tencent cloud


Error Codes

最后更新时间:2024-12-16 16:39:36

    Feature Description

    If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:

        "Response": {
            "Error": {
                "Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
                "Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
            "RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"

    Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.

    Error Code List

    Common Error Codes

    Error Code Description
    ActionOffline This API has been deprecated.
    AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization Authorization in the request header is invalid.
    AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type).
    AuthFailure.MFAFailure MFA failed.
    AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key.
    AuthFailure.SignatureExpire Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time.
    AuthFailure.SignatureFailure Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation.
    AuthFailure.TokenFailure Token error.
    AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation.
    DryRunOperation DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used.
    FailedOperation Operation failed.
    InternalError Internal error.
    InvalidAction The API does not exist.
    InvalidParameter Incorrect parameter.
    InvalidParameterValue Invalid parameter value.
    InvalidRequest The multipart format of the request body is incorrect.
    IpInBlacklist Your IP is in uin IP blacklist.
    IpNotInWhitelist Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist.
    LimitExceeded Quota limit exceeded.
    MissingParameter A parameter is missing.
    NoSuchProduct The product does not exist.
    NoSuchVersion The API version does not exist.
    RequestLimitExceeded The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded Uin exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestSizeLimitExceeded The request size exceeds the upper limit.
    ResourceInUse Resource is in use.
    ResourceInsufficient Insufficient resource.
    ResourceNotFound The resource does not exist.
    ResourceUnavailable Resource is unavailable.
    ResponseSizeLimitExceeded The response size exceeds the upper limit.
    ServiceUnavailable Service is unavailable now.
    UnauthorizedOperation Unauthorized operation.
    UnknownParameter Unknown parameter.
    UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.
    UnsupportedProtocol HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported.
    UnsupportedRegion API does not support the requested region.

    Service Error Codes

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation.CertificateHasExpired The edge HTTPS certificate has expired. Issuing expired certificates is currently not supported.
    FailedOperation.CertificateNotFound The edge HTTPS certificate does not exist.
    FailedOperation.ConfigConditionSyntaxError Syntax error in the condition expression of the configuration file.
    FailedOperation.ConfigConditionUnknownTarget Unrecognized condition matching type.
    FailedOperation.ConfigConditionValueEmptyError The value field of the condition expression cannot be empty in the configuration file.
    FailedOperation.ConfigFieldTypeError The configuration file contains fields with inconsistent data types.
    FailedOperation.ConfigFormatError Syntax error in the configuration file.
    FailedOperation.ConfigMalformedContent Incorrect format of the configuration file. Parsing failed.
    FailedOperation.ConfigParamValidateErrors Parameter verification error in the configuration file.
    FailedOperation.ConfigUnknownField The specified field in the configuration file is not recognized, indicating a possible spelling error or incorrect placement within the file structure.
    FailedOperation.ConfigUnsupportedFormatVersion The current configuration file version is not supported.
    FailedOperation.CreateClsLogSetFailed Failed to create the log set. Check whether the log set name already exists.
    FailedOperation.CreateClsLogTopicTaskFailed Failed to create the log topic task. Check whether the log topic name or task name already exists.
    FailedOperation.CreateLogTopicTaskAuthFailure Authentication failed while creating a custom push task. Check whether the push address is correct.
    FailedOperation.EdgeClientCertificateHasExpired The edge client certificate has expired. It is not supported to issue expired certificates for the time being.
    FailedOperation.FunctionDeploying Another task is being deployed. Please try again later.
    FailedOperation.InsufficientAccountBalance The account balance is insufficient.
    FailedOperation.InvalidZoneStatus The site status is invalid.
    FailedOperation.MissingConfigChunk The content is missing a mandatory configuration block.
    FailedOperation.ModifyFailed Operation failed.
    FailedOperation.RealtimeLogAuthFailure The real-time log authentication failed.
    FailedOperation.RealtimeLogNotFound The real-time log push task does not exist.
    FailedOperation.RuleOperationConflict Function rule operations conflict under this site.
    FailedOperation.UnknownConfigGroupType Unknown configuration group type.
    FailedOperation.UpstreamClientCertificateHasExpired The client certificate for the origin-pull mutual authentication has expired. It is not supported to issue expired certificates.
    InternalError.BackendError Server error.
    InternalError.ConfigLocked The configuration is locked. Please unlock and try again.
    InternalError.DBError Database error.
    InternalError.DomainConfig Failed to get configuration
    InternalError.FailedToGenerateUrl Failed to generate an upload link.
    InternalError.GetRoleError Failed to get the role.
    InternalError.ProxyServer An unknown error occurred in the backend server.
    InternalError.QuotaSystem Server error.
