Domain name for API request:
This API is used to create high-availability instances (cloud disk).
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateCloudDBInstances. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-03-28. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. |
Zone | Yes | String | Instance AZ, such as ap-guangzhou-1 (Guangzhou Zone 1). Purchasable AZs for an instance can be obtained through theDescribeZones API. |
Memory | Yes | Integer | Instance memory size in GB |
Storage | Yes | Integer | Instance disk size in GB |
Cpu | Yes | Integer | Number of CPU cores |
MachineType | Yes | String | The host type of the purchased instance. Valid values: CLOUD_HSSD (virtual machine with enhanced SSD), CLOUD_TSSD (virtual machine with ulTra SSD), CLOUD_BSSD (virtual machine with balanced SSD). |
InstanceChargeType | No | String | Billing mode. Valid values: PREPAID (monthly subscription), POSTPAID (pay-as-you-go). |
ProjectId | No | Integer | Project ID |
GoodsNum | No | Integer | Number of instances purchased this time. Default value: 1 . Maximum value: 10 . |
SubnetId | No | String | VPC subnet ID in the format of subnet-bdoe83fa . Both SubnetId and VpcId need to be set or unset at the same time. |
VpcId | No | String | VPC ID in the format of vpc-dsp338hz . Both SubnetId and VpcId need to be set or unset at the same time. |
Period | No | Integer | The purchase period of an instance. Default value: 1 (one month). Maximum value: 48 . |
AutoVoucher | No | Integer | Whether to automatically use voucher. Valid values: 0 (no, default), 1 (yes). |
VoucherIds.N | No | Array of String | Array of voucher IDs (currently, only one voucher can be used per order) |
DBVersion | No | String | SQL Server version. Valid values: 2008R2 (SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise), 2012SP3 (SQL Server 2012 Enterprise), 201202 (SQL Server 2012 Standard), 2014SP2 (SQL Server 2014 Enterprise), 201402 (SQL Server 2014 Standard), 2016SP1 (SQL Server 2016 Enterprise), 201602 (SQL Server 2016 Standard), 2017 (SQL Server 2017 Enterprise), 201702 (SQL Server 2017 Standard), 2019 (SQL Server 2019 Enterprise), 201902 (SQL Server 2019 Standard). Default value: 2008R2 . The available version varies by region, and you can pull the version information through the DescribeProductConfig API. |
AutoRenewFlag | No | Integer | Auto-renewal flag, which takes effect only when purchasing a monthly subscribed instance. Valid values: 0 (auto-renewal disabled), 1 (auto-renewal enabled). Default value: 0 . |
SecurityGroupList.N | No | Array of String | Security group list, which contains security group IDs in the format of sg-xxx . |
Weekly.N | No | Array of Integer | Configuration of the maintenance window, which specifies the day of the week when maintenance can be performed. Valid values: 1 (Monday), 2 (Tuesday), 3 (Wednesday), 4 (Thursday), 5 (Friday), 6 (Saturday), 7 (Sunday). |
StartTime | No | String | Configuration of the maintenance window, which specifies the start time of daily maintenance. |
Span | No | Integer | Configuration of the maintenance window, which specifies the maintenance duration in hours. Hour |
MultiZones | No | Boolean | Whether to deploy across AZs. Default value: false . |
ResourceTags.N | No | Array of ResourceTag | Tags associated with the instances to be created |
Collation | No | String | Collation of system character sets. Default value: Chinese_PRC_CI_AS . |
TimeZone | No | String | System time zone. Default value: China Standard Time . |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
DealName | String | Order name |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
This example shows you how to create a dual-server high-availability instance based on the general cloud disk.
POST / HTTP/1.1Host: sqlserver.intl.tencentcloudapi.comContent-Type: application/jsonX-TC-Action: CreateCloudDBInstances<common request parameters>{ "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-3", "InstanceChargeType": "PREPAID", "ProjectId": 0, "Memory": 4, "Storage": 200, "GoodsNum": 1, "SubnetId": "subnet-15y3y4eo", "VpcId": "vpc-hqxhp43z", "Period": 1, "DBVersion": "2008R2", "AutoRenewFlag": 0, "SecurityGroupList": [ "sg-7hb0hisl" ], "Weekly": [ 1, 2 ], "StartTime": "01:00", "Span": 1, "MultiZones": true, "ResourceTags": [ { "TagKey": "env", "TagValue": "product" } ], "Cpu": 2, "MachineType": "CLOUD_BSSD", "Collation": "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS", "TimeZone": "China Standard Time"}
"Response": {
"DealName": "202301231",
"RequestId": "61999983-b0af-4889-b067-xxxxxxxxx"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.CreateOrderFailed | Failed to create order. |
FailedOperation.DBError | Database error. |
FailedOperation.GetVpcFailed | Failed to get VPC information. |
InternalError.DBError | Database error |
InternalError.UnknownError | Unknown error. |
InvalidParameter.InputIllegal | Input error. |
InvalidParameter.ParamsAssertFailed | An error occurred while converting parameter assertion. |
InvalidParameter.PayOrderFailed | Failed to make order payment. |
InvalidParameterValue.IllegalRegion | Invalid region. |
InvalidParameterValue.IllegalSpec | Incorrect instance specification information. |
InvalidParameterValue.IllegalZone | Incorrect AZ ID. |
InvalidParameterValue.SecurityGroupIdIsIllegal | Invalid security group ID. |
ResourceNotFound.VpcNotExist | The VPC does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable.VpcNotExist | VPC not found. |
UnauthorizedOperation.PermissionDenied | CAM authentication error. |