API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateDedicatedCluster | Creates a CDC. | 20 |
CreateDedicatedClusterOrder | Creates a CDC order. | 20 |
CreateSite | Creates a site. | 20 |
DeleteDedicatedClusters | Deletes a CDC. | 20 |
DeleteSites | Deletes a site. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacity | Queries the Cloud Object Storage (COS) capacity of the CDC. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatistics | Queries the statistic information of the host in the CDC. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterHosts | Queries host information of the CDC | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypes | Queries instance types supported by the CDC. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterOrders | Queries the list of CDC orders. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview | Queries overview of the CDC | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusterTypes | Queries the configuration list of the CDC. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedClusters | Queries the CDC list. | 20 |
DescribeDedicatedSupportedZones | Queries the list of AZs supported by the CDC. | 20 |
DescribeSites | Queries the site list. | 20 |
DescribeSitesDetail | Queries site details. | 20 |
ModifyDedicatedClusterInfo | Modifies the CDC information. | 20 |
ModifyOrderStatus | Modifies order status. | 20 |
ModifySiteDeviceInfo | Modifies the information about devices in the equipment room. | 20 |
ModifySiteInfo | Modifies the equipment room information. | 20 |