API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateTargetGroup | Creates a target group | 20 |
DeleteTargetGroups | Deletes a target group | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroups | Queries target group information | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroupList | Obtains a target group list. | 20 |
ModifyTargetGroupAttribute | Modifies target group attributes | 20 |
AssociateTargetGroups | Associates a CLB with a target group | 20 |
DisassociateTargetGroups | Disassociates a CLB from a target group | 20 |
RegisterTargetGroupInstances | Adds instances to the target group | 20 |
DeregisterTargetGroupInstances | Unbinds instances in the target group | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroupInstances | Obtains the list of instances bound to the target group | 20 |
ModifyTargetGroupInstancesWeight | Modifies the server weight of a target group | 20 |
DescribeTargetGroupInstanceStatus | Queries the backend service status of a target group | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateGatewayLoadBalancer | Purchases a GWLB Instance | 20 |
DeleteGatewayLoadBalancer | Deletes a GWLB instance | 20 |
DescribeGatewayLoadBalancers | Queries the list of GWLB instances | 20 |
ModifyGatewayLoadBalancerAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a GWLB instance | 20 |
InquirePriceCreateGatewayLoadBalancer | Queries the price for purchasing a GWLB | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeTaskStatus | Queries the status of an async task | 20 |