tencent cloud


Using TKE Preset Policy Authorization

Terakhir diperbarui:2020-09-04 10:53:28

    This document describes the preset policies offered by Tencent Kubernetes Engine (TKE). It shows you how to associate sub-accounts with preset policies to grant specific permissions. You can use this document as a reference to configure preset policies that are in line with your particular business needs.

    TKE Preset Policies

    You can grant relevant permissions to sub-accounts by using the following preset policies:

    Policy Description
    QcloudTKEFullAccess This policy grants full read/write access permissions for TKE, including permissions for TKE and related CVMs, CLBs, VPCs, monitors, and user groups.
    QcloudTKEInnerFullAccess This policy grants full access permission for TKE. However, since TKE involves the use of many products, we recommend configuring QcloudTKEFullAccess.
    QcloudTKEReadOnlyAccess This policy grants read-only permission for TKE.

    The following preset policies are used to grant permissions for specific TKE services. We do not recommend associating the following preset policies with a sub-account:

    Policy Description
    QcloudAccessForCODINGRoleInAccessTKE This policy grants the relevant TKE permissions for the Coding service.
    QcloudAccessForIPAMDofTKERole This policy grants the relevant ENI permissions for the TKE service.
    QcloudAccessForIPAMDRoleInQcloudAllocateEIP This policy grants the relevant EIP permissions for the TKE service.
    QcloudAccessForTKERole This policy grants the relevant CVM, Tag, CLB, and CLS permissions for the TKE service.
    QcloudAccessForTKERoleInCreatingCFSStorageclass This policy grants the relevant CFS permissions for the TKE service.
    QcloudAccessForTKERoleInOpsManagement This policy associates the TKE service role (TKE_QCSRole) so that TKE can access other Tencent Cloud services, including CLS.

    Associating Sub-accounts with Preset Policies

    When setting user permissions during the creation of a sub-account, you can associate preset policies with the sub-account by direct association or association via group.

    Direct association

    By directly associating your sub-account with a policy, the sub-account obtains the permissions contained in the policy. The direct association process is outlined below:

    1. Log in to the CAM console and select Users -> User List on the left sidebar.
    2. On the User List page, find the target sub-account and click Grant Permission in the Operation column.
    3. On the Associate Policies page, select the policies that you want to associate.
    4. Click OK.

    Association via group

    By adding your sub-account to a user group, the sub-account automatically obtains the permissions that are associated with the user group. To disassociate the sub-account from the policies of the group, you simply need to remove the sub-account from the user group. The group association process is outlined below:

    1. Log in to the CAM console and select Users -> User List on the left sidebar.
    2. On the User List page, find the target sub-account and choose More -> Add to Group in the Operation column.
    3. On the Add to Group page, select the target user group.
    4. Click OK.

    Logging in to the sub-account for verification

    Log in to the TKE console to verify that the features corresponding to the associated policies can be used and/or accessed properly. If so, this indicates that the sub-account was successfully authorized.

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