API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeAssetMachineList | Obtains the list of resource monitoring | 20 |
DescribeAssetMachineDetail | Obtains asset management host resource details | 20 |
DescribeAssetUserList | Obtains the list of accounts | 20 |
DescribeAssetUserInfo | Obtain host account details | 20 |
DescribeAssetPortInfoList | Obtains the list of asset management ports | 20 |
DescribeAssetProcessInfoList | Obtains the list of asset management processes | 20 |
DescribeAssetAppList | Queries the application list | 20 |
DescribeAssetAppProcessList | Obtains the list of software's associated processes | 20 |
DescribeAssetDatabaseList | Queries the list of asset management databases | 20 |
DescribeAssetDatabaseInfo | Obtains the asset management database details | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebAppList | Obtains the list of asset management web applications | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebServiceInfoList | Queries the list of asset management Web services | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebAppPluginList | Obtains the list of asset management Web application plugins | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebServiceProcessList | Obtains the list of processes associated with Web services | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebFrameList | Obtains the list of asset management web frameworks | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebLocationList | Obtains the list of Web sites | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebLocationInfo | Obtains the Web site details | 20 |
DescribeAssetJarList | Queries the list of Jar packages | 20 |
DescribeAssetJarInfo | Obtains Jar package details | 20 |
DescribeAssetInitServiceList | Queries the list of asset management start services | 20 |
DescribeAssetPlanTaskList | Queries the list of asset management plan tasks | 20 |
DescribeAssetCoreModuleList | Queries the list of asset management kernel modules | 20 |
DescribeAssetCoreModuleInfo | Obtains kernel module details | 20 |
DescribeAssetSystemPackageList | Obtains the list of system installation packages for asset management | 20 |
SyncAssetScan | Synchronizes the asset scan information | 20 |
DescribeAssetRecentMachineInfo | Obtains the trend of host overview | 20 |
DescribeAssetMachineTagTop | Obtains top 5 host tags | 20 |
DescribeAssetLoadInfo | Obtains the resource load overview | 20 |
DescribeAssetTypeTop | Obtains Top5 resources of various types | 20 |
ExportAssetRecentMachineInfo | Exports host trends | 20 |
DescribeMachineGeneral | Queries the information of the host overview | 20 |
DescribeMachineRegions | Obtains the list of machine regions | 20 |
DescribeMachineOsList | Queries the machine operating system list | 20 |
DescribeMachineLicenseDetail | Queries the machine authorization information | 20 |
DescribeMachines | Obtains the list of hosts in a specific region | 20 |
DescribeMachinesSimple | Obtains the list of hosts | 20 |
DescribeDirectConnectInstallCommand | Obtains DC agent installation command | 20 |
DescribeAgentInstallationToken | Obtains the token for installing the agent in a hybrid cloud environment | 20 |
RemoveMachine | Cleans up the host information | 20 |
DescribeHostInfo | Queries the host and tag information | 20 |
EditTags | Adds or edits tags | 20 |
DescribeTags | Obtains all host tags | 20 |
DeleteTags | Deletes tags | 20 |
DeleteMachineTag | Deletes tags associated with the server | 20 |
UpdateMachineTags | List of tags associated with machines | 20 |
DescribeTagMachines | Obtains the server information associated with the specified tag | 20 |
ExportAssetUserList | Exports the account list | 20 |
DescribeAssetUserCount | Obtains the total number of accounts | 20 |
ExportAssetMachineList | Exports the list of resource monitoring | 20 |
ExportAssetMachineDetail | Exports asset management host resource details | 20 |
DescribeAssetPortCount | Obtains the total number of ports | 20 |
ExportAssetPortInfoList | Exports the list of asset management ports | 20 |
DescribeAssetProcessCount | Obtains the total number of processes | 20 |
DescribeProcessStatistics | Obtains the process statistics data | 20 |
ExportAssetProcessInfoList | Exports the asset management process list | 20 |
DescribeAssetAppCount | Obtains the number of all software applications | 20 |
ExportAssetAppList | Export the list of asset management applications | 20 |
DescribeAssetDatabaseCount | Obtains the number of all databases | 20 |
