tencent cloud



最后更新时间:2024-12-03 16:18:04

    1. API Description

    Domain name for API request: teo.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

    This API is used to create an acceleration domain name.

    For sites connected via the CNAME, if you have not verified the ownership of the domain name, the ownership verification information of the domain name is returned. To verify your ownership of the domain name, see Ownership Verification.

    A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateAccelerationDomain.
    Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2022-09-01.
    Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required.
    ZoneId Yes String ID of the site related with the acceleration domain name.
    DomainName Yes String Acceleration domain name
    OriginInfo Yes OriginInfo Details of the origin.
    OriginProtocol No String Origin-pull protocol configuration. Values:
  • FOLLOW: Follow the protocol of origin
  • HTTP: Send requests to the origin over HTTP
  • HTTPS: Send requests to the origin over HTTPS
  • Default: FOLLOW
  • HttpOriginPort No Integer Ports for HTTP origin-pull requests. Range: 1-65535. It takes effect when OriginProtocol=FOLLOW/HTTP. Port 80 is used if it's not specified.
    HttpsOriginPort No Integer Ports for HTTPS origin-pull requests. Range: 1-65535. It takes effect when OriginProtocol=FOLLOW/HTTPS. Port 443 is used if it's not specified.
    IPv6Status No String IPv6 status. Values:
  • follow: Follow the IPv6 configuration of the site
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Default: follow
  • 3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    OwnershipVerification OwnershipVerification Use the information returned by this parameter to verify the ownership of a domain name. For details, see Ownership Verification.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

    4. Example

    Example1 Creating an Acceleration Domain Name for a Domain-Name Origin Server

    This example shows you how to create an acceleration domain name for a domain-name origin server.

    Input Example

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: teo.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-TC-Action: CreateAccelerationDomain
    <Common request parameters>
        "ZoneId": "zone-225qgrnvbi9w",
        "DomainName": "qq.com",
        "OriginInfo": {
            "OriginType": "ip_domain",
            "Origin": "www.test.com"

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "RequestId": "5e0a2b4e-df6d-4d2a-ac39-1706cbf8a707"

    Example2 Creating an Acceleration Domain Name for an AWS S3 Origin Server

    This example shows you how to create an acceleration domain name for an AWS S3 origin server, with private network access enabled and authentication algorithm set to AWS Signature Version 2.

    Input Example

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: teo.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-TC-Action: CreateAccelerationDomain
    <Common request parameters>
        "ZoneId": "zone-225qgrnvbi9w",
        "DomainName": "qq.com",
        "OriginInfo": {
            "OriginType": "AWS_S3",
            "Origin": "test.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com",
            "PrivateAccess": "on",
            "PrivateParameters": [
                    "Name": "AccessKeyId",
                    "Value": "AKID***********************************************"
                    "Name": "SecretAccessKey",
                    "Value": "nMirpdWhhT6bxPsaFwYM1SzQrTest"
                    "Name": "SignatureVersion",
                    "Value": "v2"
                    "Name": "Region",
                    "Value": "ap-east-1"

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "RequestId": "5e0a2b4e-df6d-4d2a-ac39-1706cbf8a703"

    5. Developer Resources


    TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

    Command Line Interface

    6. Error Code

    The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation Operation failed.
    InternalError.ConfigLocked The configuration is locked. Please unlock and try again.
    InvalidParameter.ConflictHostOrigin The origin cannot be the same as the domain name.
    InvalidParameter.ErrInvalidActionParam Invalid operation: Invalid parameter.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAccelerateType Parameter error.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAwsPrivateAccess Invalid third-party object storage.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAwsRegion Invalid region. Please fill in a correct region of the third-party object storage service.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClientIpOrigin Invalid origin for region-specific origin-pull.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidIpv6Switch Invalid IPv6 settings.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOrigin Invalid origin server.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginIp The origin cannot be a private IP or loopback address.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPrivateAccessParams AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey are required to access the third-party object storage.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPrivateAccessSwitch The value of PrivateAccess should be on or off.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidQuicBilling The plan does not support QUIC.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidServerName Invalid origin domain.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidStandardDebugClientIp Invalid client IP or CIDR block.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidWebSocketTimeout Invalid WebSocket.
    InvalidParameter.PostMaxSizeLimitExceeded Maximum upload size exceeded.
    InvalidParameter.SpaceNotBindOrigin Shield Space is not bound with an origin.
    InvalidParameter.ZoneIsGrayPublishing The site is being upgraded. Changing is not supported. Please try again later.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictRecord It conflicts with existing records.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictWithDNSSEC DNS records conflict with DNSSEC.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictWithDomain The DNS record conflicts with acceleration domain name record.
    InvalidParameterValue.ConflictWithNSRecord This DNS record conflicts with NS records.
    InvalidParameterValue.ContentSameAsName The host record cannot be the same as the record value.
    InvalidParameterValue.DomainNotMatchZone The specified domain name does not match the site.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDNSContent Incorrect DNS record.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDNSName Incorrect DNS record name.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDomainName Invalid accelerated domain name. It can contain [0-9], [A-Z], [a-z] and [-]. It cannot start or end with "-".
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidProxyOrigin Incorrect DNS proxy
    InvalidParameterValue.OriginGroupNotExists The specified origin group does not exist.
    OperationDenied Operation denied.
    OperationDenied.AccelerateMainlandDisable Cross-MLC-border acceleration is in beta. To join the beta, submit a ticket.
    OperationDenied.ConfigLocked The configuration is locked. Please unlock and try again.
    OperationDenied.DisableZoneNotCompleted The EdgeOne service of the site is being disabled. Please try again later.
    OperationDenied.DomainNoICP The domain name doesn't have an ICP filing number.
    OperationDenied.ErrZoneIsAlreadyPaused The EdgeOne service of the site is disabled. Please enable it and try again.
    OperationDenied.InvalidAdvancedDefenseZoneArea The acceleration regions of the site must be in the Chinese mainland when you enable the DDoS Protection.
    OperationDenied.LoadBalanceStatusNotInOnline The affiliated Cloud Load Balancer is not in a running state. Operation is forbidden.
    OperationDenied.RecordIsForbidden The DNS record cannot be added.
    OperationDenied.ResourceLockedTemporary This operation conflicts with concurrent operations. Try again later.
    OperationDenied.VersionControlIsGraying There is a test version in use. Please release the test version to the live environment, or roll back the test version and try again.
    ResourceInUse The resource is occupied.
    ResourceInUse.DnsRecord The domain name is being resolved. If you need to enable acceleration, please go to DNS Records.
    ResourceNotFound The resource doesn’t exist.
    ResourceUnavailable.DomainAlreadyExists The domain name is already connected to EdgeOne by another account. Please retrieve it first in order to add it.
    UnauthorizedOperation.CamUnauthorized CAM is not authorized.
    UnauthorizedOperation.NoPermission The sub-account is not authorized for the operation. Please get permissions first.
    UnauthorizedOperation.Unknown An unknown error occurred in the backend server.




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