tencent cloud


Custom Hotwords

Last updated: 2024-11-18 19:41:29
    Custom hotwords can significantly improve Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) accuracy in recognizing particular words. If different words have the same pronunciation, the hotword with the highest weight will be used. Currently, hotwords are only supported for Mandarin Chinese and English. Hotwords take effect 10 minutes after successful configuration.

    Creating a Library

    1. Log in to the CSS console, and click Feature Configuration > Live Subtitles > Custom Hotwords.
    2. Click Create library. In the pop-up window, fill in the configuration information.
    Configuration Item
    The prefix of the library name is always "hotword". It only supports English letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), and contains up to 30 characters.
    Direct Import
    Toggle this on if you want to import hotwords from a file. Click Select File, and then select a file from your computer. Make sure that the file meets the following requirements:
    File format: TXT.
    File size: within 100 KB.
    File encoding: UTF-8 or GBK encoding.
    Add hotwords here.
    Multiple hotwords are separated by commas, with a maximum of 128 hotwords.
    Words and weights are separated by a vertical bar (|), for example, Tencent Cloud|10, ASR|10. The weight range for hotwords is 1 to 10. The higher weight a hotword has, the more likely it will be used.
    3. Click Confirm, and the hotwords are added.

    Viewing a Library

    On the Custom Hotwords page, click the name of the library you want to view on the left side, and view its detailed information in the pop-up window.
    The information includes the library name, lexicon table ID, last updated time, number of hotwords, and list of hotwords and their weights.

    Modifying a Library

    1. On the Custom Hotwords page, find the library you want to modify, click Edit on the right, and then modify the configuration information of the library in the pop-up window.
    2. Click Confirm to save the current template and complete the modification of the custom library.

    Deleting a Library

    1. On the Custom Hotwords page, find the library you want to delete, and then click Delete on the right.
    2. A confirmation box will pop up. Click OK to delete the custom library.
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