Used by actions: DescribeCfsFileSystems.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Status | String | No | |
ScaleThreshold | Integer | No | |
TargetThreshold | Integer | No |
Snapshot policy information
Used by actions: DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies.
Name | Type | Description |
AutoSnapshotPolicyId | String | Snapshot policy ID |
PolicyName | String | Snapshot policy name |
CreationTime | String | Snapshot policy creation time |
FileSystemNums | Integer | Number of bound file systems |
DayOfWeek | String | The specific day of the week on which to create a snapshot. This parameter is mutually exclusive with DayOfMonth and IntervalDays . |
Hour | String | The hour of a day at which to regularly back up the snapshot |
IsActivated | Integer | Whether to activate the scheduled snapshot feature |
NextActiveTime | String | Next time to trigger snapshot |
Status | String | Snapshot policy status |
AppId | Integer | Account ID |
AliveDays | Integer | Retention period |
RegionName | String | Region |
FileSystems | Array of FileSystemByPolicy | File system information |
DayOfMonth | String | The specific day of the month on which to create a snapshot. This parameter is mutually exclusive with DayOfWeek and IntervalDays .Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
IntervalDays | Integer | The snapshot interval (1 to 365 days). This parameter is mutually exclusive with DayOfWeek and DayOfMonth .Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Versioning - protocol details
Used by actions: DescribeAvailableZoneInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
SaleStatus | String | Sale status. Valid values: sale_out (sold out), saling (purchasable), no_saling (non-purchasable) |
Protocol | String | Protocol type. Valid values: NFS, CIFS |
Versioning - array of regions
Used by actions: DescribeAvailableZoneInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
Region | String | Region name, such as "ap-beijing" |
RegionName | String | Region name, such as "bj" |
RegionStatus | String | Region availability. If a region has at least one AZ where resources are purchasable, this value will be AVAILABLE ; otherwise, it will be UNAVAILABLE |
Zones | Array of AvailableZone | Array of AZs |
RegionCnName | String | Region name, such as "Guangzhou" |
Versioning - array of classes
Used by actions: DescribeAvailableZoneInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
Protocols | Array of AvailableProtoStatus | Protocol and sale details |
Type | String | Storage class. Valid values: SD (standard storage) and HP (high-performance storage) |
Prepayment | Boolean | Indicates whether prepaid is supported. true : yes; false : no |
Versioning - array of AZs
Used by actions: DescribeAvailableZoneInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
Zone | String | AZ name |
ZoneId | Integer | AZ ID |
ZoneCnName | String | Chinese name of an AZ |
Types | Array of AvailableType | Array of classes |
ZoneName | String | Chinese and English names of an AZ |
Bucket information
Used by actions: DescribeBucketList.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Bucket name |
Region | String | Bucket region Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Information of the file system bound to the snapshot policy
Used by actions: DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationToken | String | File system name |
FileSystemId | String | File system ID |
SizeByte | Integer | File system size |
StorageType | String | Storage class |
TotalSnapshotSize | Integer | Total snapshot size |
CreationTime | String | File system creation time |
ZoneId | Integer | Region ID of the file system |
Information on the file system client
Used by actions: DescribeCfsFileSystemClients.
Name | Type | Description |
CfsVip | String | IP address of the file system |
ClientIp | String | Client IP |
VpcId | String | File system VPCID |
Zone | String | Name of the availability zone, e.g. ap-beijing-1. For more information, see regions and availability zones in the Overview document |
ZoneName | String | AZ name |
MountDirectory | String | Path in which the file system is mounted to the client |
Basic information of a file system
Used by actions: DescribeCfsFileSystems.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationTime | String | Creation time |
CreationToken | String | Custom name |
FileSystemId | String | File system ID |
LifeCycleState | String | File system status. Valid values: - creating - mounting - create_failed - available - unserviced - upgrading |
SizeByte | Integer | Used file system capacity |
SizeLimit | Integer | Maximum storage limit of a file system |
ZoneId | Integer | Region ID |
Zone | String | Region name |
Protocol | String | File system protocol type |
StorageType | String | File system storage class |
StorageResourcePkg | String | Prepaid storage pack bound with the file system |
BandwidthResourcePkg | String | Prepaid bandwidth pack bound to a file system (not supported currently) |
PGroup | PGroup | Information of permission groups bound to a file system |
FsName | String | Custom name |
Encrypted | Boolean | Whether a file system is encrypted |
KmsKeyId | String | Key used for encryption, which can be the key ID or ARN |
AppId | Integer | Application ID |
BandwidthLimit | Float | The upper limit on the file system’s throughput, which is determined based on its current usage, and bound resource packs for both storage and throughput |
AutoSnapshotPolicyId | String | |
SnapStatus | String | |
Capacity | Integer | Total capacity of the file system |
Tags | Array of TagInfo | File system tag list |
TieringState | String | The lifecycle management status of a file system. |
TieringDetail | TieringDetailInfo | The details about tiered storage. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AutoScaleUpRule | AutoScaleUpRule |
Conditional filter
Used by actions: DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies, DescribeCfsSnapshots, DescribeMigrationTasks.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Values | Array of String | Yes | Value |
Name | String | Yes | Name |
Information of a CFS data migration task
Used by actions: DescribeMigrationTasks.