    InternalError.RouteError The backend routing address is incorrect.
    InternalError.SystemError Internal system error.
    InternalError.UnknowError Unknown error.
    InvalidParameter.AccessRedirectRegexError The regex is not in the standard RE2 format.
    InvalidParameter.ActionInProgress Too many attempts. Please try again later.
    InvalidParameter.AliasDomainNotSupportKeyless Alias domain names do not support configuring a keyless certificate.
    InvalidParameter.AliasDomainNotSupportSMCert Chinese SM certificates are not supported for alias domain names.
    InvalidParameter.BadContent The function content has a syntax error.
    InvalidParameter.BadFunctionName The function name does not meet specifications.
    InvalidParameter.CacheKeyQueryStringRequiresFullUrlCacheOff Invalid query string.
    InvalidParameter.CacheKeyQueryStringTooManyValue The query string has too many values.
    InvalidParameter.CertNotMatchDomain Invalid edge HTTPS certificate configuration. The certificate does not match the domain name.
    InvalidParameter.CertSystemError Internal error.
    InvalidParameter.CertToExpire The edge HTTPS certificate is about to expire.
    InvalidParameter.CertTooShortKeySize Invalid edge HTTPS certificate configuration. The key length does not meet the minimum requirement RSA>=2048, DSA>=2048, DH>=2048, and EC>=225.
    InvalidParameter.CertificateConflictWithKeylessServer The domain name to be changed is not bound to a certificate or keyless server. Please bind it first and then proceed.
    InvalidParameter.ClientIpCountryConflictsWithIpv6 IPv6 access conflicts with client IP geographical location.
    InvalidParameter.CnameWildHostNotAllowApplyCertificate Unable to apply for a wildcard certificate under CNAME mode.
    InvalidParameter.CompressionInvalidAlgorithms Invalid compression algorithm.
    InvalidParameter.ConflictHostOrigin The origin cannot be the same as the domain name.
    InvalidParameter.ContentExceedsLimit The function content exceeds the size limit.
    InvalidParameter.DomainNotFound The domain name does not exist or is not belong to this account.
    InvalidParameter.DomainOnTrafficScheduling Traffic scheduling is already enabled for the current domain name.
    InvalidParameter.DuplicateRule Duplicate rules.
    InvalidParameter.EdgeClientCertCheckError Invalid edge client certificate configuration.
    InvalidParameter.ErrActionUnsupportTarget The current conditions do not support the requested operation.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidAction Invalid operation.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionDuplicateAction Invalid operation: Duplicate operation configuration.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionOriginPrivateAddress Invalid rule engine operation. The origin server IP cannot be a private network IP or loopback address.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParam Invalid operation: Invalid parameter.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParamAction Invalid parameter "action".
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParamBadValueType Invalid value type for the parameter "action".
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParamDuplicateName Invalid parameter: Duplicate parameter names.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParamName Invalid value type for the parameter "action".
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParamTooManyValues Invalid parameter: The parameter has too many values.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParamValue Invalid action.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionType Invalid action type.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidCondition Invalid conditions.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionCannotOnlyContainHostWhenModifyOriginActionConfigured The operations of modifying the origin server cannot be only to configure host matching type.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionHostTooManyWhenModifyOriginActionConfigured You can only configure one host matching type when modifying the origin.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionIgnoreCase Invalid condition: The letter case is ignored.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionNameBadName Invalid condition: Invalid parameter name.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionNameTargetNotSupportName Invalid condition: The match type is not supported by this parameter.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueBadRegular Invalid condition: Invalid regular expression for the parameter value.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueBadUrl Invalid parameter value "url".
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueBadValue Invalid condition: The parameter value is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueBadValueContainFileNameExtension Invalid parameter value: File extension is not allowed.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueTooLongValue Invalid condition: The parameter value exceeds the limit.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueTooManyRegular The condition has too many regular expressions.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueTooManyValues Invalid condition: The parameter value exceeds the limit.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueTooManyWildcard Invalid condition: Too many wildcards in the parameter.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidConditionValueZeroLength Invalid condition: The parameter value is 0.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidElseWhenModifyOriginActionConfigured ELSE is not supported for origin server modification.
    InvalidParameter.ErrNilCondition Empty condition.
    InvalidParameter.FunctionNameConflict The function name conflicts with that of another function under this account.
    InvalidParameter.GrpcRequireHttp2 To enable gRPC support, HTTP/2 support must be enabled as well.
    InvalidParameter.HostHeaderInvalid Host header error
    InvalidParameter.HostNotFound The domain name does not exist.