ExportAssetDatabaseList | Exports the list of asset management databases | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebAppCount | Obtains the number of all web applications | 20 |
ExportAssetWebAppList | Exports the list of asset management Web applications | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebServiceCount | Obtains the number of all web services | 20 |
ExportAssetWebServiceInfoList | Exports the list of asset management Web services | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebLocationCount | Obtains the total number of Web sites | 20 |
ExportAssetWebLocationList | Exports the list of Web sites | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebLocationPathList | Obtains the list of Web sites' virtual directories | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebFrameCount | Obtains the number of all Web frameworks | 20 |
ExportAssetWebFrameList | Exports the list of asset management Web frameworks | 20 |
ExportAssetCoreModuleList | Exports the list of asset management kernel modules | 20 |
DescribeAssetDiskList | Obtains the host disk partition list | 20 |
DescribeFileTamperRules | List of core file monitoring rules | 20 |
DescribeMachineFileTamperRules | Queries host-related core file monitoring rules | 20 |
ExportAssetEnvList | Exports the list of asset management environment variables | 20 |
DescribeAssetHostTotalCount | Obtains the total number of resources of the host | 20 |
DescribeAssetTotalCount | Obtains the number of resources | 20 |
ExportAssetInitServiceList | Exports the list of asset management startup services | 20 |
ExportAssetJarList | Exports the list of Jar packages | 20 |
ExportAssetPlanTaskList | Exports the list of scheduled asset management tasks | 20 |
ExportAssetSystemPackageList | Exports the list of system installation packages for asset management | 20 |
DescribeAssetUserKeyList | Obtains the list of host account Keys | 20 |
DescribeOpenPortStatistics | Obtains the list of port statistics | 20 |
DescribeComponentStatistics | Obtains the list of component statistics | 20 |
DescribeHistoryAccounts | Obtains the account change history list | 20 |
DescribeAccountStatistics | Obtains the account statistics data | 20 |
DeleteMachineClearHistory | Deletes clearing records of a machine | 20 |
DescribeAssetInfo | Obtains the number of assets | 20 |
ModifyMachineAutoClearConfig | Modifies the cleanup configuration of the machine | 20 |
DescribeExportMachines | Exports the list of hosts in a specific region | 20 |
DescribeMachineClearHistory | Queries the clearing history records of a machine | 20 |
DeleteMachine | Uninstalls the CWPP client | 20 |
CreateIncidentBacktracking | Triggers event investigation backtracking | 20 |
DescribeMachineRegionList | Queries the list of host regions | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeMalWareList | Obtains the Trojan list | 20 |
DescribeMalwareInfo | Views malicious file details | 20 |
DeleteMalwares | Deletes Trojan records | 20 |
TrustMalwares | Trusts Trojan files | 20 |
DescribeMalwareWhiteList | Obtains the list of Trojan allowlists | 20 |
DescribeNetAttackWhiteList | Obtains the network attack allowlist list | 20 |
DescribeMalwareWhiteListAffectList | Obtains the list of affected Trojan allowlists | 20 |
UntrustMalwares | Untrusts Trojan files | 20 |
DeleteMalwareWhiteList | Deletes the Trojan whitelist | 20 |
DeleteNetAttackWhiteList | Deletes the network attack allowlist | 20 |
SeparateMalwares | Isolates Trojans | 20 |
RecoverMalwares | Recovers Trojan files | 20 |
DescribeMalwareFile | Obtains Trojan file download addresses | 20 |
CreateScanMalwareSetting | Detects the virus scanning | 20 |
DeleteMalwareScanTask | Terminates the scan tasks | 20 |
DescribeScanMalwareSchedule | Queries the Trojan scan progress | 20 |
DescribeMalwareRiskWarning | Risk warning prompt | 20 |
ModifyMalwareTimingScanSettings | Sets scheduled scan | 20 |
DescribeMalwareTimingScanSetting | Queries scheduled scan configuration | 20 |
DescribeServersAndRiskAndFirstInfo | Obtains virus scanning overview information | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceSetting | Obtains the current vulnerability defense plugin settings | 20 |
DescribeVulDefencePluginExceptionCount | Obtains the current number of abnormal plugins | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceOverview | Obtains the vulnerability defense overview information | 20 |
DescribeJavaMemShellList | Queries the list of Java webshell events | 20 |
