tencent cloud


Data Types

最后更新时间:2024-12-02 10:47:59



    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceLocationId String No SourceLocationId.
    VodSourceName String No VodSourceName.
    Offset Integer No Offset.
    MessageType String No MessageType, divided into SpliceInsert and TimeSignal.
    TimeSignalConf TimeSignalInfo No TimeSignalConf.
    SpliceInsertConf SpliceInsertInfo No SpliceInsertConf.
    Metadatas Array of Metadata No Metadatas.
    SourceLocationName String No SourceLocationName.


    Alias-value configuration information.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.

    Name Type Required Description
    Alias String No Alias.
    Value String No Value.


    Cache configuration

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels, ModifyStreamPackageChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    Info Array of CacheInfoInfo No List of timeout parameter configuration
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Timeout information for cache configuration

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels, ModifyStreamPackageChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    Timeout Integer Yes Timeout period (ms), which must be an integer multiple of 1000
    .m3u8/.mpd: [1000, 60000]
    .ts/.m4s/.mp4: [10000, 1800000]
    Ext String No File extension. Valid values: .m3u8, .ts, .mpd, .m4s, .mp4
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Linear assembly channel alarm return information.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannelAlerts.

    Name Type Description
    ProgramAlertCounts Array of ProgramAlertCounts Program alarm aggregation information.
    ProgramAlertInfos Array of ProgramAlertInfos Program alarm details.


    Channel information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.

    Name Type Description
    Id String Channel ID.
    Name String Channel name.
    Protocol String Channel protocol.
    Points PointInfo Channel input and output.
    CacheInfo CacheInfo Cache configuration
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Spacer configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String No The vod type is valid, the content is valid starting time, Entire and SpecifyTimeRange are optional.
    Offset Integer No Offset, valid when Type is SpecifyTimeRange.


    Parameter configuration.

    Used by actions: ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.

    Name Type Required Description
    ParamName String No parameter name.
    AliasValueList Array of AliasValueConf No Alias-value configuration.


    The manifest info used when Type is DASH.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    Windows Integer No The total duration of each manifest in seconds. [30, 3600], type: integer, default value 60.
    MinBufferTime Integer No The minimum cache time (in seconds) that the player keeps in the buffer. [2, 60], type: integer, default value 30.
    MinUpdatePeriod Integer No The minimum time (in seconds) that the player should wait before requesting an update to the manifest. [2, 60], type: integer, default value 2.
    SuggestedPresentationDelay Integer No The time from the latest live broadcast time point when the player starts broadcasting is a rollback amount (in seconds). [2, 60], type: integer, default value 10.


    The authentication information of channel endpoints.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannelEndpoint, ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.

    Name Type Required Description
    WhiteIpList Array of String No The security group allowlist in CIDR format.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BlackIpList Array of String No The security group blocklist in CIDR format.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AuthKey String No The authentication key. Its value is same as X-TENCENT-PACKAGE set in the HTTP request header.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Channel endpoint information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, CreateStreamPackageChannelEndpoint, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Endpoint name.
    Url String Endpoint URL.
    AuthInfo EndpointAuthInfo Endpoint authentication information.
    Protocol String Endpoint protocol.
    Manifest String Manifest name, default is main.
    TimeShiftEnable Boolean Whether to turn on the time shift function, true: on, false: off, the default is off.
    TimeShiftDuration Integer The number of days in the time shift window, up to 30 days. Valid when TimeShiftEnable is turned on.
    SSAIEnable Boolean Advertising insertion function switch.
    SSAIInfo SSAIConf Ad insertion function configuration information.
    CustomUrlParamIndex Integer The customer-defined url parameter is inserted into the subscript at the specified position of the Endpoint url. The optional range of the subscript is: [0,3].
    CustomUrlParam String Customer-defined url parameters are inserted into the specified position of the Endpoint url based on the CustomUrlParamIndex.
    The parameters can only contain digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), with a length of 1 to 64 chars.


    HarvestJob response info.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageHarvestJob, DescribeStreamPackageHarvestJob, DescribeStreamPackageHarvestJobs.

    Name Type Description
    ID String HarvestJob ID, a globally unique identifier.
    ChannelName String The associated channel name.
    EndpointName String The associated endpoint name.
    TimeFormat String Time format, supports the following types: 1. Epoch seconds 2. ISO-8601
    StartTime String HarvestJob start time.
    EndTime String HarvestJob end time.
    Destination String The path where the recording file is stored in COS.
    Manifest String The file name of the recording file stored in COS.
    Status String The task status is divided into running: Running, execution completed: Completed, and execution failure: Failed.
    ErrMessage String HarvestJob error message.
    CreateTime Integer HarvestJob creation time, timestamp in seconds.
    ChannelId String The associated ChannelID.
    Region String The region corresponding to the harvest job.