    InvalidParameter.HostStatusNotAllowApplyCertificate CNAME is not switched or the origin is not routed to the EdgeOne server.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAccelerateType Parameter error.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAuthentication Invalid token authentication.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAuthenticationTypeExpireTime Invalid token authentication expiration time.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAuthenticationTypeSecretKey Invalid key for token authentication.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAuthenticationTypeSignParam Invalid token authentication parameter.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAuthenticationTypeTimeFormat Invalid authentication token format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAuthenticationTypeTimeParam Invalid authentication token parameter.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAutoUseVoucher The format of automatically used vouchers is incorrect. Enter the correct format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAwsPrivateAccess Invalid third-party object storage.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAwsRegion Invalid region. Please fill in a correct region of the third-party object storage service.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAwsSecretKey Invalid third-party object storage.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidBackupServerName Invalid secondary origin domain.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheConfigCache Invalid node cache.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheConfigFollowOrigin Invalid node cache. The origin behavior is followed.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheKey Invalid cache key.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheKeyCookie Invalid cache key cookie.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheKeyIgnoreCase Cases are ignored in the cache key.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheKeyQueryStringAction Invalid query string.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheKeyQueryStringValue Invalid query string.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheKeyScheme Invalid cache key scheme.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheOnlyOnSwitch Invalid node cache.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCacheTime Invalid node cache validity.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCertInfo Invalid edge HTTPS certificate information.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClientIpCountryHeaderName Invalid client IP location configuration. HeaderName consists of 1-100 alphanumeric characters and cannot start or end with hyphens (-).
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClientIpHeaderName Invalid client IP request header.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClientIpOrigin Invalid origin for region-specific origin-pull.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidConditions Invalid conditions.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCosDomain Invalid origin-pull configuration. When OriginType is COS or AWS_S3, the origin address must be an object storage domain name.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidDynamicRoutine Invalid smart acceleration.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidDynamicRoutineBilling The package does not support Smart Acceleration.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidErrorPage Invalid custom error page.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidErrorPageRedirectUrl Invalid custom error page.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidFilterName Invalid filter field.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidForceRedirectType Invalid forced HTTPS direction settings
    InvalidParameter.InvalidHttps Invalid parameter "https".
    InvalidParameter.InvalidHttpsCertInfo Invalid edge HTTPS certificate configuration. The certificate content is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidHttpsCipherSuiteAndTlsVersion The cipher suite does not match the TLS version.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidHttpsHstsMaxAge Invalid HTTPS HSTS.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidHttpsTlsVersion Invalid HTTPS TLS version.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidInterval Invalid interval. The value should be either [min 5min hour day].
    InvalidParameter.InvalidIpv6Switch Invalid IPv6 settings.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidLogFormatFieldDelimiter The field separator in the log output format is incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidLogFormatFormatType The log output format type is incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidLogFormatRecordDelimiter The log record separator in the log output format is incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidMaxAgeFollowOrigin Invalid browser cache.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidMaxAgeTime Invalid browser cache.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidMetric The query dimension is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOrigin Invalid origin server.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginGroupType The origin server group type is incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginIp The origin cannot be a private IP or loopback address.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginType Incorrect origin server type.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginValue The origin server is incorrect or inexistent.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPeriod The plan cycle format is incorrect. Enter the correct format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPlanType The plan type format is incorrect. Enter the correct format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPostMaxSizeBilling The speciThe plan does not support limiting the max upload size.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPostSizeValue Invalid POST request size.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPrivateAccessParams AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey are required to access the third-party object storage.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPrivateAccessSwitch The value of PrivateAccess should be on or off.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidQuicBilling The plan does not support QUIC.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidQuotaNumber The quota quantity format is incorrect. Enter the correct format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidQuotaType The quota type format is incorrect. Enter the correct quota type format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRangeOriginPull Invalid Range GETs.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRenewFlag The auto-renewal flag format is incorrect. Enter the correct format.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRequestHeaderName Invalid request header.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRequestHeaderNameXff Invalid request header x-forwarded-for.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRequestHeaderValue Invalid request header.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidResourceIdBilling You have not purchased a plan yet.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidResponseHeaderName Invalid response header.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidResponseHeaderValue Invalid response header.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRuleEngineAction Invalid rule engine operation.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRuleEngineNotFound The rule does not exist.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRuleEngineTarget Invalid rule engine condition.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRuleEngineTargetsExtension Invalid file extension in the rule engine condition.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRuleEngineTargetsUrl Invalid URL in the rule engine condition.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidRuleProto Incorrect protocol of the rules. (TCP/UDP).