ModifyJavaMemShellsStatus | Modifies the Java webshell event status | 20 |
DescribeJavaMemShellPluginList | Queries the Java webshell plugin list | 20 |
DeleteAllJavaMemShells | Deletes all Java webshell events | 20 |
DescribeJavaMemShellInfo | Queries Java webshell event details | 20 |
DescribeJavaMemShellPluginInfo | Queries the Java webshell plugin information of the given host | 20 |
ModifyJavaMemShellPluginSwitch | Enables and disables Java webshell plugins | 20 |
CreateMalwareWhiteList | Creates a Trojan allowlist | 20 |
CreateNetAttackWhiteList | Creates a network attack allowlist | 20 |
DescribeMalwareRiskOverview | Obtains the information of virus scanning overview | 20 |
DescribeRiskProcessEvents | Obtains the list of abnormal processes | 20 |
ModifyMalwareWhiteList | Edits the Trojan allowlist | 20 |
ModifyNetAttackWhiteList | Edits the network attack whitelist | 20 |
ExportJavaMemShellPlugins | Exports the Java webshell plugin information | 20 |
ExportJavaMemShells | Exports the list of Java webshell events | 20 |
ExportMalwares | Exports Trojan records | 20 |
ExportRiskProcessEvents | Exports abnormal process events | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DeleteNonlocalLoginPlaces | Deletes cross-region log-in records | 20 |
DescribeLoginWhiteCombinedList | Obtains the list of cross-region log-in allowlists after merge | 20 |
ModifyLoginWhiteRecord | Updates the log-in audit record information | 20 |
DescribeLoginWhiteList | Obtains the cross-region log-in allowlist list | 20 |
AddLoginWhiteLists | Adds cross-region log-in allowlists in batches | 20 |
ModifyLoginWhiteInfo | Updates the log-in audit allowlist information | 20 |
DeleteLoginWhiteList | Deletes the cross-region log-in allowlist rules | 20 |
DescribeLoginWhiteHostList | Queries the list of allowlisted machines after merge | 20 |
ExportNonlocalLoginPlaces | Exports cross-region log-in records | 20 |
DescribeHostLoginList | Retrieves log-in audit list | 20 |
DescribeUsualLoginPlaces | Queries common log-in locations | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBanMode | Obtains brute-force blocking mode | 20 |
ModifyBanMode | Modifies the brute-force blocking mode | 20 |
DescribeBanStatus | Obtains the block button status | 20 |
ModifyBanStatus | Sets the block switch status | 20 |
DescribeBanWhiteList | Obtains the blocking allowlist list | 20 |
DescribeBanRegions | Obtains the block region | 20 |
StopNoticeBanTips | Stops displaying pop-up prompts about brute force cracking blocking | 20 |
DeleteBruteAttacks | Deletes brute force attack records | 20 |
CreateBanWhiteList | Adds the list of block allowlists. | 20 |
DescribeBruteAttackRules | Obtains brute force cracking rules | 20 |
DeleteBanWhiteList | Deletes the list of blocking allowlists | 20 |
ModifyBruteAttackRules | Modifies brute force cracking rules | 20 |
ModifyBanWhiteList | Modifies the blocking allowlist | 20 |
ExportBruteAttacks | Exports password cracking records | 20 |
DescribeBruteAttackList | Obtains the list of password cracking | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeRiskDnsList | Obtains the malicious request list | 20 |
DeleteMaliciousRequests | Deletes malicious request records | 20 |
CreateMaliciousRequestWhiteList | Adds malicious request allowlist | 20 |
ModifyMaliciousRequestWhiteList | Updates the malicious request allowlist | 20 |
DeleteMaliciousRequestWhiteList | Deletes malicious request allowlist | 20 |
DescribeMaliciousRequestWhiteList | Queries the list of malicious request allowlists | 20 |
DeleteRiskDnsEvent | Deletes malicious request events | 20 |
DeleteRiskDnsPolicy | Deletes malicious request policies | 20 |
DescribeRiskDnsEventInfo | Queries malicious request event details | 20 |
DescribeRiskDnsEventList | Obtains the list of malicious request events | 20 |
DescribeRiskDnsPolicyList | Obtains the list of malicious request policies | 20 |
ExportRiskDnsPolicyList | Exports the malicious request policy list | 20 |
ModifyRiskDnsPolicy | Modifies malicious request policies | 20 |
ModifyRiskDnsPolicyStatus | Modifies the status of malicious request policies | 20 |
DescribeRiskDnsInfo | Queries malicious request details | 20 |
ExportMaliciousRequests | Exports the downloaded malicious request files | 20 |
ExportRiskDnsEventList | Exports the malicious request event list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBashEvents | Obtains the high-risk command list | 20 |
DescribeBashEventsNew | Obtains the list of high-risk commands (new) | 20 |
