tencent cloud


Live Porn Detection

Last updated: 2023-02-27 15:47:12

    To use the porn detection capability of CSS, you need to enable screencapturing. You can use the porn detection feature either by configuring it in the CSS console or by using APIs. This document shows you how to use porn detection APIs.


    If your COS bucket allows public read access and has politically sensitive, pornographic, or other inappropriate content, to avoid the bucket being blocked, please delete the content first.

    Enabling Porn Detection

    Because the porn detection feature is based on screencapturing, you need to enable screencapturing first.

    1. Create a screencapturing template with porn detection enabled

    Call CreateLiveSnapshotTemplate, setting PornFlag to 1 to create a screencapturing template with porn detection enabled.

    2. Create a screencapturing rule

    Call CreateLiveSnapshotRule, setting TemplateId to the ID of the screencapturing template created in step 1 to associate the template with the target AppId, DomainName, AppName, and StreamName.

    3. Start live streaming

    After you create a screencapturing rule with porn detection enabled, the porn detection feature will be automatically enabled for new streams. If you want to enable porn detection for an ongoing stream, you need to stop and restart the stream.

    Getting the Porn Detection Result

    After porn detection is enabled, you can configure a registered domain name in the porn detection callback template to receive callbacks of porn detection results.


    By default, callbacks are sent only if suspicious content is detected.

    1. Create a porn detection callback template

    Call CreateLiveCallbackTemplate, setting PornCensorshipNotifyUrl to your domain name to create a porn detection callback template.

    2. Create a porn detection callback rule

    Call CreateLiveCallbackRule, setting TemplateId to the ID of the callback template created in step 1 to associate the template with the target AppId, DomainName, and AppName.

    3. Get the porn detection result

    The CSS backend will send porn detection results to your domain in the form of HTTP POST requests. You can find the results in JSON format in the request body. The type field indicates whether a live stream contains pornographic content.


    The system cannot achieve 100% accuracy. There may be false positives or false negatives. We recommend you review the images suspected of being pornographic using the type field.

    The parameters are as follows:

    Parameter Required Data Type Description
    streamId No String The stream name.
    channelId No String The channel ID.
    img Yes String The link of the suspicious image.
    type Yes Array The value of the label with the highest priority in the detection result. For details, see the description in label.
    score Yes Array The confidence score.
    ocrMsg No String The OCR result (if any).
    suggestion Yes String The suggestion. Valid values:
    • Block
    • Review
    • Pass
    label Yes String The label with the highest priority in the detection result (LabelResults). This is the result generated by the model. Please handle different types of violations based on your business needs.
    subLabel Yes String The sub-label of the label with the highest priority in the detection result, such as porn - sexual acts. If no sub-labels are hit, this field will be empty.
    labelResults No Array of LabelResult The label hit results generated by the category model, including the detection of pornographic content, ads, terrorist content, and politically sensitive content.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    objectResults No Array of ObjectResult The detection results generated by the object model, including the label name, hit score, coordinates, scenario, and suggestion for suspicious objects, advertising logos, QR codes, etc. For details, see the data structure of ObjectResults.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ocrResults No Array of OcrResult The OCR result, including the text recognized, the text coordinates, and the suggestion. For details, see the data structure of OcrResults.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    libResults No Array of LibResult The detection results generated by the block/allowlist library.
    screenshotTime Yes Number The time when the screenshot was taken.
    sendTime Yes Number The Unix timestamp when the request was sent.
    stream_param No String The push parameter.
    app No String The push domain.
    appid No Number The application ID.
    appname No String The push path.


    The label hit result generated by the category model.

    Parameter Type Description
    Scene String The scene identified by the model, such as advertising, pornographic, and harmful.
    Suggestion String The operation suggested by the system for the current label. Please handle different types of violations based on your business needs. Valid values:
    • Block
    • Review
    • Pass
    label String The label hit.
    SubLabel String The sub-label.
    Score Integer The confidence score for the label.
    Details Array of LabelDetailItem The sub-label hit details.


    The sub-label hit details.

    Parameter Type Description
    Id Integer The sequence ID.
    Name String The sub-label.
    Score Integer The sub-label score. Value range: 0-100.


    The object detection result.

    Parameter Type Description
    Scene String The object scene identified, such as QR code, logo, and OCR.
    Suggestion String The operation suggested by the system for the current label. Please handle different types of violations based on your business needs. Valid values:
    • Block
    • Review
    • Pass
    label String The label hit.
    SubLabel String The sub-label.
    Score Integer The sub-label score. Value range: 0-100
    Names Array of String The object names.
    Details Array of ObjectDetail The object detection details.