    InvalidParameter.InvalidServerName Invalid origin domain.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidStandardDebug Invalid debug configuration for EdgeOne.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidStandardDebugClientIp Invalid client IP or CIDR block.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidStandardDebugEmptyList The AllowClientIPList parameter is mandatory. The IPv4 and IPv6 network segments are supported. indicates that all IPv4 clients can be debugged, and ::/0 indicates that all IPv6 clients can be debugged.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidStandardDebugExpireTimeLimit The expiration time is exceeded.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidUpstreamRequestQueryStringValue Origin-pull request configuration error: Invalid query string.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidUrlRedirect Invalid URL rewrite.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidUrlRedirectHost Invalid target host in the URL rewriting rule.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidUrlRedirectUrl The target URL for URL rewrite is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidWebSocketTimeout Invalid WebSocket.
    InvalidParameter.KeyRulesInvalidQueryStringValue Invalid cache key.
    InvalidParameter.LengthExceedsLimit Maximum parameter length exceeded.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalanceInstanceIdIsRequired The Cloud Load Balancer instance ID is required in the operation of modifying the origin server.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerBindL4NotInStableStatus The Layer-4 proxy service referencing a LoadBalancer is being deployed. Please edit later.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerBindL7NotInStableStatus The Layer-7 domain name service referencing a LoadBalancer is being deployed. Please edit later.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerNameRepeated The LoadBalancer names under the same site should be unique.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerUsedInL4Proxy The LoadBalancer is referenced by the layer-4 instance and cannot be deleted.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerUsedInL7Domain The LoadBalancer is referenced by the layer-7 domain name and cannot be deleted.
    InvalidParameter.LoadBalancerUsedInRuleEngine The LoadBalancer is referenced by the rule engine and cannot be deleted.
    InvalidParameter.ModifyParametersMissing Modification parameters are missing.
    InvalidParameter.MultiplyLayerNotSupportSmartRouting Smart routing is not supported.
    InvalidParameter.NotSupportThisPreset Unsupported preset variables exist.
    InvalidParameter.OCDirectOriginRequiresSmartRouting The domain name is configured to forward requests to the origin directly. iSmart Acceleration must be enabled.
    InvalidParameter.OriginGroupTypeCanNotMatchLBType The type of the origin server group does not match the LoadBalancer type.
    InvalidParameter.OriginIsInnerIp The origin address cannot be a private IP address.
    InvalidParameter.OriginL4RecordIPV4MixDomain The layer-4 proxy strictly prohibits mixing IPs and domain names.
    InvalidParameter.OriginL4RecordMultiDomain Usage of multi-domain origin server is forbidden for layer-4 proxy.
    InvalidParameter.OriginNameExists The origin group name already exists.
    InvalidParameter.OriginOriginGroupIdIsRequired The origin group ID is required.
    InvalidParameter.OriginPullProtocolIsRequired The return protocol is required in the operation of modifying the origin server.
    InvalidParameter.OriginRecordFormatError Incorrect origin server format.
    InvalidParameter.OriginRecordWeightValue Weight value range: 0-100.
    InvalidParameter.OriginThirdPartyParamFormatError The key format is incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.ParameterError Parameter error: Invalid “End time”. The interval between the start and end time cannot exceed 7 days.
    InvalidParameter.PlanNotFound The plan doesn’t exist.
    InvalidParameter.PostMaxSizeLimitExceeded Maximum upload size exceeded.
    InvalidParameter.ProxyNameDuplicating The instance name already exists.
    InvalidParameter.ProxyNameNotMatched Instance name can contain 1 to 50 characters. The allowed characters are a to z, 0 to 9, and -. - cannot be registered alone or used continuously and cannot be placed at the beginning or the end.
    InvalidParameter.RealtimeLogEntityAlreadyCreated The push instance has been created.
    InvalidParameter.RealtimeLogInvalidDeliveryArea The log push region is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.RealtimeLogInvalidLogType The log push type is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.RealtimeLogInvalidTaskType The real-time log delivery type is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.RealtimeLogNumsExceedLimit The real-time log push task data exceeded the limit.
    InvalidParameter.ResponseHeaderCacheControlNotAllowDelete Invalid response header.
    InvalidParameter.RuleOriginFormatError Incorrect origin server information format of the rules.
    InvalidParameter.RuleOriginMultiDomain The origin of the rule does not support multiple domain names.
    InvalidParameter.RuleOriginPortInteger The origin port of the rule must be an integer.
    InvalidParameter.RuleOriginValueError Invalid origin in the rule.
    InvalidParameter.RulePortDuplicating The rule port already exists.
    InvalidParameter.RulePortGroup Incorrect port number segment of the rules.
    InvalidParameter.RulePortInteger The port number of the rules must be an integer.
    InvalidParameter.Security Invalid parameter.
    InvalidParameter.SettingInvalidParam Configuration parameter error.
