tencent cloud


Deploying KEDA on TKE

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-12-24 15:51:36

    Adding helm repo

    To deploy KEDA on TKE, it is required to add KEDA's Helm repository by using the following command:
    helm repo add kedacore https://kedacore.github.io/charts
    helm repo update

    Preparing values.yaml

    Next, you can check the default values.yaml file to understand the customizable configuration items by using the following command:
    helm show values kedacore/keda
    Since the default dependency images cannot be pulled in the Chinese mainland environment, you can replace them with mirror images from Docker Hub and configure them in the values.yaml file. For example:
    registry: docker.io
    repository: imroc/keda
    registry: docker.io
    repository: imroc/keda-metrics-apiserver
    registry: docker.io
    repository: imroc/keda-admission-webhooks
    The above image will be automatically synchronized for a long time, so you can use and update it with confidence.


    Use the following command to install KEDA:
    helm upgrade --install keda kedacore/keda \\
    --namespace keda --create-namespace \\
    -f values.yaml

    Versions and Upgrades

    Each version of KEDA is compatible with specific Kubernetes versions. Before installing KEDA, you need to confirm whether the TKE cluster version is compatible with the KEDA version you want to install. You can check KEDA Kubernetes Compatibility to confirm which KEDA versions are compatible with your current cluster version.
    For example, if the TKE cluster version is 1.26 and the latest compatible KEDA version is v2.12, the highest Chart version (CHART VERSION) compatible with KEDA v2.12 (APP VERSION) is 2.12.1:
    $ helm search repo keda --versions
    kedacore/keda 2.13.2 2.13.1 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    kedacore/keda 2.13.1 2.13.0 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    kedacore/keda 2.13.0 2.13.0 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    kedacore/keda 2.12.1 2.12.1 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    kedacore/keda 2.12.0 2.12.0 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    kedacore/keda 2.11.2 2.11.2 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    kedacore/keda 2.11.1 2.11.1 Event-based autoscaler for workloads on Kubernetes
    Specify the version when installing KEDA:
    helm upgrade --install keda kedacore/keda \\
    --namespace keda --create-namespace \\
    --version 2.12.1 \\
    -f values.yaml
    You can reuse the above installation command for future upgrade versions by simply modifying the version number.
    Before upgrading the TKE cluster, use the above method to check if the upgraded cluster version is compatible with the current version of KEDA. If not, please upgrade KEDA to the latest version compatible with the current cluster version in advance.


    For specific steps, please refer to Official Uninstall Instructions.


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