API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
QueryVoucherAmountByUin | Queries the voucher quota based on the customer UIN | 5 |
QueryVoucherListByUin | Queries the voucher list based on the customer UIN | 5 |
DescribeCustomerUin | Queries the list of customer UINs | 20 |
GetCountryCodes | This API is used to obtain country/region codes. | 5 |
QueryVoucherPool | Queries the voucher quota pool | 5 |
CreateAccount | Creates a customer account | 5 |
DescribeCustomerInfo | Queries the customer information | 20 |
QueryAccountVerificationStatus | Queries the account verification status | 20 |
CreateAndSendClientInvitationMail | Creates an invitation link for the customer | 20 |
SendVerifyCode | Sends a verification code for account registration | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
QueryCreditByUinList | Queries credit by UIN list | 5 |
AllocateCreditPool | Allocates credit pools to second-level resellers | 5 |
AllocateCustomerCredit | Allocates credit to customers by a partner | 5 |
ForceQN | Sets and cancels forced service suspension | 5 |
QueryCreditAllocationHistory | Queries credit allocation records | 5 |
QueryCustomersCredit | Queries the credits of customers | 5 |
QueryDirectCustomersCredit | Queries the credits of direct customers | 5 |
QueryPartnerCredit | Queries a partner's credit | 5 |
QueryCreditQuota | Queries customer credits | 200 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ModifyClientRemark | Modifies customer remarks | 5 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBillSummary | External API for the L1 billing of the customer billing center | 20 |
DescribeBillDownloadUrl | Downloads billing file links by customers | 20 |
DescribeCustomerBillDetail | Queries the customer bill details | 5 |
DescribeCustomerBillSummary | Queries the total amount of customer bills | 5 |
DescribeBillDetail | Queries the bill details | 5 |
DescribeBillSummaryByPayMode | Obtains the total amount of customer bills by payment mode | 5 |
DescribeBillSummaryByProduct | Obtains the total amount of customer bills by product | 5 |
DescribeBillSummaryByRegion | Obtains the total amount of customer bills by region | 5 |
QueryPolicyProductListByCode | Queries the policy product range | 20 |