    Channel input authentication information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels, ModifyStreamPackageChannelInputAuthInfo.

    Name Type Description
    Username String Username.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Password String Password.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Channel input.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.

    Name Type Description
    Url String Channel input URL.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AuthInfo InputAuthInfo Channel input authentication information.


    Linearly assembled channel information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No Linear assembly channel name.
    Tier String No Define the characteristics of the channel. Standard supports live broadcast and on-demand sources, while Basic only supports on-demand source arrangement.
    PlaybackMode String No The source switching mode in the channel is divided into Linear and Loop. Live broadcast only supports Linear.
    TimeShiftConf TimeShiftInfo No Time shift configuration, vod is valid.
    SlateConf SlateInfo No Spacer configuration.
    Outputs Array of OutputInfo No output information.
    AttachedPrograms Array of String No List of programs bound to this channel.
    ProgramSchedules Array of ProgramScheduleInfo No program information.
    Id String No ID.
    Region String No Region.
    State String No State.
    TimeShiftEnable Boolean No Time shift on switch.
    CreateTime Integer No Channel creation time, unix seconds timestamp.


    Channel linear assembly program information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No Channel linear assembly program information.
    SourceType String No The type of the arrangement target source, divided into live broadcast and on-demand.
    SourceLocationId String No The associated source location id.
    SourceId String No SourceId, uniquely identifies a source.
    SourceName String No The associated live broadcast or on-demand broadcast, source name, and location are globally unique.
    AttachedChannel String No The bound channel.
    PlaybackConf PlaybackInfo No Play configuration.
    AdBreaks Array of AdBreakInfo No AdBreaks.
    Id String No ID.
    Region String No Region.
    SourceLocationName String No SourceLocation name.


    Channel Linear Assembly Location Alarm Information.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocationAlerts.

    Name Type Description
    LocationId String Location ID.
    Code Integer Alarm event code.
    Category String Alarm classification.
    Message String Alarm message.
    LastModifiedTime Integer Update time.
    LocationName String Location name.


    Linear assembly channel configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    Windows Integer No Time window, in seconds.
    AdMarkupType String No Enter the format of the output advertising tag. Optional values are: Date Range and Enhanced SCTE-35.



    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.

    Name Type Required Description
    Key String No Key.
    Value String No Value.


    Custom server information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSourceLocation, ModifyStreamPackageSourceLocation.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No name.
    Url String No address.


    Channel linear assembly output information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String No HLS DASH.
    GroupName String No The output group name can be associated with the source group name.
    ManifestName String No The file name output by the channel program after scheduling.
    ManifestConf ManifestInfo No The manifest info, used when Type is HLS.
    PlaybackURL String No Playback address.
    DashManifestConf DashManifestInfo No The manifest info, used when Type is DASH.


    Channel linear assembly output information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String No Output type, distinguish HLS DASH.
    GroupName String No The output group name can be associated with the source group name.
    ManifestName String No The file name output by the channel program after scheduling.
    ManifestConf ManifestInfo No The manifest info, used when Type is HLS.
    DashManifestConf DashManifestInfo No The manifest info, used when Type is DASH.


    program playback configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms.

    Name Type Required Description
    Duration Integer No Program duration, in milliseconds, valid for live broadcast.
    TransitionType String No Program startup method, live broadcast only supports Absolute, on-demand also supports Relative.
    StartTime Integer No Unix timestamp, the start execution time of the program in the Absolute scenario.
    RelativePosition String No It is related to the insertion order of the selected program, divided into After and Before.
    RelativeProgramId String No The selected insertion reference program id.
    ClipRangeConf ClipRangeInfo No Spacer configuration.
    RelativeProgramName String No RelativeProgramName.


    program playback configuration request.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.

    Name Type Required Description
    TransitionType String No Program startup method, live broadcast only supports Absolute, on-demand also supports Relative.
    Optional values: Absolute, Relative.
    StartTime Integer No Unix timestamp, the start execution time of the program in absolute scenarios.
    Duration Integer No Program duration, in milliseconds, valid for live broadcast.
    RelativePosition String No It is related to the insertion order of the selected program, divided into After and Before.
    RelativeProgramId String No The selected insertion reference program id.
    ClipRangeConf ClipRangeInfo No Spacer configuration.


    Channel input and output.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.

    Name Type Description
    Inputs Array of InputInfo Channel input list.
    Endpoints Array of EndpointInfo Channel output list.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Channel Linear Assembly Program Aggregation Alarm Information

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannelAlerts.