SetBashEventsStatus | Sets high-risk command event status | 20 |
DeleteBashEvents | Deletes high-risk command events | 20 |
DescribeBashPolicies | Obtains the list of high-risk command policies | 20 |
DescribeBashRules | Obtains the list of high-risk command rules | 20 |
EditBashRules | Adds or Modifies high-risk command rules (multiple servers supported) | 20 |
ModifyBashPolicy | Adds or Modifies high-risk command policies | 20 |
DeleteBashPolicies | Deletes high-risk command policies | 20 |
DeleteBashRules | Deletes high-risk command rules | 20 |
ModifyBashPolicyStatus | Switches the statuses of high-risk command policies | 20 |
SwitchBashRules | Switches the statuses of high-risk command rules | 20 |
CheckBashPolicyParams | Verifies parameters for high-risk commands added by the user | 20 |
CheckBashRuleParams | Verifies parameters for adding high-risk command user rules | 20 |
DescribeBashEventsInfo | High-risk command details | 20 |
DescribeBashEventsInfoNew | Obtains high-risk command details (new) | 20 |
ExportBashEvents | Exports high-risk command events | 20 |
ExportBashEventsNew | Exports high-risk command events (new) | 20 |
ExportBashPolicies | Exports the high-risk command policy | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DeletePrivilegeEvents | Deletes local privilege escalation events | 20 |
DescribePrivilegeRules | Obtains the list of local privilege escalation rules | 20 |
DeletePrivilegeRules | Deletes local privilege elevation rules | 20 |
EditPrivilegeRules | Adds or Modifies local privilege elevation rules (multiple servers supported) | 20 |
DescribePrivilegeEventInfo | Queries local privilege escalation details | 20 |
ExportPrivilegeEvents | Exports local privilege escalation events | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeReverseShellEvents | Obtains the list of Reverse Shell | 20 |
DeleteReverseShellEvents | Deletes Reverse Shell events | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellRules | Obtains the list of Reverse Shell rules | 20 |
DeleteReverseShellRules | Deletes Reverse Shell rules | 20 |
EditReverseShellRules | Edits reverse shell rules (multiple servers supported) | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellEventInfo | Queries reverse shell details | 20 |
ExportReverseShellEvents | Exports reverse shell events | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ScanVul | Performs one-click vulnerability scans | 20 |
DescribeScanSchedule | Queries the detection progress | 20 |
ScanVulAgain | Redetects the API | 20 |
DescribeVdbAndPocInfo | Obtains virus database and POC updates | 20 |
DescribeVulEmergentMsg | Obtains vulnerability emergency notifications | 20 |
DescribeVulTop | Obtains statistics of top vulnerability | 20 |
DescribeVulHostTop | Obtains the list of top server risks | 20 |
DescribeVulHostCountScanTime | Obtains the number of vulnerabilities pending to be processed and affected hosts | 20 |
DescribeUndoVulCounts | Obtains the number of vulnerabilities of a specified category | 20 |
DescribeVulCountByDates | Obtains the number of vulnerabilities of specified types in recent days and the number of hosts | 20 |
DescribeVulLevelCount | Queries the statistics of vulnerability quantity and level distribution | 20 |
ExportVulList | Exports the vulnerability list | 15 |
CreateEmergencyVulScan | Creates emergency vulnerability scan tasks | 20 |
DescribeVulCveIdInfo | Queries vulnerability details by CveId | 20 |
DescribeVulInfoCvss | Vulnerability details | 20 |
DescribeVulEffectHostList | Obtains the list of hosts affected by vulnerabilities | 10 |
DescribeVulEffectModules | List of components affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
ExportVulEffectHostList | Exports the list of hosts affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
ExportVulInfo | Exports the vulnerability information | 20 |
IgnoreImpactedHosts | Ignores vulnerabilities | 20 |
CancelIgnoreVul | Unignores the vulnerabilities | 20 |
ExportVulDetectionReport | Exports the vulnerability detection report | 20 |
ModifyVulDefenceSetting | Modifies vulnerability defense plugin settings | 20 |
ExportVulDefencePluginEvent | Exports vulnerability defense plugin events | 20 |
DescribeVulDefencePluginDetail | Obtain the vulnerability defense plugin information on a single host | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceEvent | Obtains the list of vulnerability defense events | 20 |
ExportVulDefenceEvent | Exports vulnerability defense events | 20 |