    The object detection details. If the scene identified is object, advertising logo, or QR code, this parameter returns the label name, label value, label score, and location information.

    Parameter Type Description
    Id Integer The ID of the object identified.
    Name String The label hit.
    Value String The value or content of the label hit. For example, if the label is QR code (QrCode), this parameter is the URL of the QR code.
    Score Integer The score of the label hit. Value range: 0-100. For example, QrCode 99 indicates a high likelihood that the content is a QR code.
    Location Location The coordinates (of the top-left corner), dimensions, and rotation of the object detection frame.


    The location information of the suspicious content.

    Parameter Type Description
    X Float The horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner.
    Y Float The vertical coordinate of the top-left corner.
    Width Float The width.
    Height Float The height.
    Rotate Float The rotation angle of the detection frame.


    The OCR result.

    Parameter Type Description
    Scene String The scene identified. Default value: OCR.
    Suggestion String The operation suggested by the system for the label with the highest priority. Please handle different types of violations based on your business needs. Valid values:
    • Block
    • Review
    • Pass
    label String The label hit.
    SubLabel String The sub-label.
    Score Integer The confidence score of the sub-label. Value range: 0-100.
    Text String The text.
    Details Array of OcrTextDetail The OCR details.


    The OCR details.

    Parameter Type Description
    Text String The text recognized (up to 5,000 bytes).
    label String The label hit.
    Keywords Array of String The keywords hit under the label.
    Score Integer The confidence score of the label. Value range: 0-100.
    Location Location The OCR text coordinates.


    The result generated by the block/allowlist library.

    Parameter Type Description
    Scene String The scene identified. Default value: Similar.
    Suggestion String The operation suggested by the system. Please handle different types of violations based on your business needs. Returned values:
    • Block
    • Review
    • Pass
    label String The label hit.
    SubLabel String The sub-label.
    Score Integer The confidence score. Value range: 0-100.
    Details Array of LibDetail The block/allowlist library detection details.


    The custom library or block/allowlist library detection details.

    Parameter Type Description
    Id Integer The sequence ID.
    ImageId String The image ID.
    label String The label hit.
    Tag String A custom label.
    Score Integer The confidence score. Value range: 0-100.

    Sample callback

    "ocrMsg": "",
    "type": [1],
    "socre": 99,
    "screenshotTime": 1610640000,
    "level": 0,
    "img": "",
    "abductionRisk": [],
    "faceDetails": [],
    "sendTime": 1615859827,
    "suggestion": "Block",
    "label": "Porn",
    "subLabel": "PornHigh",
    "labelResults": [{
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "Illegal",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Details": []
    }, {
    "HitFlag": 1,
    "Scene": "Porn",
    "Suggestion": "Block",
    "Label": "Porn",
    "SubLabel": "PornHigh",
    "Score": 99,
    "Details": [{
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "PornHigh",
    "Score": 99
    }, {
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "WomenChest",
    "Score": 99
    }, {
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "Sexy",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Details": []
    }, {
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "Terror",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Details": []
    "objectResults": [{
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "QrCode",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Names": [],
    "Details": []
    }, {
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "MapRecognition",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Names": [],
    "Details": []
    }, {
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "PolityFace",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Names": [],
    "Details": []
    "ocrResults": [{
    "HitFlag": 0,
    "Scene": "OCR",
    "Suggestion": "Pass",
    "Label": "Normal",
    "SubLabel": "",
    "Score": 0,
    "Text": "",
    "Details": []
    "streamId": "teststream",
    "channelId": "teststream",
    "stream_param": "txSecret=40f38f69f574fd51126c421a3d96c374&txTime=5DEBEC80",
    "app": "5000.myqcloud.com",
    "appname": "live",
    "appid": 10000,
    "event_type": 317,
    "sign": "ac920c3e66**********78cf1b5de2c63",
    "t": 1615860427

    Disabling Porn Detection

    You can disable porn detection by deleting the screencapturing rule or modifying the screencapturing template. The change only takes effect for new streams. If you want to disable porn detection for an ongoing stream, you need to stop and restart the stream.

    1. Delete the screencapturing rule

    Call DeleteLiveSnapshotRule, passing in the DomainName, AppName, and StreamName bound to the screencapturing template ID to delete the screencapturing rule.

    2. Modify the screencapturing template

    Call ModifyLiveSnapshotTemplate, setting PornFlag to 0.

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