    Name Type Description
    ProgramId String Program ID.
    ProgramName String Program name.
    Category String Alarm classification.
    Count Integer The number of occurrences
    LastModifiedTime Integer Update time.


    Channel linear assembly program alarm information details.

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannelAlerts.

    Name Type Description
    ChannelId String Channel ID.
    ChannelName String Channel name.
    ProgramId String ProgramID.
    ProgramName String ProgramName.
    Code Integer Alarm event code.
    Category String Alarm classification.
    Message String Alarm message.
    LastModifiedTime Integer Update time.


    The scheduling information of the Program under this channel.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels.

    Name Type Required Description
    ProgramName String No program name.
    ProgramId String No program id.
    SourceType String No source type.
    SourceId String No source id.
    SourceLocationId String No The id of the source location.
    StartTime Integer No Start timestamp.
    Duration String No Duration.


    SSAI ad insertion configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannelEndpoint, ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.

    Name Type Required Description
    AdsUrl String No Advertising Decision Server URL (ADS).
    ConfigAliases Array of ConfigAliasesInfo No Parameter configuration.
    SlateAd String No Default advertising url.
    Threshold Integer No Maximum unfilled duration, unit: seconds.
    DashMPDLocation Boolean No Whether to enable mpd location, true corresponds to enable, false corresponds to disable.
    AdMarkerPassthrough Boolean No Whether to enable transparent transmission of advertising tags.
    SCTE35AdType Integer No How to process tags in advertisements, optional values: [1,2]
    1: Process all SCTE-35 type tags - all (default)
    2: SCTE-35enhanced, parse some types.
    AdTriggers Array of Integer No The type of tag that is regarded as an advertisement, optional values: [1,8]
    1. Splice insert
    2. Provider advertisement
    3. Distributor advertisement
    4. Provider placement opportunity
    5. Distributor placement opportunity
    6. Break
    7. Provider overlay placement opportunity
    8. Distributor overlay placement opportunity.
    DeliveryRestrictions Integer No The type of distribution restriction that is considered an advertisement, optional values: [1,4]
    2:Restricted (default)


    SourceLocation shim configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocations, ModifyStreamPackageSourceLocation.

    Name Type Required Description
    DefaultSegmentUrl String No Default content source address.
    NameServers Array of NameServer No Custom server address.


    Channel linear assembly channel spacer configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceLocationId String No The ID of the source location.
    VodSourceName String No The corresponding vod shim content source name.


    Channel Linear Assembly Location Alarm Information

    Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageSourceAlerts.

    Name Type Description
    SourceId String Source ID.
    SourceName String Source name.
    Code Integer Alarm event code.
    Category String Alarm classification.
    Message String Alarm message.
    LastModifiedTime Integer Update time.



    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSources.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No name.
    Type String No The source type distinguishes between live broadcast and on-demand Vod.
    PackageConf Array of SourcePackageConf No Source configuration.
    Id String No ID.
    CreateTime Integer No Create timestamp.
    UpdateTime Integer No Update timestamp.
    Region String No Region.


    SourceLocation configuration information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocations.

    Name Type Required Description
    Id String No ID, unique identification.
    Name String No SourceLocation name.
    Region String No area.
    BaseUrl String No BaseUrl information.
    SegmentDeliverEnable Boolean No Whether to enable patching.
    SegmentDeliverConf SegmentDeliverInfo No Patch configuration.
    AttachedLiveSources Array of String No List of bound live broadcast source ids.
    AttachedVodSources Array of String No List of bound on-demand source ids.
    CreateTime Integer No Source location creation time, Unix timestamp.
    UpdateTime Integer No Source location last modified time, Unix timestamp.
    SegmentDeliverUsePackageEnable Boolean No Whether to enable package distribution sharding, it is enabled by default.


    Source file information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSources, ModifyStreamPackageSource.

    Name Type Required Description
    GroupName String No Group name. When the channel is in Linear mode and vod source is selected, the group name corresponds to the output group name of the channel output.
    Type String No Type, distinguish between HLS and DASH, optional values: HLS, DASH.
    Path String No access path.



    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.

    Name Type Required Description
    EventID String No EventID.
    AvailNum String No AvailNum.
    AvailExpected String No AvailExpected.
    ProgramID String No ProgramID.


    Linearly assembled channel time-shift configuration information.

    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.

    Name Type Required Description
    TimeWindows Integer No Lookback window, in seconds.



    Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.

    Name Type Required Description
    EventID String No EventID.
    UPIDType String No UPIDType.
    UPID String No UPID.
    TypeID String No TypeID.
    Num String No Num.
    Expected String No Expected.
    SubsegmentNum String No SubsegmentNum.
    SubsegmentsExpected String No SubsegmentsExpected.