Domain name for API request:
This API is used to scale out a cluster.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: ScaleOutCluster. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-01-03. |
Region | No | String | Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API. |
InstanceChargeType | Yes | String | The node billing mode. Valid values:POSTPAID_BY_HOUR : The postpaid mode by hour.SPOTPAID : The spot instance mode (for task nodes only). |
InstanceId | Yes | String | The cluster instance ID. |
ScaleOutNodeConfig | Yes | ScaleOutNodeConfig | The type and number of nodes to be added. |
ClientToken | No | String | A unique random token, which is valid for 5 minutes and needs to be specified by the caller to prevent the client from repeatedly creating resources. An example value is a9a90aa6-751a-41b6-aad6-fae36063280 . |
InstanceChargePrepaid | No | InstanceChargePrepaid | The details of the monthly subscription, including the instance period and auto-renewal. It is required if the InstanceChargeType is PREPAID . |
ScriptBootstrapActionConfig.N | No | Array of ScriptBootstrapActionConfig | The Bootstrap action script settings. |
SoftDeployInfo.N | No | Array of Integer | The services to be deployed for new nodes. By default, new nodes will inherit services deployed for the current node type, including default optional services. This parameter only supports the inclusion of optional services. For example, if HDFS, YARN, and Impala have been deployed for existing task nodes, when using the API for task node scale-out without deploying Impala, only HDFS and YARN are included in with this parameter. |
ServiceNodeInfo.N | No | Array of Integer | The processes to be deployed. All processes for services to be added are deployed by default. Deployed processes can be changed. For example, HDFS, YARN, and Impala have been deployed for current task nodes, and default services are DataNode, NodeManager, and ImpalaServer; if you want to change deployed processes, you can set this parameter to DataNode,NodeManager,ImpalaServerCoordinator or DataNode,NodeManager,ImpalaServerExecutor. |
DisasterRecoverGroupIds.N | No | Array of String | The list of spread placement group IDs. Only one can be specified. You can call the DescribeDisasterRecoverGroups API and obtain this parameter from the DisasterRecoverGroupId field in the response. |
Tags.N | No | Array of Tag | The list of tags bound to added nodes. |
HardwareSourceType | No | String | The type of resources to add. Valid values: host (general CVM resources) and pod (resources provided by a TKE or EKS cluster). |
PodSpecInfo | No | PodSpecInfo | The pod resource information. |
ClickHouseClusterName | No | String | The server group name selected for ClickHouse cluster scale-out. |
ClickHouseClusterType | No | String | The server group type selected for ClickHouse cluster scale-out. Valid values: new (create a group) and old (select an existing group). |
YarnNodeLabel | No | String | The YARN node label specified for scale-out. |
EnableStartServiceFlag | No | Boolean | Whether to start services after scale-out.true : Yesfalse (default): No |
ResourceSpec | No | NodeResourceSpec | The spec settings. |
Zone | No | String | The ID of the AZ where the instance resides, such as ap-guangzhou-1 . You can call the DescribeZones API and obtain this ID from the Zone field in the response. |
SubnetId | No | String | The subnet, which defaults to the subnet used when the cluster is created. |
ScaleOutServiceConfGroupsInfo.N | No | Array of ScaleOutServiceConfGroupsInfo |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId | String | The instance ID. |
ClientToken | String | The client token. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FlowId | Integer | The scale-out workflow ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: ScaleOutCluster
<Common request parameters>
"ClientToken": "",
"InstanceChargeType": "SPOTPAID",
"InstanceChargePrepaid": {
"Period": 0,
"RenewFlag": true
"ScriptBootstrapActionConfig": [
"CosFileURI": "",
"Args": [
"CosFileName": "emr_init",
"ExecutionMoment": "resourceAfter"
"InstanceId": "emr-ge0vrqkl",
"SoftDeployInfo": [
"ServiceNodeInfo": [
"DisasterRecoverGroupIds": [
"Tags": [
"TagKey": "Team",
"TagValue": "data"
"HardwareSourceType": "host",
"PodSpecInfo": {
"PodSpec": {
"ResourceProviderIdentifier": "cls-a1cd23fa",
"ResourceProviderType": "tke",
"NodeFlag": "TASK",
"Cpu": 1,
"Memory": 1,
"CpuType": "intel",
"PodVolumes": [
"VolumeType": "abc",
"PVCVolume": {
"DiskSize": 1,
"DiskType": "abc",
"DiskNum": 0
"HostVolume": {
"VolumePath": "abc"
"EnableDynamicSpecFlag": true,
"DynamicPodSpec": {
"RequestCpu": 0,
"LimitCpu": 0,
"RequestMemory": 0,
"LimitMemory": 0
"VpcId": "vpc-d1c351hq",
"SubnetId": "subnet-lnejfj4p",
"PodName": "podeee"
"PodParameter": {
"InstanceId": "abc",
"Config": "abc",
"Parameter": "abc"
"ClickHouseClusterName": "abc",
"ClickHouseClusterType": "new",
"YarnNodeLabel": "abc",
"EnableStartServiceFlag": true,
"ResourceSpec": {
"Tags": [
"TagKey": "abc",
"TagValue": "abc"
"InstanceType": "SA2.4XLARGE64",
"SystemDisk": [
"Count": 1,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_PREMIUM",
"DiskSize": 70
"DataDisk": [
"Count": 1,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_HSSD",
"DiskSize": 70
"LocalDataDisk": [
"Count": 1,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_HSSD",
"DiskSize": 100
"Zone": "ap-shanghai-5",
"SubnetId": "subnet-lnejfj4p",
"ScaleOutNodeConfig": {
"NodeFlag": "CORE",
"NodeCount": 1
"Response": {
"InstanceId": "xx",
"FlowId": 0,
"RequestId": "xx",
"ClientToken": "xx"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
FailedOperation.GetCvmConfigQuotaFailed | Failed to fetch the specifications of the CVM. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceChargeType | Invalid instance billing mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceType | Invalid model. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidNodeFlag | Incorrect node type. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftDeployInfo | The InvalidSoftDeployInfo parameter is invalid or incorrect. |
ResourceInUse.InstanceInProcess | The instance is under workflow. |
ResourceInsufficient.DiskInsufficient | The disk specification is insufficient. |
ResourceInsufficient.InstanceInsufficient | The node specification is unsupported or has been sold out. |
ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotFound | The instance was not found. |
ResourceUnavailable.ResourceSpecNotDefaultSpec | There is no default value of the current resource spec. |