ModifyVulDefenceEventStatus | Changes the vulnerability defense event status | 20 |
DescribeDefenceEventDetail | Obtains vulnerability defense event details | 20 |
CreateVulFix | Submits the vulnerabilities and fixes them | 20 |
DescribeCanFixVulMachine | Queries the fixable host information | 20 |
DescribeMachineSnapshot | Query recent snapshots created by the host | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceList | Queries the vulnerability defense list | 20 |
DescribeVulFixStatus | Checks the host vulnerability fixing progress | 20 |
ExportVulDefenceList | Exports the list of vulnerability defenses | 20 |
RetryCreateSnapshot | Retries to create snapshots | 20 |
RetryVulFix | Retries to fix vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeScanVulSetting | Queries the configuration for regular detection | 20 |
ScanVulSetting | Completes regular vulnerability scan settings | 20 |
DescribeEmergencyVulList | List of emergency vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeVulDefencePluginStatus | Obtains the vulnerability defense plugin status of each host | 20 |
ExportVulDetectionExcel | Exports the vulnerability detection Excel document. | 20 |
DescribeVulList | List of vulnerabilities | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DeleteBaselinePolicy | Deletes the baseline policy configuration | 20 |
DescribeBaselineHostDetectList | Obtains the list of hosts for baseline detection | 20 |
DescribeBaselineItemDetectList | Obtains the list of baseline detection items | 20 |
DescribeBaselineItemList | Obtains the list of check results on baseline check items | 20 |
DescribeBaselinePolicyList | Obtains the list of baseline policies | 20 |
DescribeBaselineWeakPasswordList | Obtains the list of baseline weak passwords | 20 |
DescribeIgnoreHostAndItemConfig | Obtains the information of affected inspection items and hosts ignored with one click. | 20 |
ExportBaselineFixList | Exports the list of fixing baselines | 20 |
ExportBaselineHostDetectList | Exports the baseline for host detection | 20 |
ExportBaselineItemDetectList | Exports baseline check items | 20 |
StartBaselineDetect | Performs baseline checks | 20 |
StopBaselineDetect | Stops baseline check | 20 |
SyncBaselineDetectSummary | Syncs the summary of baseline detection progress | 20 |
DescribeHotVulTop | Obtains hot spot vulnerabilities across the entire network | 20 |
DescribeVulStoreList | Obtains the vulnerability database list | 20 |
ModifyBaselinePolicy | Modifies or adds baseline policy settings | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBaselineTop | TOP baseline detection items | 20 |
DescribeBaselineHostTop | Top N server risk APIs | 20 |
DescribeBaselineDefaultStrategyList | Queries the list information of default policies of the baseline | 20 |
CreateBaselineStrategy | Creates a baseline policy | 20 |
DescribeStrategyExist | Queries whether a policy exists by policy name | 20 |
UpdateBaselineStrategy | Updates the baseline policy information | 20 |
DeleteBaselineStrategy | Deletes the baseline policy | 20 |
DescribeBaselineStrategyList | Queries the list of a user's baseline policies | 20 |
DescribeBaselineStrategyDetail | Queries baseline policy details | 20 |
DescribeBaselineBasicInfo | Queries the basic information of the baseline | 20 |
DescribeBaselineEffectHostList | List of hosts affected by a baseline | 20 |
DescribeBaselineList | Queries the baseline list | 20 |
DescribeBaselineDetail | Queries baseline details | 20 |
ScanBaseline | Baseline detection APIs | 20 |
DescribeBaselineScanSchedule | Queries the baseline detection progress | 20 |
CheckFirstScanBaseline | Queries whether the baseline is detected for the first time | 20 |
ChangeStrategyEnableStatus | Changes policy availability status | 20 |
ChangeRuleEventsIgnoreStatus | Changes the event ignoring status | 20 |
DescribeIgnoreBaselineRule | Queries the information of ignored inspection items | 20 |
DescribeIgnoreRuleEffectHostList | Queries the list of hosts affected by ignored detection items | 20 |
DescribeBaselineRule | Queries the baseline check item information | 20 |
ExportBaselineEffectHostList | Exports the list of hosts affected by baseline | 20 |
ExportBaselineList | Exports the baseline list | 20 |
ExportIgnoreBaselineRule | Exports ignored baseline detection items | 20 |
ExportIgnoreRuleEffectHostList | Exports the list of hosts affected by ignored detection items | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeAttackEvents | List of network attack detection events | 20 |
DescribeAttackLogs | List of network attack logs (Discarded. Use DescribeAttackEvents instead.) | 20 |
DescribeMachineDefenseCnt | Queries the statistics of advanced defense events for hosts | 20 |
DescribeMachineRiskCnt | Queries the statistics of host intrusion detection events | 20 |
ExportFileTamperEvents | Exports core file events | 20 |
DescribeAttackVulTypeList | Obtains the list of network attack threat types | 20 |
DescribeVulLabels | Obtains the vulnerability tag list | 20 |
DescribeVulOverview | Obtains the data of vulnerability overview | 20 |
CheckFileTamperRule | Checks the rule parameters entered at the core file monitoring frontend | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseBackupList | Queries the list of host snapshot backups | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseEventsList | Queries the anti-ransomware event list | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseMachineList | Queries the list of backup details | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseRollBackTaskList | Queries the rollback task list | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseStrategyMachines | Queries the list of machines bound to an anti-ransomware policy | 20 |
ModifyWebPageProtectSwitch | Enables or disables website protection | 20 |
ModifyFileTamperEvents | Updates the core file events | 20 |
ModifyFileTamperRuleStatus | Updates the core file rule status | 20 |
DescribeFileTamperEventRuleInfo | Views the rule details API when an event occurs | 20 |
DescribeFileTamperRuleCount | Queries the number of rules for monitoring files associated with a host | 20 |
DescribeFileTamperRuleInfo | Queries details of a file monitoring rule | 20 |
ModifyRansomDefenseEventsStatus | Modifies the status of anti-ransomware events | 20 |
DescribeFileTamperEvents | Obtains the list of core file monitoring events | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseStrategyList | Queries the list of anti-ransomware policies | 20 |
ExportRansomDefenseBackupList | Exports the list of host snapshot backups | 20 |
ExportRansomDefenseEventsList | Exports the list of anti-ransomware events | 20 |
ExportRansomDefenseMachineList | Exports the backup details list | 20 |
ExportRansomDefenseStrategyList | Exports the anti-ransomware policy list | 20 |
ExportRansomDefenseStrategyMachines | Exports the list of machines bound to ransomware defense policies | 20 |
ModifyFileTamperRule | Edits core file monitoring rules | 20 |
ExportFileTamperRules | Exports core file monitoring rules | 20 |
ModifyNetAttackSetting | Modifies network attack settings | 20 |
DescribeAttackEventInfo | Obtains network attack details | 20 |
DescribeAttackStatistics | Network attack data statistics | 20 |
DescribeAttackTop | List of Top network attacks | 20 |
DescribeAttackTrends | Obtains the network attack trend data | 20 |
DescribeNetAttackSetting | Queries network attack settings | 20 |
ExportAttackEvents | Exports network attack events | 20 |
CreateRansomDefenseStrategy | Creates or modifies anti-ransomware policies | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeHistoryService | Queries the log retrieval service information | 20 |
DescribeLogStorageStatistic | Obtains the statistics of the used log retrieval capacity. | 20 |
DescribeSearchLogs | Obtains historical search records | 20 |
CreateSearchLog | Adds history search records | 20 |
DescribeSearchTemplates | Obtains the list of quick retrievals | 20 |
CreateSearchTemplate | Adds the retrieval template | 20 |
DeleteSearchTemplate | Deletes the retrieval template | 20 |
DescribeIndexList | Obtains the index list | 20 |
DescribeESAggregations | Obtains the aggregation result of the ES field | 20 |
DescribeLogType | Obtains log types | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeAvailableExpertServiceDetail | Available order details | 20 |
DescribeExpertServiceOrderList | Obtains the expert service order list | 20 |
DescribeExpertServiceList | Obtains the security manager list | 20 |
DescribeMonthInspectionReport | Downloads the monthly inspection report of the security manager | 20 |
DescribeEmergencyResponseList | Obtains the emergency response list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeSecurityBroadcastInfo | Queries the information of security report articles | 20 |
DescribeLogStorageConfig | Obtains the log storage configuration | 20 |
DescribeLogStorageRecord | Obtains the record of stored log size | 20 |
