Domain name for API request:
This API is used to list data sorted the following ways by using different combinations of the Metric and Filter input parameters:
Note: only data from the last 90 days will be queried.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: ListTopData. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-06-06. |
Region | No | String | Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API. |
StartTime | Yes | Timestamp | Query start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Only data queries at the granularity of minutes are supported. The start time is truncated to minutes. For example, if the value of StartTime is 2018-09-04 10:40:23, the start time of the data returned is 2018-09-04 10:40:00.Only data for the last 90 days can be queried. |
EndTime | Yes | Timestamp | Query end time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Only data queries at the granularity of days are supported. Take the day in the input parameter as the end date, and the data generated on or before 23:59:59 on the end date is returned. For example, if the value of EndTime is 2018-09-05 22:40:00, the end time of the data returned is 2018-09-05 23:59:59.EndTime must be later than or equal to StartTime . |
Metric | Yes | String | Objects to be sorted. Valid values:url : Sort by access URL (URLs carrying no parameters). Supported filters are flux and request .district : sorts provinces or countries/regions. Supported filters are flux and request .isp : sorts ISPs. Supported filters are flux and request .host : Sort by domain name access data. Supported filters are flux , request , bandwidth , fluxHitRate , and statusCode (2XX, 3XX, 4XX, 5XX).originHost : Sort by domain name origin-pull data. Supported filters are flux , request , bandwidth , and OriginStatusCode (origin_2XX, origin_3XX, origin_4XX, origin_5XX). |
Filter | Yes | String | Metric name used for sorting: flux: If Metric is host , it indicates the access traffic; if Metric is originHost , it indicates the origin-pull traffic.bandwidth: If Metric is host , it indicates the access bandwidth; if Metric is originHost , it indicates the origin-pull bandwidth.request: If Metric is host , it indicates the number of access requests; if Metric is originHost , it indicates the number of origin-pull requests.fluxHitRate: Average traffic hit rate 2XX: access 2XX status code 3XX: access 3XX status code 4XX: access 4XX status code 5XX: access 5XX status code origin_2XX: origin-pull 2XX status code origin_3XX: origin-pull 3XX status code origin_4XX: origin-pull 4XX status code origin_5XX: origin-pull 5XX status code statusCode: statistics of a specific access status code which is specified in the Code parameter.OriginStatusCode: statistics of a specific origin-pull status code which is specified in the Code parameter. |
Domains.N | No | Array of String | Specifies the list of domain names to be queried; up to 30 domain names can be queried at a time. |
Project | No | Integer | Specifies the project ID to be queried, which can be viewed here Please note that if domain names are specified, this parameter will be ignored. |
Detail | No | Boolean | The sorted results of all domain names are returned by default (false) during a multi-domain-name query If Metric is url , path , district , or isp and Filter is flux or request , it can be set to true to return the sorted results of each domain. |
Code | No | String | When Filter is statusCode or OriginStatusCode , enter a code to query and sort results. |
Area | No | String | Specifies the service region. If this value is left blank, it means to query CDN data within the Chinese mainland.mainland : Query CDN data in the Chinese mainland.overseas : Query CDN data outside the Chinese mainland. Supported metrics are url , district , host , and originHost . If Metric is originHost , supported filters are flux , request , and bandwidth . |
AreaType | No | String | Specifies a region type for the query. If it is left blank, data of the service region will be queried. This parameter is only valid when Area is overseas and Metric is district or host .server : Query by the location of server (Tencent Cloud CDN nodes).client : Query data of the client region where the request devices are located; if Metric is host , supported filters are flux , request , and bandwidth . |
Product | No | String | Specifies the product to query, either cdn (default) or ecdn . |
Limit | No | Integer | Returns the first N data entries. The default value is 100 if this parameter is not specified, whereas 1000 if Metric is url . |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Data | Array of TopData | Top access data details of each resource |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
&StartTime=2018-09-04 00:00:00
&EndTime=2018-09-04 12:00:00
&<Common request parameters>
"Response": {
"RequestId": "123",
"Data": [
"Resource": "",
"DetailData": [
"Name": "",
"Value": 13838
"Resource": "",
"DetailData": [
"Name": "",
"Value": 2501
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.CdnConfigError | Failed to update the domain name configuration. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.CamSystemError | Authentication system internal error. |
InternalError.CdnConfigError | Failed to update the domain name configuration. |
InternalError.CdnDbError | Internal data error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.CdnQuerySystemError | Internal error. Please try again or contact the customer service for assistance. |
InternalError.CdnSystemError | System error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.DataSystemError | Error with the data query. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.Error | Service internal error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.ProxyServer | Internal service error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.RouteError | Internal service error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.TagSystemError | Tag internal error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InvalidParameter.CdnHostInvalidParam | Invalid domain name format. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnInterfaceError | Internal API error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InvalidParameter.CdnParamError | Parameter error. Please see the sample parameters in the documentation. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatInvalidDate | Invalid date. Please see the sample date in the documentation. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatInvalidFilter | Invalid statistical dimension. Please see the sample statistical analysis in the documentation. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatInvalidMetric | Invalid statistical type. Please see the sample statistical analysis in the documentation. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatInvalidProjectId | Incorrect project ID. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatTooManyDomains | The number of queried domain names reached the limit. |
LimitExceeded.CdnHostOpTooOften | Domain name operations are too frequent. |
ResourceNotFound.CdnHostNotExists | Unable to find the domain name. Please make sure the domain name is correct. |
ResourceNotFound.CdnProjectNotExists | The project does not exist. Please check and try again. |
ResourceNotFound.CdnUserNotExists | The CDN service has not been activated. Please activate it first before using this API. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnAccountUnauthorized | The sub-account is unauthorized to query full data. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnCamUnauthorized | No CAM policy is configured for the sub-account. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnHostUnauthorized | The sub-account has no access to the CDN-accelerated domain name. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnProjectUnauthorized | The project is not authorized for the sub-account. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserIsSuspended | The CDN service has been suspended. Please restart it and try again. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserNoWhitelist | You are not in the beta whitelist and thus have no permission to use this function. |
UnauthorizedOperation.OperationTooOften | Too many calling attempts. |