API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeLoadBalancers | Queries the list of CLB instances | 20 |
CloneLoadBalancer | Clones a CLB instance | 20 |
CreateLoadBalancer | Purchases a CLB instance | 20 |
ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes | Modifies the attributes of a CLB instance | 20 |
DescribeLoadBalancersDetail | Queries CLB instance details | 20 |
DeleteLoadBalancer | Deletes one or more CLB instances | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateListener | Creates a CLB listener | 20 |
CreateRule | Creates a forwarding rule for a layer-7 CLB listener | 20 |
DescribeListeners | Queries the list of CLB listeners | 20 |
ModifyListener | Modifies the attributes of a CLB listener | 20 |
ModifyRule | Modifies a forwarding rule of a CLB listener | 20 |
ModifyDomain | Modifies a domain name of a layer-7 forwarding rule | 20 |
ModifyDomainAttributes | Modifies the domain name-level attributes of a layer-7 listener's forwarding rule | 20 |
DeleteListener | Deletes a CLB listener | 20 |
DeleteLoadBalancerListeners | Deletes multiple CLB listeners | 20 |
DeleteRule | Deletes a rule from a layer-7 CLB listener | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
RegisterTargets | Binds real servers to a listener | 20 |
BatchRegisterTargets | Binds CVM instances or ENIs in batches | 20 |
ModifyTargetPort | Modifies the port of a real server bound to a listener | 20 |
ModifyTargetWeight | Modifies the forwarding weight of a real server bound to a listener | 20 |
BatchModifyTargetTag | Modifies tags of real servers bound to listeners in batches | 20 |
BatchModifyTargetWeight | Batch modifies the forwarding weights of real servers bound to a listener | 20 |
DeregisterTargets | Unbinds real servers from a CLB listener | 20 |
BatchDeregisterTargets | Unbinds layer-4/layer-7 real servers in batches | 20 |
DescribeTargetHealth | Queries the health check status of a real server of a CLB instance | 20 |
DeregisterFunctionTargets | Unbinding an SCF function from a forwarding rule | 20 |
DescribeCrossTargets | Queries information of CVMs and ENIs that use cross-region binding 2.0 | 20 |
ModifyFunctionTargets | Modifies the cloud functions associated with a forwarding rule | 20 |
RegisterFunctionTargets | Binds an SCF function with a forwarding rule | 20 |
DescribeTargets | Queries the list of CVM instances bound to a CLB instance | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateTargetGroup | Creates a target group | 20 |
DeleteTargetGroups | Deletes target groups | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroups | Queries target group information | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroupList | Gets a target group list | 20 |
ModifyTargetGroupAttribute | Modifies target group attribute | 20 |
AssociateTargetGroups | Binds target groups to rules | 20 |
DisassociateTargetGroups | Unbinds target groups from a rule | 20 |
RegisterTargetGroupInstances | Registers servers to a target group | 20 |
DeregisterTargetGroupInstances | Unbinds a server from a target group | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroupInstances | Gets servers bound to a target group | 20 |
ModifyTargetGroupInstancesPort | Modifies server ports of a target group in batches | 20 |
ModifyTargetGroupInstancesWeight | Modifies server weights of a target group in batches | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ManualRewrite | Creates a redirection relationship between CLB forwarding rules manually | 20 |
AutoRewrite | Automatically generates a redirection relationship between CLB forwarding rules | 20 |
DeleteRewrite | Deletes the redirection relationship between CLB forwarding rules | 20 |
DescribeRewrite | Queries the redirection relationship between CLB forwarding rules | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeClsLogSet | Gets the CLB exclusive logset | 20 |
CreateLoadBalancerSnatIps | Adds SNAT IP | 20 |
DeleteLoadBalancerSnatIps | Deletes SNAT IP | 20 |
DescribeLoadBalancerListByCertId | Queries a CLB instance by the certificate ID | 20 |
DescribeQuota | Queries quotas | 20 |
ModifyLoadBalancersProject | Modifies the projects of CLB instances | 20 |
ReplaceCertForLoadBalancers | Replaces a certificate associated with a CLB instance | 20 |
SetLoadBalancerClsLog | Sets the CLS topic of a CLB instance | 20 |
SetLoadBalancerSecurityGroups | Configures security groups for a CLB instance | 20 |
SetLoadBalancerStartStatus | Enables or disables a CLB instance or listener | 20 |
SetSecurityGroupForLoadbalancers | Binds or unbinds a security group for multiple CLB instances | 20 |
CreateClsLogSet | Creates a CLB exclusive logset | 20 |
CreateTopic | Creates a topic | 20 |
DescribeBlockIPTask | Queries the execution status of an async IP blocking (blocklisting) task | 20 |
DescribeLoadBalancerTraffic | Queries CLB instances with high traffic under the current account | 20 |
DescribeResources | Queries the list of AZs and resources supported for the user in the current region | 20 |
DescribeTaskStatus | Queries the status of an async task | 20 |
InquiryPriceCreateLoadBalancer | Queries the price of creating a CLB instance. | 20 |
InquiryPriceModifyLoadBalancer | Queries the price of adjusting the specification of a CLB instance | 20 |
InquiryPriceRenewLoadBalancer | Queries the price to renew a prepaid CLB instance | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeClassicalLBListeners | Gets the list of classic CLB listeners | 20 |
DescribeClassicalLBTargets | Gets the list of real servers bound to a classic CLB | 20 |
DescribeClassicalLBHealthStatus | Gets the real server health status of a classic CLB | 20 |
RegisterTargetsWithClassicalLB | Binds real servers to a classic CLB | 20 |
DeregisterTargetsFromClassicalLB | Unbinds real servers from a classic CLB | 20 |
DescribeClassicalLBByInstanceId | Queries the classic CLB bound to a real server | 20 |
MigrateClassicalLoadBalancers | Upgrades Classic CLB instances to application CLB instances | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBlockIPList | Queries the list of blocked IPs (blocklist) of a CLB instance | 20 |
DescribeCustomizedConfigList | Querying configuration details | 20 |
DescribeIdleLoadBalancers | Queries the list of CLB instances | 20 |
DescribeLBListeners | Queries CLB instances bound to the CVM or ENI | 20 |
ModifyBlockIPList | Modifies the client IP blocklist of a CLB instance | 20 |
SetCustomizedConfigForLoadBalancer | Creates or manages user-defined CLB configuration template | 20 |
DescribeCustomizedConfigAssociateList | Queries the bound server or location in configurations | 20 |
DescribeLoadBalancerOverview | Queries the CLB instance status statistics | 20 |
InquiryPriceRefundLoadBalancer | Queries the refund amount of returning a CLB instance. | 20 |
ModifyLoadBalancerSla | Upgrades to an LCU-supported instance | 20 |