Sampling parameter for spot check
Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SelectRowsPerTable | Integer | Yes | Data content check parameter, which refers to the proportion of the rows selected for data comparison in all the rows of the table. Value: an integer between 1 and 100. |
TablesSelectAll | Integer | Yes | Data content check parameter, which refers to the proportion of the tables selected for data detection in all the tables. Value: an integer between 1 and 100. |
TablesSelectCount | Integer | Yes | Data quantity check parameter, which checks whether the numbers of rows are identical. It refers to the proportion of the tables selected for quantity check in all the tables. Value: an integer between 1 and 100. |
Target instance information, which is correlated with the migration task type
Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Region | String | Yes | Target instance region, such as ap-guangzhou |
InstanceId | String | No | Target instance ID, such as cdb-jd92ijd8 |
Ip | String | No | Target instance VIP, which has been disused and does not need to be entered |
Port | Integer | No | Target instance Vport, which has been disused and does not need to be entered |
ReadOnly | Integer | No | Only valid for MySQL currently. For instance-level migration, the value range is: 1 (read-only), 0 (read/write) |
User | String | No | Target database account |
Password | String | No | Target database password |
Message and prompt for migration task error
Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
ErrorLog | String | Specific error log, including error code and error message |
HelpDoc | String | Help document URL corresponding to error |
Describes the specific migration process
Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
StepAll | Integer | Total number of steps |
StepNow | Integer | Current step |
Progress | String | Overall progress, such as "10" |
CurrentStepProgress | String | Progress of current step, such as "1" |
MasterSlaveDistance | Integer | Master/slave lag in MB, which is valid during incremental sync and currently supported by TencentDB for Redis and MySQL |
SecondsBehindMaster | Integer | Master/slave lag in seconds, which is valid during incremental sync and currently supported by TencentDB for MySQL |
StepInfo | Array of MigrateStepDetailInfo | Step information |
Migration task details
Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
JobId | String | Data migration task ID |
JobName | String | Data migration task name |
MigrateOption | MigrateOption | Migration task configuration options |
SrcDatabaseType | String | Source instance database type: MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Percona |
SrcAccessType | String | Source instance access type. Value range: extranet (public network), cvm (CVM-created instance), dcg (Direct Connect-enabled instance), vpncloud (Tencent Cloud VPN-enabled instance), cdb (TencentDB instance), ccn (CCN instances) |
SrcInfo | SrcInfo | Source instance information, which is correlated with the migration task type |
DstDatabaseType | String | Target instance access type: MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Percona |
DstAccessType | String | Target instance access type, which currently only supports cdb (TencentDB instance) |
DstInfo | DstInfo | Target instance information |
DatabaseInfo | String | Information of the source table to be migrated. If the entire instance is to be migrated, this field should be [] |
CreateTime | Timestamp | Task creation/submission time |
StartTime | Timestamp | Task start time |
EndTime | Timestamp | Task end time |
Status | Integer | Task status. Value range: 1 (Creating), 3 (Checking), 4 (CheckPass), 5 (CheckNotPass), 7 (Running), 8 (ReadyComplete), 9 (Success), 10 (Failed), 11 (Stopping), 12 (Completing) |
Detail | MigrateDetailInfo | Task details |
ErrorInfo | Array of ErrorInfo | Prompt message for task error, which is not null or empty when an error occurs with the task |
Tags | Array of TagItem | Tag Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SrcInfoMulti | Array of SrcInfo | Information of the source instance, a cluster edition instance whose access type is not cdb .Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Migration task configuration options
Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RunMode | Integer | Yes | Task operation mode. Value range: 1 (immediate execution), 2 (scheduled execution) |
ExpectTime | Timestamp | No | Expected execution time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. If runMode=2, this field is required |
MigrateType | Integer | No | Data migration type. Value range: 1 (structural migration), 2 (full migration), 3 (full + incremental migration) |
MigrateObject | Integer | No | Migration subject. 1: entire instance; 2: specified table |
ConsistencyType | Integer | No | Parameter of spot data consistency check. 1: not configured; 2: full check; 3: spot check; 4: check inconsistent tables only; 5: no check |
IsOverrideRoot | Integer | No | Whether to overwrite the target database with the root account of the source database. Value range: 0 (no), 1 (yes). This value should be 0 for table or structural migration |
ExternParams | String | No | Additional parameters for different databases, which are described in JSON format. The following parameters can be defined for Redis: { "ClientOutputBufferHardLimit":512, Hard capacity limit of slave buffer (MB) "ClientOutputBufferSoftLimit":512, Soft capacity limit of slave buffer (MB) "ClientOutputBufferPersistTime":60, Soft limit duration of slave buffer (s) "ReplBacklogSize":512, Circular buffer capacity limit (MB) "ReplTimeout":120, Replication timeout period (s) } The following parameters can be defined for MongoDB: { 'SrcAuthDatabase':'admin', 'SrcAuthFlag': "1", 'SrcAuthMechanism':"SCRAM-SHA-1" } MySQL currently does not support configuring additional parameters. |