    InvalidParameter.SomeOriginGroupNotExist Some bound origin server groups do not exist.
    InvalidParameter.SpaceNotBindOrigin Shield Space is not bound with an origin.
    InvalidParameter.StatusCodeCacheInvalidStatusCode Invalid status code in cache.
    InvalidParameter.Target Resource error
    InvalidParameter.TaskNotGenerated Failed to create the task
    InvalidParameter.TaskSystemError Internal error.
    InvalidParameter.TlsVersionNotInSequence TLS version is not continuous for HTTPS.
    InvalidParameter.TooManyFilterValues Too many filter values.
    InvalidParameter.TooManyFilters Too many filter items.
    InvalidParameter.UploadUrl Invalid file upload link.
    InvalidParameter.UpstreamClientCertCheckError Invalid origin-pull client certificate configuration.
    InvalidParameter.ZoneHasBeenBound The site is already bound.
    InvalidParameter.ZoneHasNotBeenBoundToPlan The zone is not bound to a package.
    InvalidParameter.ZoneIsGrayPublishing The site is being upgraded. Changing is not supported. Please try again later.
    InvalidParameter.ZoneNameIsRequired To switch a site from connecting without a domain name to connecting via the CNAME, the site name is required.
    InvalidParameter.ZoneNotFound The site does not exist.
    InvalidParameterValue.AccessBlacklist The domain name for this zone has been banned.
    InvalidParameterValue.AliasDomainNotSupportEdgeMTLS Alias domain names do not support the configuration of edge mutual authentication for the time being.
    InvalidParameterValue.AliasDomainNotSupportUpstreamMTLS Alias domain names do not support the configuration of origin-pull mutual authentication for the time being.
    InvalidParameterValue.CertificateVerifyUpstreamClientMustRSAorECC Currently, only RSA or ECC algorithm certificates are supported for the origin-pull mutual authentication, and the SCA SM2 algorithm certificates are not supported.
    InvalidParameterValue.CertificateVerifyUpstreamClientMustSVR The certificate type for the origin-pull mutual authentication is incorrect and cannot be configured as a CA certificate.
    InvalidParameterValue.CertificateVerifyUpstreamClientNeedCert Origin-pull mutual authentication configuration requires at least one certificate.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictRecord It conflicts with existing records.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictWithDNSSEC DNS records conflict with DNSSEC.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictWithDomain The DNS record conflicts with acceleration domain name record.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictWithNSRecord This DNS record conflicts with NS records.
    InvalidParameterValue.ContentSameAsName The host record cannot be the same as the record value.
    InvalidParameterValue.ContentTypeNotMatch The page content does not match the Content-Type.
    InvalidParameterValue.DomainNotMatchZone The specified domain name does not match the site.
    InvalidParameterValue.FormatMismatch Format mismatch.
    InvalidParameterValue.GeneralMismatch Configuration parameter format mismatch.
    InvalidParameterValue.IncludeInvalidValue Contains invalid value.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAliasDomainName The alias domain name is invalid. It must contain numerics, English characters, and hyphens, but hyphen is not allowed at the beginning or the end.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAliasNameSuffix Invalid alias domain suffix. This domain is for internal usage and cannot be used as the alias domain.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDNSContent Incorrect DNS record.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDNSName Incorrect DNS record name.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDomainName Invalid accelerated domain name. It can contain [0-9], [A-Z], [a-z] and [-]. It cannot start or end with "-".
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDomainStatus Invalid domain name. Please check the status.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidKeylessServerId Invalid keyless server ID.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidProxyOrigin Incorrect DNS proxy
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTagValue The tag value contains invalid characters.
    InvalidParameterValue.MissingNecessaryParam Missing required configuration parameters.
    InvalidParameterValue.NotAllowedWildcardSharedCNAME Wildcard domain CNAMEs are not supported.
    InvalidParameterValue.NotInEnumeration The value is not within the required collection.
    InvalidParameterValue.NotWithinRange The value is not within the specified range.
    InvalidParameterValue.OriginGroupNotExists The specified origin group does not exist.
    InvalidParameterValue.PageNameAlreadyExist The page name already exists.
    InvalidParameterValue.RegExMismatch Does not match the specified regular expression.
    InvalidParameterValue.ServerCertInfoNeedContainRSAorECC Edge mTLS is enabled. When the client uses an RSA or ECC algorithm certificate, the same algorithm certificate should also be configured in the edge HTTPS certificate.
    InvalidParameterValue.ServerCertInfoNeedContainSM2 Edge mTLS is enabled. When the client uses a national encryption CA certificate, the national encryption certificate should also be configured in the edge HTTPS certificate.
    InvalidParameterValue.SharedCNAMEPrefixNotMatch Enter a valid shared CNAME prefix of up to 50 characters.
    InvalidParameterValue.TopLevelDomainNotSupport The current domain suffix is not supported for access. Please contact us if you need to use it.
    InvalidParameterValue.UnrecognizableValue Configuration item error.
    InvalidParameterValue.UpstreamClientCertInfoQuotaLimit One client certificate is allowed at most in the origin-pull mutual authentication configuration.
    InvalidParameterValue.ZoneNameInvalid The zone name format is incorrect. Please input a correctly formed domain name.
    InvalidParameterValue.ZoneNameNotSupportPunyCode Punycode access is not supported at present.
    InvalidParameterValue.ZoneNameNotSupportSubDomain The zone does not support subdomain access. Please use second-level domains for zone access.
    InvalidParameterValue.ZoneSameAsName The site alias already exists.
    LimitExceeded.BatchQuota Reached the upper limit of resource number
    LimitExceeded.CustomLogFieldRegexLimitExceeded The number of regular expression type fields in real-time log custom fields exceeds the limit.
    LimitExceeded.DailyQuota Reached the daily upper limit of resource number
    LimitExceeded.FunctionLimitExceeded The number of functions has reached the limit.
    LimitExceeded.LoadBalancingCountLimitExceeded The number of LoadBalancers exceeds the limit.
    LimitExceeded.PackNotAllow Not supported by the plan.
    LimitExceeded.ProxyRulesLimitExceeded The number of rules imported has exceeded the limit.
    LimitExceeded.QueryTimeLimitExceeded Query time limit exceeded.
    LimitExceeded.RateLimitExceeded Reached the API rate limit.
    LimitExceeded.RuleLimitExceeded The number of rules has reached the limit.
    LimitExceeded.Security Limit exceeded
    LimitExceeded.UserQuotaLimited User instance quantity limitation.
    LimitExceeded.ZoneBindPlan Reached the upper limit of sites of the plan
    OperationDenied Operation denied.
    OperationDenied.AccelerateMainlandDisable Cross-MLC-border acceleration is in beta. To join the beta, submit a ticket.
    OperationDenied.AccelerateMainlandIpv6Conflict Cross-MLC-border acceleration and IPv6 cannot be configured at the same time.
    OperationDenied.AccelerateMainlandMultiplyLayerConflict The existing domain feature under the current site conflicts with the Chinese mainland network optimization, and cannot be configured at the same time.
    OperationDenied.AccelerationDomainStatusNotInOnline An L7 DNS service referencing the origin group is being deployed. Please edit later.
    OperationDenied.CertificatePrivateKeyIsEmpty Currently, only the keyless certificate mode allows the private key of the certificate to be empty.
    OperationDenied.ComplianceForbidden The current compliance status is banning.
    OperationDenied.ConfigLocked The configuration is locked. Please unlock and try again.
    OperationDenied.DNSPodUnauthorizedRoleOperation The TEO_QCSLinkedRoleInDnspodAccessEO role is not authorized. Please authorize it and try again.
    OperationDenied.DeleteZonePreCheckFailed The pre-check failed during site deletion.
    OperationDenied.DisableZoneNotCompleted The EdgeOne service of the site is being disabled. Please try again later.
    OperationDenied.DomainInShareCnameGroup Switch failed: There are domain names in the shared CNAME group.
    OperationDenied.DomainIsBlocked Unable to use the domain name when it’s blocked.
    OperationDenied.DomainNoICP The domain name doesn't have an ICP filing number.
    OperationDenied.DomainNumberIsNotZero Unable to modify the service area: There are domain names under the site.
    OperationDenied.DomainStatusUnstable Some domain names on the site are currently experiencing instability. The stable states for domain names are "online" and "offline".
    OperationDenied.EnterprisePlanAutoRenewUnsupported The Enterprise Edition Plan does not support auto-renewal.
    OperationDenied.EnterprisePlanRenewUnsupported The Enterprise Edition Plan does not support renewal.
    OperationDenied.EnterprisePlanUpgradeUnsupported The Enterprise Edition Plan does not support upgrades.
    OperationDenied.EnvNotReady The site environment is not ready.
    OperationDenied.ErrZoneIsAlreadyPaused The EdgeOne service of the site is disabled. Please enable it and try again.
    OperationDenied.HostsClientCertificateInconsistency The edge mutual authentication certificates for the domain name to be changed are inconsistent. Please confirm that the domain name certificates are consistent and try again.
    OperationDenied.HostsKeylessServerInconsistency The keyless server of the domain name to be changed is inconsistent. Please confirm that the keyless server is consistent before retrying.
    OperationDenied.HostsUpstreamCertificateInconsistency The origin-pull mutual authentication certificates for the domain name to be changed are inconsistent. Please confirm that the domain name certificates are consistent and try again.
    OperationDenied.InvalidAdvancedDefenseSecurityType The security service must be enabled when you enable the DDoS Protection.
    OperationDenied.InvalidAdvancedDefenseZoneArea The acceleration regions of the site must be in the Chinese mainland when you enable the DDoS Protection.
    OperationDenied.Ipv6AdvancedConflict Exclusive DDoS protection conflicts with IPv6. They cannot be configured at the same time.
    OperationDenied.Ipv6StaticIpConflict The IPv6 feature and static IP cannot be enabled at the same time.
    OperationDenied.KeylessCertSwitchToFreeCertConflict The domain name to be changed has a different certificate or keyless server. Please confirm that the edge HTTPS certificate or keyless server is consistent before retrying.
    OperationDenied.KeylessModeCertificatePrivateKeyNeedEmpty The keyless certificate mode requires the private key of the certificate to be empty.
    OperationDenied.L4LackOfResources The layer-4 instance resource sales are skyrocketing and now the resources are sold out. Replenishing is in progress. Currently, new layer-4 proxies cannot be added. Please wait.
    OperationDenied.L4PortLackOfResources The sale of Layer 4 port resources is booming and they have been sold out. We are urgently restocking. At present, it is not possible to add new Layer 4 proxies or rules, and we kindly ask for your patience.
    OperationDenied.L4ProxyInBannedStatus Operation failed: The L4 proxy is blocked.
    OperationDenied.L4ProxyInOfflineStatus The Layer 4 channel is closed and rule addition is disallowed.
    OperationDenied.L4ProxyInProcessStatus The instance is currently in deployment and cannot be operated.
    OperationDenied.L4ProxyInProgressStatus The EdgeOne service cannot be disabled for the site: A L4 proxy instance is being deployed.
    OperationDenied.L4ProxyInStoppingStatus Unable to disable the site: There are L4 proxy instances disabled.
    OperationDenied.L4StatusNotInOnline Unable to operate the L4 instance when it’s not running
    OperationDenied.L7HostInProcessStatus The EdgeOne service cannot be disabled for the site: An accelerated domain name is being deployed.
    OperationDenied.LoadBalanceStatusNotInOnline The affiliated Cloud Load Balancer is not in a running state. Operation is forbidden.
    OperationDenied.LoadBalancingZoneIsNotActive The site status does not support operations on load balancers.
    OperationDenied.MsgIpv6AdvancedConflict IPv6 cannot be enabled for non-overseas exclusive protection.
    OperationDenied.MultipleCnameZone Unable to switch to NS for multiple sites using CNAME.
    OperationDenied.NSNotAllowTrafficStrategy Domain traffic scheduling is not supported in NS access mode.
    OperationDenied.NoDomainAccessZoneOnlyAllowModifiedToCNAME You can only switch a site connected without a domain name to connecting via the CNAME
    OperationDenied.NoDomainAccessZoneOnlySupportModifyType You can only switch a site connected without a domain name to connecting via the CNAME. Other operations are not allowed.
    OperationDenied.NotInKeylessWhiteList Currently, the keyless certificate feature is available only to users in the allowlist.
    OperationDenied.NotInUpstreamMTLSWhiteList The current origin-pull mutual authentication feature is only available to allowlist users.
    OperationDenied.NotInVersionControlWhiteList The current user is not included in the whitelist for version management.
    OperationDenied.OriginGroupAccelerationDomainUsed Failed to delete: The acceleration domain name is in use.
    OperationDenied.OriginGroupL4Used The Layer 4 proxy is in use and cannot be deleted.
    OperationDenied.OriginGroupLBUsed The Cloud Load Balancer is in use and cannot be deleted.
    OperationDenied.OriginGroupRuleEngineUsed The rule engine is in use and cannot be deleted.
    OperationDenied.OwnershipVerificationNotPassed Ownership verification failed. Please complete the site ownership verification first.
    OperationDenied.PlanDowngradeNotAllowed A plan downgrade is not supported.
    OperationDenied.PlanHasBeenExpired The plan has expired.
    OperationDenied.PlanHasBeenIsolated The plan has been isolated.
    OperationDenied.PlanIncreasePlanQuotaUnsupported This plan does not support the purchase of additional plan quotas.
    OperationDenied.PlanNotSupportModifyZoneArea The specified plan does not support changing the service area of the site.
    OperationDenied.PlatTypeIPAccelerateMainlandNotSupport This site is using Anycast IP scheduling mode and does not support Cross-MLC-border acceleration.
    OperationDenied.PleaseContactBusinessPersonnel To create an Enterprise Edition Plan, contact the business personnel.
