Basic Configuration Item | | Description |
Template Name | | Live recording template name, customizable (only Chinese characters, English letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are supported). |
Template Description | | Live recording template description, customizable (only Chinese characters, English letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are supported). |
Storage Location | | You can choose to store data in Amazon S3 or Google Storage. |
Recording Content | Original stream | The recording video records the original stream by default and retains its live original bitrate. When this configuration is selected, recording will be performed before live transcoding (including transcoding, watermarking, and stream mixing), and the recording video has no transcoding, watermarking and stream mixing effects. When the original stream is pushed and recorded via WebRTC, audio playback may not be compatible. In this case, it is recommended to select "Watermarked stream" or "Transcoded and watermarked stream". |
| Watermarked stream | When this configuration is selected, recording will be performed after the live stream is watermarked according to the configured watermark template. If no watermark template is configured, the original stream will be recorded. |
| Transcoded and watermarked stream | Click Transcoded and watermarked stream to select a configured transcoding template, or click the name of a template to modify the transcoding template configuration. When this configuration is selected, transcoding will be automatically initiated based on the transcoding template ID after a push, and recording will be performed. If the transcoding template is mistakenly deleted, the effect will be equivalent to that of the recording content "Watermarked stream". |
Time zone | | You can choose UTC+8 or UTC. When this parameter is set to UTC+8, the time in the filename will be in UTC+8. When this parameter is set to UTC, the time in the filename will be in UTC. |
Recording Format | | Videos can be output in the formats of HLS, FLV, MP4, and AAC (for audio-only recording). |
Basic Recording Format Configuration Item | Description |
HLS File Segmentation | The HLS file segmentation feature is disabled by default. If the post-processing service is needed, it is recommended to enable HLS file segmentation and set the duration of individual recording files in the HLS format. If HLS file segmentation is enabled, the duration of individual recording files in the HLS format can be set to define the duration of files generated by post-recording processing. If HLS file segmentation is disabled, recording in the HLS format will continue until the live streaming ends. If post-recording processing is set, it will also be initiated after the recording is complete. |
Max Recording Time Per File (min) | Audio/Video - HLS There is no upper limit on the recording duration of a file in the HLS format. In case of exceeding the resumption timeout, a new recording file will be generated to continue recording. When a recording file in the HLS format is stored to COS, the duration of a single TS file is 10 seconds by default. When HLS file segmentation is enabled, the duration of a single recording file in the HLS format can range from 1 to 720 minutes. Audio/Video - FLV The duration of a single file recorded in FLV format is limited to 1 to 720 minutes.. Audio/Video - MP4 The duration of a single file recorded in MP4 format is limited to 1 to 720 minutes. Audio-only - AAC The duration of a single file recorded in AAC format is limited to 1 to 120 minutes. |
Resumption Timeout (sec) | The resumption timeout directly affects the time it takes to generate a recording file. When the interval of stream interruption does not exceed the set resumption timeout, only one file will be generated from a single live stream. However, the recording file will be received only after the resumption timeout has elapsed, and recording costs will be incurred during the resumption timeout. Set the resumption timeout reasonably. Only HLS format supports resuming recording after stream interruptions, with the resumption timeout period being configurable from 1 to 1,800 seconds. |
Sub-Account | You need to fill in Access Key ID so that the system can identify and verify the user's identity. You need to fill in Access Key to ensure the security of data transmission. Access Key ID and Access Key are crucial credentials for authentication and authorization with cloud service providers (Amazon S3 and Google Storage). They are typically provided by cloud service platforms and are used to securely access and manage cloud resources. If you lose or forget this information, follow cloud service providers' instructions to retrieve or reset it. |
Storage Path | Enter your bucket information in the Bucket field. Note that it should not exceed 100 characters. Region refers to the geographic location of the said Bucket. Enter your Region information, such as: ap-southeast-1, and ensure it does not exceed 100 characters. |
Folder | The default recording storage folder is {RecordSource}/{Domain}/{AppName}/{StreamID}/{RecordId}/{StartYear}-{StartMonth}-{StartDay}-{StartHour}-{StartMinute}-{StartSecond} .Its variables are as follows: {RecordSource} : recording content, which is origin for the original stream and transcoding template ID for the transcoded stream.{StartYear} : start time - year{StartMonth} : start time - month{StartDay} : start time - day{StartMinute} : start time - minute{StartSecond} : start time - second{Domain} : push domain name{AppName} : push path{StreamID} : stream ID{RecordId} : recording ID, which distinguishes recording rules/recording tasks. In case of a recording task, it shows the task ID (that is, the ID is returned by CreateRecord).(/) indicates a hierarchical relationship and (-) is an ordinary character. |
Upload while recording | The upload while recording feature is disabled by default. You can manually enable this feature based on your business needs. Currently, only the FLV format supports the upload while recording feature. Once enabled, it allows immediate upload of files after recording ends, supports a recording file duration of up to 12 hours, and enhances FLV recording's disaster recovery capability. Playback files may experience stutter when being dragged for online playback, but this does not affect local playback. |
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