ModifyLogStorageConfig | Modifies the log storage configuration | 20 |
DescribeTrialReport | Queries the trial report | 20 |
DescribeAssetEnvList | Queries the list of asset management environment variables | 20 |
DescribeABTestConfig | Obtains the current grayscale configuration of the user | 20 |
DescribeRiskBatchStatus | Queries whether the intrusion detection event update task is completed | 20 |
ExportTasks | Exports tasks asynchronously | 20 |
DescribeGeneralStat | Obtains the statistics data of hosts. | 20 |
DescribeScreenGeneralStat | Obtains the visualized statistics data of hosts on the screen | 20 |
DescribeVersionStatistics | Obtains the number of machines of Professional and Basic editions | 20 |
DescribeProVersionInfo | Obtains the overview information of the Professional edition | 20 |
DescribeSafeInfo | Queries the security notification | 20 |
DescribeOverviewStatistics | Obtains the overview statistics | 20 |
DescribeSecurityDynamics | Obtains the dynamic message of security events | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseMachineStrategyInfo | Obtains the list of policies bound to a host | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseState | Obtain user anti-ransomware trends | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseStrategyDetail | Obtains the policy details | 20 |
DescribeRansomDefenseTrend | Obtains the ransomware situation across the entire network | 20 |
DescribeSecurityEventStat | Obtains the statistics of security events | 20 |
ModifyRansomDefenseStrategyStatus | Modifies the anti-ransomware policy status in batches | 20 |
RansomDefenseRollback | Rolls back anti-ransomware snapshots | 20 |
DescribeScreenAttackHotspot | Obtains the attacked hot spots across the entire network through the large screen visualization | 20 |
DescribeScreenBroadcasts | Obtains the security report on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeScreenDefenseTrends | Obtains attack and defense trends on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeScreenEmergentMsg | Obtains the visualized emergency notification on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeScreenEventsCnt | Obtains the screen security event statistics data | 20 |
DescribeScreenHostInvasion | Obtains the visualized host intrusion details on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeScreenMachineRegions | Obtains the list of available visualized host regions on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeScreenMachines | Obtains the visualized list of hosts on the large screen. | 20 |
DescribeScreenProtectionCnt | Visualized introduction of CWPP engine on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeScreenRiskAssetsTop | Top 5 risky assets (by today) on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeSecurityEventsCnt | Obtains the statistics data of security events | 20 |
DescribeSecurityTrends | Obtains the security event statistics data | 20 |
ExportSecurityTrends | Exports risk trends | 20 |
DescribeScanTaskDetails | Queries the scan task details | 20 |
DescribeScanState | Queries the scan status | 20 |
DeleteScanTask | Stops scan tasks | 20 |
DescribeScanTaskStatus | Queries the list of machine scan statuses | 20 |
ScanTaskAgain | Restarts the scan task | 20 |
DescribeAgentInstallCommand | Obtains the agent installation command | 20 |
DescribePublicProxyInstallCommand | Obtains the installation command of the public network access proxy | 20 |
DescribeVersionCompareChart | Obtains the version comparison information | 20 |
CreateBuyBindTask | Create a binding task for newly purchased authorizations | 20 |
SyncMachines | Syncs the machine information | 20 |
CheckLogKafkaConnectionState | Checks the connectivity for log shipping from Kafka | 20 |
CreateLogExport | Creates log download tasks | 20 |
DeleteLogExport | Deletes log download tasks | 20 |
DescribeAESKey | Obtains the configured aeskey and aesiv | 20 |
DescribeAssetTypes | Obtains the asset fingerprint type list | 20 |
DescribeAttackSource | Backtrack attacks | 20 |
DescribeAttackSourceEvents | Queries attack backtracking events | 20 |
DescribeCanNotSeparateMachine | Obtains hosts where Trojans cannot be isolated | 20 |
DescribeClientException | Obtain client exception events | 20 |
DescribeFastAnalysis | Quick analysis and statistics of logs | 20 |
DescribeLogDeliveryKafkaOptions | Queries the list of logs available for shipping to Kafka. | 20 |
DescribeLogExports | Obtains the list of log download tasks | 20 |