    OperationDenied.RecordIsForbidden The DNS record cannot be added.
    OperationDenied.ResourceHasBeenLocked Billing resources are in operation. Try again later.
    OperationDenied.ResourceLockedTemporary This operation conflicts with concurrent operations. Try again later.
    OperationDenied.SharedCNAMEUnsupportedAccelerateMainland The domain name is bound with a shared CNAME and cannot be changed to "Cross-MLC-border acceleration". Please unbind the domain name from the shared CNAME first.
    OperationDenied.SharedCNAMEUnsupportedIPv6 The domain name is bound with a shared CNAME and cannot be changed to "IPv6 access". Please unbind the domain name from the shared CNAME first.
    OperationDenied.StaticIpAreaConflict The static IP cannot be enabled for this instance's region.
    OperationDenied.UnSupportToCloseUpstreamMTLS Disabling the origin-pull mutual authentication is not supported now. To disable it, please change the edge HTTPS certificate configuration to 'none'.
    OperationDenied.UseUpstreamMTLSNeedOpenHttps To enable the origin-pull mutual authentication, please configure the edge HTTPS certificate first.
    OperationDenied.VersionControlIsGraying There is a test version in use. Please release the test version to the live environment, or roll back the test version and try again.
    OperationDenied.VersionControlLocked The operation is not allowed because the version management mode is applied.
    OperationDenied.WorkModeNotInVersionControl The specified site working mode is not applicable to the version management mode.
    OperationDenied.ZoneIsBindingSharedCNAME The shared CNAME has been bound to another site. Please unbind first.
    OperationDenied.ZoneIsReferenceCustomErrorPage Error found in the associated custom error page. Please unbind it first.
    OperationDenied.ZoneNotActive The zone is disabled.
    ResourceInUse.AliasDomain Resources occupied by the alias domain names under this account.
    ResourceInUse.AliasName The alias domain name already exists.
    ResourceInUse.Cname Resources occupied by this account via CNAME.
    ResourceInUse.Dns DNS resources occupied.
    ResourceInUse.DnsRecord The domain name is being resolved. If you need to enable acceleration, please go to DNS Records.
    ResourceInUse.DuplicateName Duplicate alias domain names.
    ResourceInUse.GenericHost Resources occupied by the wildcard domain name.
    ResourceInUse.Host Resources occupied by the subdomain names under this account.
    ResourceInUse.NS Resources occupied by this account via NS.
    ResourceInUse.Others The resource has been connected to EdgeOne by another user.
    ResourceInUse.OthersAliasDomain Resources occupied by the alias domain names under other accounts.
    ResourceInUse.OthersCname Resources occupied by other accounts via CNAME.
    ResourceInUse.OthersHost Resources occupied by the subdomain names under other accounts.
    ResourceInUse.OthersNS Resources occupied by other accounts via NS.
    ResourceInUse.SelfAndOthersCname Resources occupied by this account and others via CNAME.
    ResourceInUse.SharedCNAME Unable to delete the shared CNAME: It is bound to an acceleration domain name. Please remove the binding first.
    ResourceInUse.Zone The alias domain name is already added.
    ResourceNotFound.DNSPodDomainNotInAccount The domain name is not properly accessed via DNSPod. Please try again after DNSPod access.
    ResourceNotFound.PostMaxSizeQuotaNotFound Maximum upload size is not configured.
    ResourceNotFound.VersionNotFound The configuration group version does not exist. Please check and try again.
    ResourceUnavailable.CertNotFound The certificate does not exist or is not authorized.
    ResourceUnavailable.DomainAlreadyExists The domain name is already connected to EdgeOne by another account. Please retrieve it first in order to add it.
    ResourceUnavailable.DomainNotFound The requested accelerated domain name doesn’t exist.
    ResourceUnavailable.FunctionNotFound The function does not exist or does not belong to this account.
    ResourceUnavailable.HostNotFound The domain name does not exist or not use a proxy.
    ResourceUnavailable.RuleNotFound The rule does not exist or does not belong to the account.
    ResourceUnavailable.SharedCNAMEAlreadyExists The shared CNAME is used by others.
    ResourceUnavailable.ZoneNotFound The site does not exist or is not belong to this account.
    UnauthorizedOperation.CamUnauthorized CAM is not authorized.
    UnauthorizedOperation.DomainEmpty Authentication error.
    UnauthorizedOperation.NoPermission The sub-account is not authorized for the operation. Please get permissions first.
    UnauthorizedOperation.Unknown An unknown error occurred in the backend server.
    UnsupportedOperation.TargetNameOriginTypeCos The origin type of the target domain cannot be COS for an alias domain.




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