field for this API is DescribeLoadBalancers
.Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
loadBalancerIds.n | No | String | CLB instance ID. |
loadBalancerType | No | Int | Network type of the CLB instance. 2: public network; 3: private network. |
forward | No | Int | CLB instance type. 1: CLB; 0: classic CLB, -1: all. |
loadBalancerName | No | String | CLB instance name. |
domain | No | String | Domain name assigned to a public network classic CLB instance by Tencent Cloud. This field is inapplicable to other types of CLB instances. |
loadBalancerVips.n | No | String | VIP address of the CLB instance. You can enter several VIP addresses. |
backendWanIps.n | No | String | Public IP of the real server bound to a CLB instance. |
backendLanIps.n | No | String | Private IP of the real server bound to a CLB instance. |
offset | No | Int | Data offset. Default value: 0. |
limit | No | Int | Number of returned CLB instances. Default value: 20. |
orderBy | No | String | Sort by field. Valid values: loadBalancerName, createTime, domain, loadBalancerType. |
orderTyp | No | Int | 1: reverse; 0: sequential. The createTime in reverse chronological order will be used by default. |
searchKey | No | String | Search field which fuzzy matches name, domain name, or VIP. |
projectId | No | Int | ID of the project to which a CLB instance belongs, which can be obtained via the DescribeProject API. |
withRs | No | Int | Whether the CLB instance you want to query is bound to a real server. 0: no; 1: yes; 2: query all. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | Int | |
message | String | API-related module error message description. |
codeDesc | String | Error code. For a successful operation, "Success" is returned. For a failed operation, a message describing the failure is returned. |
totalCount | Int | Total number of CLB instances that meet the filter criteria. |
loadBalancerSet | Array | Array of returned CLB instances. |
structureParameter | Type | Description |
loadBalancerId | String | CLB instance ID. |
unLoadBalancerId | String | CLB instance ID. |
loadBalancerName | String | CLB instance name. |
loadBalancerType | Int | Network type of the CLB instance. 2: public network; 3: private network. |
forward | Int | CLB type identifier. 1: CLB; 0: classic CLB. |
domain | String | Domain name assigned to a public network classic CLB instance by Tencent Cloud. This field is inapplicable to other types of CLB instances. |
loadBalancerVips | Array | VIP list of the CLB instance. |
status | Int | Status of the CLB instance. 0: creating; 1: running. |
createTime | String | Creation time of the CLB instance. |
statusTime | String | Last time when the status of the CLB instance changes. |
projectId | Int | ID of the project to which the CLB instance belongs. 0: default project. |
vpcId | Int | Numerical digits of the VPC ID. 0: classic network. |
subnetId | Int | Numerical digits of the VPC subnet ID. 0: default subnet. |
openBgp | Int | Identifier of a high defense LB. 1: high defense CLB; 0: non-high defense CLB. |
snat | Bool | "snat" is enabled for all private network classic CLB instances created before December 2016. |
isolation | Int | Isolation status of the CLB instance due to account arrears. 0: not isolated; 1: isolated. |
log | String | Log information. Only the public network CLB instances that have HTTP or HTTPS listener can generate logs. |<Common request parameters>&forward=-1
{"code": 0,"message": "","codeDesc": "Success","loadBalancerSet": [{"loadBalancerId": "lb-hc1vni0f","unLoadBalancerId": "lb-hc1vni0f","loadBalancerName": "cls-qbesvs66_ng1","loadBalancerType": 2,"domain": "","loadBalancerVips": [""],"status": 1,"createTime": "2017-11-30 14:28:45","statusTime": "2017-11-30 14:29:11","vpcId": 2968,"uniqVpcId": "vpc-b2h3xykt","subnetId": 1,"projectId": 0,"forward": 0,"snat": false,"openBgp": 0,"isolation": 0,"log": ""}],"totalCount": 1}