DescribeLogHistogram | Obtains the log histogram information | 20 |
DescribeLogIndex | Queries the index | 20 |
DescribeLogKafkaDeliverInfo | Obtains information of Kafka shipping | 20 |
DescribeScreenProtectionStat | Obtains the security protection status on the large screen | 20 |
DescribeWarningHostConfig | Queries the alarming machine scope settings | 20 |
ModifyLogKafkaAccess | Adds or modifies the access configuration of logs shipped to Kafka | 20 |
ModifyLogKafkaDeliverType | Modifies the shipping configuration and switch of the specified log category | 20 |
ModifyLogKafkaState | Modifies the information of log shipping statuses | 20 |
ModifyEventAttackStatus | Modifies the status of network attack events | 20 |
ModifyRiskEventsStatus | Changes the status of intrusion detection events | 20 |
ModifyWarningHostConfig | Modifies the alarming machine scope settings | 20 |
SearchLog | Queries logs | 20 |
StopAssetScan | Stops the asset scan task | 20 |
ClearLocalStorage | Cleans up the locally stored data | 20 |
DescribeLicenseWhiteConfig | Queries the configurations for authorization allowlists | 20 |
DescribeProductStatus | Queries the product trial status | 20 |
GetLocalStorageItem | Obtains the locally stored data | 20 |
KeysLocalStorage | Obtains the list of locally stored key values | 20 |
RemoveLocalStorageItem | Deletes the locally stored data | 20 |
SetLocalStorageExpire | Sets the expiration time of the locally stored data | 20 |
SetLocalStorageItem | Sets the locally stored data | 20 |
DescribeVulTrend | Obtain information of the vulnerability situation | 20 |
ExportScanTaskDetails | Exports scan task details | 20 |
DescribeAlarmIncidentNodes | Obtains all node information on the event corresponding to an alarm | 20 |
DescribeAlarmVertexId | Queries the list of alarm IDs | 20 |
DescribeEventByTable | Queries alarm event details based on event table names and IDs | 20 |
DescribeProVersionStatus | Obtains the status of Professional edition | 20 |
DescribeVertexDetail | Obtains the attribute information of the specified point. | 20 |
DeleteWebHookPolicy | Deletes alarm policies | 20 |
DeleteWebHookReceiver | Deletes the alert recipient | 20 |
DescribeRecommendedProtectCpu | Queries the recommended number of protection cores for purchase | 20 |
DescribeUsersConfig | Queries the user's configuration | 20 |
DescribeWebHookPolicy | Queries alarm policies | 20 |
DescribeWebHookReceiver | Queries the list of alarm recipients | 20 |
DescribeWebHookReceiverUsage | Queries the usage of policies associated with the specified alarm recipient | 20 |
ModifyUsersConfig | Modifies user settings | 20 |
ModifyWebHookPolicy | Adds or modifies alarm policies. | 20 |
ModifyWebHookPolicyStatus | Modifies the alarm policy switch | 20 |
ModifyWebHookReceiver | Adds or updates the alarm recipient | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeSecurityProtectionStat | Obtains the status of security protection | 20 |
DescribeSecurityBroadcasts | Security report list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeWarningList | Obtains the list of the current user's alarms | 20 |
ModifyWarningSetting | Modifies alarm settings | 20 |
ModifyAutoOpenProVersionConfig | Sets the configuration of automatic enabling | 20 |
DescribeLicenseGeneral | Obtains the authorization overview information | 20 |
DescribeLicenseList | Obtains the authorization order list | 20 |
DeleteLicenseRecord | Deletes authorization records | 20 |
DescribeLicenseBindList | Views the list of hosts bound to the authorization | 20 |
ModifyLicenseBinds | Binds machines to an authorization in batches | 20 |
DescribeLicenseBindSchedule | Queries the binding progress of the authorization | 20 |
CreateLicenseOrder | Creates authorization orders | 20 |
DeleteLicenseRecordAll | Deletes all authorization records | 20 |
DestroyOrder | Terminates orders | 20 |
CreateWhiteListOrder | Creates allowlist orders | 20 |
DeleteWebHookRule | Deletes the rules of WeCom chatbots | 20 |
DescribeLicense | Queries the authorization information | 20 |
DescribeWebHookRule | Obtains the details of the WeCom chatbot rules | 20 |
DescribeWebHookRules | Obtains the list of WeCom chatbot rules | 20 |
ExportLicenseDetail | Exports authorization details | 20 |
ModifyWebHookRule | Adds or modifies the rules of WeCom chatbots | 20 |
ModifyWebHookRuleStatus | Modifies the rules of WeCom chatbots. | 20 |
TestWebHookRule | Tests the rules of WeCom chatbots | 20 |
ModifyLicenseOrder | Edits authorization orders | 20 |