
ReadyReplicas | Integer | Number of ready machines |
InternetAccessible | InternetAccessible | Public network bandwidth configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
DataDisks | Array of DataDisk | Data disk of native node pools Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MachineType | String | Native node models: Native, NativeCVM Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Node statistics list
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
ManuallyAdded | ManuallyAdded | Manually managed nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
AutoscalingAdded | AutoscalingAdded | Automatically managed nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Node pool information
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
ClusterId | String | Cluster ID |
NodePoolId | String | Node pool ID |
Tags | Array of TagSpecification | Node tags Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Taints | Array of Taint | Node taint Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
DeletionProtection | Boolean | Whether to enable deletion protection Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Unschedulable | Boolean | Whether the node is unschedulable Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Type | String | Node pool type |
Labels | Array of Label | Node Labels Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
LifeState | String | Node pool status |
CreatedAt | String | Creation time |
Name | String | Node pool name |
Native | NativeNodePoolInfo | Native node pool parameters Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Annotations | Array of Annotation | Node annotation list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Super | SuperNodePoolInfo | Super node pool parameter, which has a value only when Type equals Super Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Regular | RegularNodePoolInfo | General node pool parameter, which has a value only when Type equals Regular Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
External | ExternalNodePoolInfo | Third-party node pool parameter, which has a value only when Type equals External Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
General node information
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceAdvancedSettings | InstanceAdvancedSettings | Node configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
AutoscalingGroupId | String | Auto scaling group ID Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
General node pool information
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
LaunchConfigurationId | String | LaunchConfigurationId configuration |
AutoscalingGroupId | String | Auto-scaling group ID |
NodeCountSummary | NodeCountSummary | NodeCountSummary node list |
AutoscalingGroupStatus | String | Status information Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MaxNodesNum | Integer | Maximum number of nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MinNodesNum | Integer | Minimum number of nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
DesiredNodesNum | Integer | Desired number of nodes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
NodePoolOs | String | Node pool osName Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
InstanceAdvancedSettings | InstanceAdvancedSettings | Node configuration Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Runtime configuration
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances, DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RuntimeType | String | No | Runtime type Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
RuntimeVersion | String | No | Runtime version Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
RuntimeRootDir | String | No | Runtime root directory Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Sorting information
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FieldName | String | No | Sorting metrics |
OrderType | String | No | Sorting method |
Super Node Information
Used by actions: DescribeClusterInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Instance name Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
AutoRenewFlag | Integer | Auto-renewal label Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
ResourceType | String | Resource type Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
CPU | Float | CPU specification of nodes (unit: cores). Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
UsedCPU | Float | Total number of CPUs of Pods on nodes (unit: cores). Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Memory | Float | Memory specification of nodes (unit: Gi). Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
UsedMemory | Float | Total memory of Pods on nodes (unit: Gi). Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Zone | String | Availability zone Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
VpcId | String | Unique VPC ID Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SubnetId | String | Subnet unique ID Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
ActiveAt | String | Effective time Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
ExpireAt | String | Expiration time Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
MaxCPUScheduledPod | Integer | Maximum schedulable CPU specification for a single Pod Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
InstanceAttribute | String | Instance attributes Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Virtual node pool information.
Used by actions: DescribeNodePools.
Name | Type | Description |
SubnetIds | Array of String | Subnet list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | Security group list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
The type of resources the label is bound to. Type currently supported: "cluster".
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Key | String | No | Tag key |
Value | String | No | Tag value |
List of tag descriptions. By specifying this parameter, you can bind tags to corresponding resource instances at the same time. Currently, only tags can be bound to cloud host instances.
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ResourceType | String | No | The type of resources the label is bound to. Type currently supported: "cluster". Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Tags | Array of Tag | No | Tag pair list Note: This field may return "null", indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
kubernetes Taint
Used by actions: CreateNodePool, DescribeNodePools, ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Key | String | No | Key of Taint |
Value | String | No | Value of Taint |
Effect | String | No | Effect of Taint |
Modify native node pool parameters
Used by actions: ModifyNodePool.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Scaling | MachineSetScaling | No | Scaling configuration |
SubnetIds | Array of String | No | Subnet list |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | No | Security group list |
UpgradeSettings | MachineUpgradeSettings | No | Automatic upgrade configuration |
AutoRepair | Boolean | No | Whether to enable self-healing capability |
InstanceChargeType | String | No | Change the node billing type Currently, only pay-as-you-go to monthly subscription is supported: - PREPAID |
InstanceChargePrepaid | InstanceChargePrepaid | No | Billing configuration of monthly subscription models |
SystemDisk | Disk | No | System disk configuration |
Management | ManagementConfig | No | Machine system configuration |
HealthCheckPolicyName | String | No | Fault self-healing rule name |
HostNamePattern | String | No | hostname pattern string of native node pools |
KubeletArgs | Array of String | No | kubelet custom parameters |
Lifecycle | LifecycleConfig | No | Predefined script |
RuntimeRootDir | String | No | Runtime root directory |
EnableAutoscaling | Boolean | No | Whether to enable Auto Scaling (AS) |
InstanceTypes | Array of String | No | List of models |
Replicas | Integer | No | Desired node count |
DataDisks | Array of DataDisk | No | Data disk list |
KeyIds | Array of String | No | ssh public key ID array |
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