Name | Type | Description |
TaskName | String | Migration task name |
TaskId | String | Migration task ID |
MigrationType | Integer | Migration type. Valid values: 0 (bucket) and 1 (list). Default value: 0 . |
MigrationMode | Integer | Migration mode. Default value: 0 (full migration). |
BucketName | String | Data source bucket name Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BucketRegion | String | Data source bucket region Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BucketAddress | String | Data source bucket address Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ListAddress | String | List address Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FsName | String | File system instance name Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileSystemId | String | File system instance ID |
FsPath | String | File system path |
CoverType | Integer | Overwrite policy for files with the same name. Valid values: 0 (retain the file with the latest modified time), 1 (overwrite); and 2 (not overwrite). Default value: 0 . |
CreateTime | Integer | Creation time |
EndTime | Integer | End time Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Status | Integer | Migration status. Valid values: 0 (completed), 1 (in progress), and 2 (stopped). |
FileTotalCount | Integer | Number of files Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileMigratedCount | Integer | Number of migrated files Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileFailedCount | Integer | Number of files that failed to be migrated Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileTotalSize | Integer | File size, in bytes Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileMigratedSize | Integer | Size of migrated files, in bytes Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileFailedSize | Integer | Size of files that failed to be migrated, in bytes Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileTotalList | String | List of all files Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileCompletedList | String | List of migrated files Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FileFailedList | String | List of files that failed to be migrated Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BucketPath | String | Source bucket path Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Mount target information
Used by actions: DescribeMountTargets.
Name | Type | Description |
FileSystemId | String | File system ID |
MountTargetId | String | Mount target ID |
IpAddress | String | Mount target IP |
FSID | String | Mount root-directory |
LifeCycleState | String | Mount target status |
NetworkInterface | String | Network type |
VpcId | String | VPC ID |
VpcName | String | VPC name |
SubnetId | String | Subnet ID |
SubnetName | String | Subnet name |
CcnID | String | CCN instance ID used by CFS Turbo |
CidrBlock | String | CCN IP range used by CFS Turbo |
Information of permission groups bound to a file system
Used by actions: DescribeCfsFileSystems.
Name | Type | Description |
PGroupId | String | Permission group ID |
Name | String | Permission group name |
Array of permission groups
Used by actions: DescribeCfsPGroups.
Name | Type | Description |
PGroupId | String | Permission group ID |
Name | String | Permission group name |
DescInfo | String | Description |
CDate | String | Creation time |
BindCfsNum | Integer | The number of bound file system |
List of permission group rules
Used by actions: DescribeCfsRules.
Name | Type | Description |
RuleId | String | Rule ID |
AuthClientIp | String | Client IP allowed for access |
RWPermission | String | Read/write permission. ro: read-only; rw: read & write |
UserPermission | String | User permission. all_squash: any visiting user will be mapped to an anonymous user or user group; no_all_squash: a visiting user will be first matched with a local user, and if the match fails, it will be mapped to an anonymous user or user group; root_squash: a visiting root user will be mapped to an anonymous user or user group; no_root_squash: a visiting root user will be allowed to maintain root account permissions. |
Priority | Integer | Rule priority. Value range: 1-100. 1 represents the highest priority, while 100 the lowest |
Snapshot information
Used by actions: DescribeCfsSnapshots.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationTime | String | Snapshot creation time |
SnapshotName | String | Snapshot name |
SnapshotId | String | Snapshot ID |
Status | String | Snapshot status |
RegionName | String | Region name |
FileSystemId | String | File system ID |
Size | Integer | Snapshot size |
AliveDay | Integer | Retention period in days |
Percent | Integer | Snapshot progress |
AppId | Integer | Account ID |
DeleteTime | String | Snapshot deletion time |
FsName | String | File system name |
Tags | Array of TagInfo | Snapshot tag |
SnapshotType | String | Snapshot type Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Snapshot operation log
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshotOperationLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Action | String | Operation type |
ActionTime | String | Operation time |
ActionName | String | Operation name |
Operator | String | Operator |
Result | Integer | Result |
File system snapshot statistics
Used by actions: DescribeCfsSnapshotOverview.
Name | Type | Description |
Region | String | Region |
SnapshotNumber | Integer | Total number of snapshots |
SnapshotSize | Integer | Total snapshot size |
Tag information unit
Used by actions: CreateCfsFileSystem, CreateCfsSnapshot, DescribeCfsFileSystems, DescribeCfsSnapshots.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key |
TagValue | String | Yes | Tag value |
The details about tiered storage.
Used by actions: DescribeCfsFileSystems.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TieringSizeInBytes | Integer | No | STANDARD_IA storage usage Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |