API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail | Creates a task to add and publish a network policy in the container network | 20 |
AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail | Creates a task to configure and publish a YAML network policy in the container network | 20 |
AddNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail | Creates a task to add a network policy in the container network | 20 |
AddNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail | Creates a task to add a YAML network policy in the container network | 20 |
CheckNetworkFirewallPolicyYaml | Creates a task to check a YAML network policy in the container network | 20 |
ConfirmNetworkFirewallPolicy | Creates a task to confirm a network policy in the container network | 20 |
CreateNetworkFirewallClusterRefresh | Distributes a refresh task in the container network cluster | 20 |
CreateNetworkFirewallPolicyDiscover | Creates a task to sync a network policy from the container network cluster | 20 |
CreateNetworkFirewallPublish | Creates a task to publish a network policy in the container network | 20 |
CreateNetworkFirewallUndoPublish | Creates a task to revoke a network policy in the container network | 20 |
DeleteNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail | Creates a task to delete a network policy in the container network | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallAuditRecord | Queries the list of cluster policy audits | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallClusterList | Queries the list of clusters | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallClusterRefreshStatus | Queries the progress of the asset query task in the container network | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallNamespaceLabelList | Queries the list of cluster network namespace labels | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallPodLabelsList | Queries cluster network Pod labels | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail | Views the details of a policy in the container network cluster | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDiscover | Queries the progress of a network policy sync task in the container network | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyList | Queries the list of cluster network policies | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyStatus | Queries the execution status of a network policy in the container network | 20 |
DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail | Views the details of a YAML network policy in the container network cluster | 20 |
UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail | Creates a task to update and publish a network policy in the container network | 20 |
UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail | Creates a task to update and publish a YAML network policy in the container network | 20 |
UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail | Creates a task to update a network policy in the container network | 20 |
UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail | Creates a task to update a YAML network policy in the container network | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateCheckComponent | Installs the check component | 20 |
CreateClusterCheckTask | Creates a cluster check task | 20 |
CreateRefreshTask | Distributes a refresh task | 20 |
DescribeAffectedClusterCount | Gets the number of affected clusters | 20 |
DescribeAffectedNodeList | Queries affected node types | 20 |
DescribeAffectedWorkloadList | Queries affected workload types | 20 |
DescribeCheckItemList | Queries all check items | 20 |
DescribeRefreshTask | Queries a refresh task | 20 |
DescribeRiskList | Queries the list of risk items in a cluster | 20 |
DescribeTaskResultSummary | Queries the overview of a check result | 20 |
DescribeUnfinishRefreshTask | Queries the information of an unfinished asset refreshing task | 20 |
DescribeUserCluster | Queries a cluster asset | 20 |
SetCheckMode | Sets the check mode and automatic check | 20 |
DescribeClusterDetail | Queries the details of a cluster | 20 |
DescribeClusterSummary | Queries the overview of cluster assets | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddComplianceAssetPolicySetToWhitelist | Ignores assets and check items | 20 |
AddCompliancePolicyAssetSetToWhitelist | Ignores the specified check item IDs and asset IDs | 20 |
AddCompliancePolicyItemToWhitelist | Ignores the specified check item IDs | 20 |
CreateComplianceTask | Creates a compliance check task | 20 |
CreateExportComplianceStatusListJob | Creates a task to export security compliance information | 20 |
DeleteComplianceAssetPolicySetFromWhitelist | Removes assets and check items from the ignored list | 20 |
DeleteCompliancePolicyAssetSetFromWhitelist | Removes check items and assets from the allowlist | 20 |
DeleteCompliancePolicyItemFromWhitelist | Unignores check items | 20 |
DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo | Queries the details of an asset | 20 |
DescribeComplianceAssetList | Queries the list of assets of a certain type | 20 |
DescribeComplianceAssetPolicyItemList | Queries the list of check items of an asset | 20 |
DescribeCompliancePeriodTaskList | Queries the list of scheduled tasks | 20 |
DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedAssetList | Queries the list of assets affected by a check item | 20 |
DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedSummary | Queries the information affected by a check item | 20 |
DescribeComplianceScanFailedAssetList | Queries the list of assets that failed the last check | 20 |
DescribeComplianceTaskAssetSummary | Queries the aggregated information of the asset pass rate in the last task | 20 |
DescribeComplianceTaskPolicyItemSummaryList | Queries the list of aggregated information of check items in the last task | 20 |
DescribeComplianceWhitelistItemList | Queries the allowlist | 20 |
InitializeUserComplianceEnvironment | Initializes the compliance baseline check environment | 20 |
ModifyCompliancePeriodTask | Edits a scheduled task | 20 |
ScanComplianceAssets | Checks the specified asset again | 20 |
ScanComplianceAssetsByPolicyItem | Checks the specified asset again with the specified check item | 20 |
ScanCompliancePolicyItems | Checks the specified check item again | 20 |
ScanComplianceScanFailedAssets | Checks the assets that failed the last check again | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAbnormalProcessRulesExportJob | Exports abnormal process rules | 20 |
DeleteRiskSyscallEvents | Deletes a high-risk syscall event at runtime | 20 |
DeleteRiskSyscallWhiteLists | Deletes an allowed high-risk syscall at runtime | 20 |
DescribeRiskSyscallEventsExport | Exports the list of high-risk syscalls at runtime | 20 |
DescribeRiskSyscallNames | Queries the list of names of high-risk syscalls at runtime | 20 |
DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteListDetail | Queries the details of the allowlist of high-risk syscalls at runtime | 20 |
DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteLists | Queries the allowlist of high-risk syscalls at runtime | 20 |
ModifyRiskSyscallStatus | Changes the status of a high-risk syscall event | 20 |
DescribeRiskSyscallEvents | Queries the list of high-risk syscalls at runtime | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddEditReverseShellWhiteList | Adds or edits an allowed reverse shell | 20 |
DeleteReverseShellEvents | Deletes a reverse shell event at runtime | 20 |
DeleteReverseShellWhiteLists | Deletes an allowed reverse shell at runtime | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellDetail | Queries the details of a reverse shell event at runtime | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellEventsExport | Exports the list of reverse shells at runtime | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellWhiteListDetail | Queries the details of the allowlist of reverse shells at runtime | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellWhiteLists | Queries the allowlist of reverse shells at runtime | 20 |
ModifyReverseShellStatus | Changes the status of a reverse shell event | 20 |
DescribeReverseShellEvents | Queries the list of reverse shell events at runtime | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DeleteEscapeWhiteList | Deletes an allowed escape | 20 |
CreateEscapeWhiteListExportJob | Creates a task to export the allowlist of escapes | 20 |
CreateEscapeEventsExportJob | Creates a task to asynchronously export escape events | 20 |
AddEscapeWhiteList | Adds an allowed escape | 20 |
DescribeEscapeEventTendency | Queries the trend of pending escape events | 20 |
DescribeEscapeEventsExport | Exports the list of container escape events | 20 |
DescribeEscapeRuleInfo | Queries the information of a container escape scan rule | 20 |
DescribeEscapeSafeState | Queries the container escape security status | 20 |
DescribeEscapeWhiteList | Queries the allowlist of escapes | 20 |
DescribeEscapeEventTypeSummary | Queries the types of container escape events and the number of pending events | 20 |
ModifyEscapeEventStatus | Changes the status of a container escape scan event | 20 |
ModifyEscapeRule | Modifies the information of a container escape scan rule | 20 |
ModifyEscapeWhiteList | Modifies an allowed escape | 20 |
DescribeEscapeEventDetail | Queries the details of a container escape event | 20 |
DescribeEscapeEventInfo | Queries the list of container escape events | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddEditAbnormalProcessRule | Adds or edits an abnormal process policy | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageBindRuleInfo | Queries the list of rules bound to images | 20 |
AddEditAccessControlRule | Adds or edits an access control policy at runtime | 20 |
AddEditRiskSyscallWhiteList | Adds or edits an allowed high-risk syscall at runtime | 20 |
CreateDefenceVulExportJob | Creates a task to export vulnerabilities that can be prevented | 20 |
CreateEmergencyVulExportJob | Creates a task to export emergency vulnerabilities | 20 |
CreateProcessEventsExportJob | Creates a task to asynchronously export abnormal process events | 20 |
CreateRiskDnsEventExportJob | Export malicious request events | 20 |
CreateSystemVulExportJob | Creates a task to export system vulnerabilities | 20 |
CreateVulContainerExportJob | Creates a task to export containers affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
CreateVulImageExportJob | Creates a task to export images affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
CreateVulScanTask | Creates a vulnerability scan task | 20 |
CreateWebVulExportJob | Creates a task to export web vulnerabilities | 20 |
DeleteAbnormalProcessRules | Deletes an abnormal process policy at runtime | 20 |
DeleteAccessControlRules | Deletes an access control policy at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessEventTendency | Queries the trend of pending abnormal process events | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessEventsExport | Exports the list of abnormal process events at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessLevelSummary | Counts the number of pending abnormal process events at each severity level | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessRuleDetail | Queries the details of an abnormal process policy at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessRules | Queries the list of abnormal process policies at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessRulesExport | Exports the list of abnormal process policies at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAccessControlRuleDetail | Queries the details of an access control policy at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAccessControlRules | Queries the list of access control policies at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAccessControlRulesExport | Exports the list of access control policies at runtime | 20 |
DescribeEmergencyVulList | Queries the list of emergency vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeSupportDefenceVul | Queries the list of vulnerabilities that can be prevented | 20 |
DescribeVulContainerList | Queries the list of containers affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeVulDetail | Queries vulnerability details | 20 |
DescribeVulImageList | Queries the list of images affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeVulScanInfo | Queries the information of a vulnerability scan task | 20 |
DescribeVulScanLocalImageList | Queries the list of local images in a vulnerability scan task | 20 |
DescribeWebVulList | Queries the list of web application vulnerabilities | 20 |
ModifyAbnormalProcessRuleStatus | Changes the status of an abnormal process policy at runtime | 20 |
ModifyAbnormalProcessStatus | Changes the status of an abnormal process event | 20 |
ModifyAccessControlRuleStatus | Changes the status of an access control policy at runtime | 20 |
ModifyAccessControlStatus | Changes the status of an access control event at runtime | 20 |
OpenTcssTrial | Activates TCSS trial | 20 |
StopVulScanTask | Stops a vulnerability scan task | 20 |
DescribeAccessControlEventsExport | Exports the list of access control events at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail | Queries the details of an abnormal process event at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAbnormalProcessEvents | Queries the list of abnormal process events | 20 |
DescribeAccessControlDetail | Queries the details of an access control event at runtime | 20 |
DescribeAccessControlEvents | Queries the list of access control events at runtime | 20 |
DescribeRiskSyscallDetail | Queries the details of a high-risk syscall event | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail | Adds the details of an image repository | 20 |
AddEditImageAutoAuthorizedRule | Adds or edits an automatic licensing rule for local images | 20 |
AddIgnoreVul | Adds ignored vulnerabilities in a vulnerability scan | 20 |
CheckRepeatAssetImageRegistry | Checks whether an image repository name is duplicated | 20 |
CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTask | Creates an image scan task for an image repository | 20 |
CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTaskOneKey | Creates a quick image scan task for an image repository | 20 |
CreateAssetImageScanTask | Creates an image scan task | 20 |
CreateComponentExportJob | Exports the list of components in a local image | 20 |
CreateImageExportJob | Creates an image export task | 20 |
CreateOrModifyPostPayCores | Creates or edits the upper limit for elastic billing | 20 |
CreateVulDefenceEventExportJob | Creates an exploit prevention event export task | 20 |
CreateVulDefenceHostExportJob | Creates a task to export servers with exploit prevention enabled | 20 |
CreateVulExportJob | Exports the list of vulnerabilities in a local image | 20 |
DeleteIgnoreVul | Unignores vulnerabilities in a vulnerability scan | 20 |
DescribeAssetAppServiceList | Queries the list of application services | 20 |
DescribeAssetComponentList | Queries the list of container components | 20 |
DescribeAssetDBServiceList | Queries the list of database services | 20 |
DescribeAssetHostList | Queries the list of servers | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageDetail | Queries the information of an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageHostList | Queries the servers associated with an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageList | Queries the list of images | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageListExport | Exports the list of images | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryAssetStatus | Views the update progress of the assets in an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryDetail | Queries the image repository details | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryList | Queries the list of image repositories | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryListExport | Exports the list of images for an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail | Views the details of an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryList | Queries the list of image registries | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskInfoList | Queries the list of image high-risk behaviors of an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskListExport | Exports the list of sensitive data for an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryScanStatusOneKey | Queries the quick image scanning status of an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistrySummary | Queries the image statistics of an image repository. | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList | Queries the list of viruses and trojans in an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusListExport | Exports the list of trojan information for an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulList | Queries the list of image vulnerabilities of an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulListExport | Exports the list of vulnerabilities for an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRiskList | Queries the list of risks in an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageRiskListExport | Exports the list of risks in an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageScanSetting | Gets the image scan settings | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageScanStatus | Queries the image scanning status | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageScanTask | Queries the ID of a running quick image scan task | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageSimpleList | Queries the brief information list of an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageVirusList | Queries the list of viruses in an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageVirusListExport | Exports the list of trojans in an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageVulList | Queries the list of vulnerabilities in an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetImageVulListExport | Exports the list of vulnerabilities in an image | 20 |
DescribeAssetPortList | Queries the list of occupied ports | 20 |
DescribeAssetProcessList | Queries the list of processes | 20 |
DescribeAssetWebServiceList | Queries the list of web services | 20 |
DescribeAutoAuthorizedRuleHost | Queries the servers licensed according to an automatic licensing rule | 20 |
DescribeContainerSecEventSummary | Queries the overview of pending events | 20 |
DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedLogList | Queries the list of automatic image licensing results | 20 |
DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedRule | Queries an automatic licensing rule for local images | 20 |
DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedTaskList | Queries the list of automatic image licensing tasks | 20 |
DescribeImageComponentList | Queries the list of components in an local image | 20 |
DescribeImageRegistryNamespaceList | Queries the list of namespaces for an image repository | 20 |
DescribeImageRegistryTimingScanTask | Views a scheduled task of an image repository | 20 |
DescribeImageRiskSummary | Queries the overview of local image risks | 20 |
DescribeImageRiskTendency | Queries the trend of local image risks | 20 |
DescribeImageSimpleList | Queries the list of all images | 20 |
DescribeNewestVul | Queries the latest list of vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribePostPayDetail | Queries the pay-as-you-go billing details | 20 |
DescribeScanIgnoreVulList | Queries the list of vulnerabilities ignored in a scan | 20 |
DescribeSecEventsTendency | Queries the trend of security events at runtime | 20 |
DescribeSystemVulList | Queries the list of system vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeValueAddedSrvInfo | Queries the information of the required value-added service | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceEventTendency | Queries the trend of exploit prevention events | 20 |
DescribeVulIgnoreLocalImageList | Queries the list of local images ignored in a vulnerability scan | 20 |
DescribeVulIgnoreRegistryImageList | Queries the list of repository images ignored in a vulnerability scan | 20 |
DescribeVulImageSummary | Queries the statistics of images affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeVulLevelImageSummary | Queries the numbers of images affected by emergency vulnerabilities at each severity level | 20 |
DescribeVulLevelSummary | Queries the numbers of vulnerabilities at each severity level | 20 |
DescribeVulRegistryImageList | Queries the list of repository images affected by vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeVulScanAuthorizedImageSummary | Counts the number of licensed but not scanned images on the vulnerability scanning page | 20 |
DescribeVulTendency | Queries the trend of vulnerabilities | 20 |
DescribeVulTopRanking | Queries the list of top vulnerabilities | 20 |
ModifyAsset | Refreshes server assets | 20 |
ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStop | Stops an image scan task for an image repository | 20 |
ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStopOneKey | Stops a quick image scan task for an image repository | 20 |
ModifyAssetImageScanStop | Stops an image scan | 20 |
ModifyImageAuthorized | Batch licenses images to be scanned (v2.0) | 20 |
ModifyVulDefenceEventStatus | Changes the status of an exploit prevention event | 20 |
RemoveAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail | Deletes the details of an image repository | 20 |
RenewImageAuthorizeState | Licenses an image to be scanned | 20 |
SwitchImageAutoAuthorizedRule | Enables/Disables automatic licensing for local images | 20 |
SyncAssetImageRegistryAsset | Refreshes the assets in an image repository | 20 |
UpdateAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail | Updates the details of an image repository | 20 |
UpdateImageRegistryTimingScanTask | Updates a scheduled task for an image repository | 20 |
DescribeAssetHostDetail | Queries the details of a server | 20 |
DescribeAssetSummary | Queries the statistics of containers and images under an account | 20 |
DescribeContainerAssetSummary | Queries the asset overview | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceEventDetail | Queries the details of an exploit prevention event | 20 |
DescribeVulSummary | Queries the overview of vulnerability risks | 20 |
ModifyVulDefenceSetting | Edits the exploit prevention settings | 20 |
DescribeAssetContainerDetail | Queries the information of a container | 20 |
DescribeAssetContainerList | Queries the list of containers | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceEvent | Queries the list of exploit prevention events | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceHost | Queries the list of servers with exploit prevention enabled | 20 |
DescribeVulDefencePlugin | Queries the list of exploit prevention plugins | 20 |
DescribeVulDefenceSetting | Queries the exploit prevention settings | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddEditWarningRules | Adds or edits an alert policy | 20 |
DescribeWarningRules | Gets the list of alert policies | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAccessControlsRuleExportJob | Exports file tampering detection rules | 20 |
CreateK8sApiAbnormalEventExportJob | Creates K8sApi abnormal event export jobs | 20 |
CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleExportJob | Creates K8sApi abnormal rule export jobs | 20 |
CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo | Creates K8sApi abnormal event rules | 20 |
DeleteK8sApiAbnormalRule | Deletes tK8sApi abnormal event rules | 20 |
DescribeAssetClusterList | Queries the list of clusters | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventInfo | Querying details of a K8s API exception event | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventList | Queries the K8sApi abnormal event list | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo | Queries K8sApi abnormal request rule details | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleList | Queries the K8sApi abnormal request rule list | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeList | Queries rules for K8s API exceptions. | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalSummary | Queries the statistics of K8sApi abnormal events | 20 |
DescribeK8sApiAbnormalTendency | Queries the trend of K8sApi abnormal events | 20 |
ModifyK8sApiAbnormalEventStatus | Modifies the status of K8sApi exception events | 20 |
ModifyK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo | Modifies the information of K8sApi abnormal rules | 20 |
ModifyK8sApiAbnormalRuleStatus | Modifies the status of K8sApi abnormal event rules | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAssetImageScanSetting | Sets an image scan | 20 |
CreateAssetImageVirusExportJob | Creates a task to export the list of trojans in a local image | 20 |
CreateHostExportJob | Creates a task to export the list of servers | 20 |
DeleteMachine | Uninstalls the agent | 20 |
DescribeABTestConfig | Gets the current canary configuration of the user | 20 |
DescribeAgentDaemonSetCmd | Queries parallel container installation commands | 20 |
DescribeAgentInstallCommand | Queries agent installation commands | 20 |
DescribeAssetSyncLastTime | Queries the last asset sync time | 20 |
DescribeExportJobDownloadURL | Queries the URL to download the result of an exportation task. | 20 |
DescribeExportJobManageList | Queries the export job management list. | 20 |
DescribeInspectionReport | Queries check reports | 20 |
DescribePromotionActivity | Queries promotions | 20 |
DescribeTcssSummary | Queries the TCSS overview | 20 |
DescribeUnauthorizedCoresTendency | Queries the trend of daily unlicensed cores | 20 |
ModifyContainerNetStatus | Isolates a container | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateSearchTemplate | Adds a search template | 20 |
DeleteSearchTemplate | Deletes a search template | 20 |
DescribeESAggregations | Gets the aggregation result of the ES field | 20 |
DescribeESHits | Gets the list of ES query files | 20 |
DescribeIndexList | Gets the index list | 20 |
DescribeLogStorageStatistic | Gets the statistics of the log search usage | 20 |
DescribePublicKey | Gets the public key | 20 |
DescribeSearchExportList | Exports the list of ES query files | 20 |
DescribeSearchLogs | Gets historical search records | 20 |
DescribeSearchTemplates | Gets the list of search templates | 20 |
DescribeSecLogAlertMsg | Queries a security log alert message | 20 |
DescribeSecLogCleanSettingInfo | Queries the settings of security log cleanup | 20 |
DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsOptions | Queries the options of security log delivery to CLS | 20 |
DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsSetting | Queries the settings of security log delivery to CLS | 20 |
DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaOptions | Queries the options of security log delivery to Kafka | 20 |
DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaSetting | Queries the settings of security log delivery to Kafka | 20 |
DescribeSecLogJoinTypeList | Queries the list of security log access types | 20 |
DescribeSecLogKafkaUIN | Queries the UIN of a Kafka security log | 20 |
ModifySecLogCleanSettingInfo | Modifies the settings of security log cleanup | 20 |
ModifySecLogDeliveryClsSetting | Updates the configuration of security log delivery to CLS | 20 |
ModifySecLogDeliveryKafkaSetting | Updates the settings of security log delivery to Kafka | 20 |
ModifySecLogJoinState | Changes the security log access status | 20 |
ModifySecLogKafkaUIN | Modifies the UIN of a Kafka security log | 20 |
ResetSecLogTopicConfig | Resets a security log topic | 20 |
DescribeSecLogJoinObjectList | Queries the list of accessed security log objects | 20 |
ModifySecLogJoinObjects | Modifies an accessed security log object | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateVirusScanAgain | Performs another virus scan at runtime | 20 |
DescribeExportJobResult | Queries the result of an export task | 20 |
DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleDetail | Queries the details of an automatically isolated trojan sample | 20 |
DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleDownloadURL | Queries the download URL of an automatically isolated trojan sample | 20 |
DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleList | Queries the list of automatically isolated trojan samples | 20 |
DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSetting | Queries the settings of automatic trojan isolation | 20 |
DescribeVirusEventTendency | Queries the trend of trojan events | 20 |
DescribeVirusManualScanEstimateTimeout | Queries the estimated timeout period of a quick trojan scan | 20 |
DescribeVirusSampleDownloadUrl | Queries the download URL of a trojan sample | 20 |
DescribeVirusScanTaskStatus | Queries the status of a virus scanning task at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusScanTimeoutSetting | Queries the timeout settings of a file scan at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusSummary | Queries the trojan overview at runtime | 20 |
ExportVirusList | Exports the list of virus scanning events at runtime | 20 |
ModifyVirusAutoIsolateExampleSwitch | Enables/Disables automatic trojan sample isolation | 20 |
ModifyVirusAutoIsolateSetting | Modifies the settings of automatic trojan isolation | 20 |
ModifyVirusFileStatus | Updates the status of a trojan file at runtime | 20 |
ModifyVirusScanTimeoutSetting | Modifies the timeout settings of a file scan at runtime | 20 |
StopVirusScanTask | Stops a trojan scan task at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusMonitorSetting | Queries the real-time monitoring settings of virus scanning at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusScanSetting | Queries virus scanning settings at runtime | 20 |
ModifyVirusMonitorSetting | Updates the real-time monitoring settings of virus scanning at runtime | 20 |
ModifyVirusScanSetting | Updates virus scanning settings at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusList | Queries the list of virus scanning events at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusTaskList | Queries the list of virus scanning tasks at runtime | 20 |
CreateVirusScanTask | Performs a quick virus scan at runtime | 20 |
DescribeVirusDetail | Queries the information of a trojan file at runtime | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeImageAuthorizedInfo | Queries the image licensing information | 20 |
DescribeSecLogVasInfo | Queries the information of the security log product | 20 |
DescribeProVersionInfo | Checks whether the Pro Edition needs to be purchased | 20 |
DescribePurchaseStateInfo | Checks whether TCSS is purchased | 20 |