Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
queueName | Yes | String | Queue name. This is unique under the same account in one region. The queue name is a string of no more than 64 characters, which can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens (-) and must begin with a letter. |
startConsumeTime | Yes | Unix timestamp | If this time is set, API (Batch) receiveMessage will consume messages after this timestamp based on the order of production messages. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
code | Int | 0: Succeeded, others: Error. See the table below for specific errors. |
message | String | Error message. |
requestId | String | Request ID generated by server. When there is an internal error on the server, users can submit this ID to the backend to locate the problem. |
Error Code | Module Error Code | Error Message | Description |
6050 | 10670 | your queue cannot be rewinded | Queue cannot be rewound. |
4000 | 10680 | invalid rewind time, you can get the vaild range of that via GetQueueAttributes | Invalid rewind time. You can view the queue attributes to get the correct rewind time. |
4000 | 10700 | rewindSeconds cannot be greater than msgRetentionSeconds | The rewind time cannot be greater than the message retention period. |
https://domain/v2/index.php?Action=RewindQueue &queueName=test-queue-123&startConsumeTime=unix timestamp &<Common request parameters>
{"code" : 0,"message" : "","requestId":"14534664555"}