ConsistencyParams | ConsistencyParams | No | Only used for "spot data consistency check". It is required if ConsistencyType is spot check |
Information of steps in migration
Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
StepNo | Integer | Step number |
StepName | String | Step name |
StepId | String | Step ID |
Status | Integer | Step status. Value range: 0 (default), 1 (succeeded), 2 (failed), 3 (in progress), 4 (not started) |
StartTime | String | Start time of current step in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss . This field is meaningless if it does not exist or is emptyNote: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Source instance information
Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AccessKey | String | No | Alibaba Cloud AccessKey, which is applicable if the source database is an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS 5.6 instance |
Ip | String | No | Instance IP address |
Port | Integer | No | Instance port |
User | String | No | Instance username |
Password | String | No | Instance password |
RdsInstanceId | String | No | Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS instance ID, which is applicable if the source database is an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS 5.6/5.7 instance |
CvmInstanceId | String | No | Short CVM instance ID in the format of ins-olgl39y8 . It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the CVM Console page. For CVM-based self-created instances, this field needs to be passed in |
UniqDcgId | String | No | Direct Connect gateway ID in the format of dcg-0rxtqqxb |
VpcId | String | No | VPC ID in the format of vpc-92jblxto |
SubnetId | String | No | VPC Subnet ID in the format of subnet-3paxmkdz |
UniqVpnGwId | String | No | VPN gateway ID in the format of vpngw-9ghexg7q |
InstanceId | String | No | Database instance ID in the format of cdb-powiqx8q |
Region | String | No | Region name, such as ap-guangzhou |
Supplier | String | No | For Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS instances, enter "aliyun"; otherwise, enter "others" |
CcnId | String | No | CCN instance ID, such as ccn-afp6kltc Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
EngineVersion | String | No | Database version. This parameter is valid only when the instance is an RDS instance. Value: 5.6 or 5.7. Default value: 5.6 |
Error message displayed when the subscription configuration was queried.
Used by actions: DescribeSubscribeConf.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Message | String | No | Error message. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Subscription instance information
Used by actions: DescribeSubscribes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SubscribeId | String | No | Data subscription instance ID |
SubscribeName | String | No | Data subscription instance name |
ChannelId | String | No | ID of channel bound to data subscription instance |
Product | String | No | Name of product bound to data subscription instance |
InstanceId | String | No | ID of database instance bound to data subscription instance |
InstanceStatus | String | No | Status of database instance bound to data subscription instance |
SubsStatus | String | No | Data subscription instance configuration status. Valid values: unconfigure, configuring, configured |
ModifyTime | String | No | Last modified time |
CreateTime | String | No | Creation time |
IsolateTime | String | No | Isolation time |
ExpireTime | String | No | Expiration time |
OfflineTime | String | No | Deactivation time |
ConsumeStartTime | String | No | Last modified consumption starting time point. If it has never been modified, this field is 0 |
Region | String | No | Data subscription instance region |
PayType | Integer | No | Billing mode. 1: pay-as-you-go |
Vip | String | No | Data subscription instance VIP |
Vport | Integer | No | Data subscription instance Vport |
UniqVpcId | String | No | Unique ID of the VPC where the data subscription instance VIP resides |
UniqSubnetId | String | No | Unique ID of the subnet where the data subscription instance VIP resides |
Status | String | No | Data subscription instance status. Valid values: creating, normal, isolating, isolated, offlining, offline |
SdkConsumedTime | String | No | Timestamp of the last message confirmed by the SDK. If the SDK keeps consuming, this field can also be used as the current consumption time point of the SDK |
Tags | Array of TagItem | No | Tag Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AutoRenewFlag | Integer | No | Whether auto-renewal is enabled. 0: do not enable; 1: enable Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SubscribeVersion | String | No | Subscription instance edition. ·txdts : legacy data subscription; kafka : data subscription in Kafka editionNote: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Data subscription object
Used by actions: ActivateSubscribe, DescribeSubscribeConf, ModifySubscribeObjects.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ObjectsType | Integer | Yes | Data subscription object type. 0: database, 1: database table Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DatabaseName | String | Yes | Name of subscribed database Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TableNames | Array of String | No | Array of table names in subscribed database Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Tag filtering
Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs, DescribeSubscribes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key value |
TagValue | Array of String | No | Tag value |
Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, CreateSubscribe, DescribeMigrateJobs, DescribeSubscribeConf, DescribeSubscribes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key value |
TagValue | String | No | Tag value Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |